

A man who had lost everything.An almighty power, the [Zero Code] held within his hand.“Player Kim Su Hyun, do you truly wish to revert the time of Hall Plain?”“I want to go back 10 years. To that period when I first came here.”

DaoistDpKqyc · Fantasy
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125 Chs

Chapter 99 00099 Suhyun's Frenzy

"Ahhhh... "

At the same time he opens his mouth, an orb spreads around his body feeling uneasy. But I didn't stop running. All the monsters on the second floor we've met have been fake. Even a Manehair Knight could have done something tricky, so I couldn't lose my cool. There's a difference between a corner and an even corner. Ah, except gas.

He also straightens his shield and swings his sword to make sure that I don't feel strange. Once again, the dark blue sword blooms, and its energy spills into me. However, this simple attack did not work for me in the first place.

If he had intended to gain experience, he would have called An-hyun. I'm a little sorry for the well, but I've already decided to end the battle quickly.

Shhh! Shhh...

The Sword Specialist's power cuts the blade at once, and you can see the light in the helm burn even more intensely.

Tr an s l a te d by Jpmt l .c om Me and him charge forward. I merely intended to raise my shield firmly and break it, but then I frowned as I saw the black energy seeping through his shield.

At that moment, I heard Jeongyeon chanting from behind.

" ─ ─ ─. Ice Canon! "

Ice Cannon is a water high order. Probably casted it to remove even the shield before I went in. Immediately, you can see a long passageway of ice that runs straight into his shield at the same time. And...

Pfft! Pfft!

"Ah…? "

The shield of the Manehair Knight was held by a young Black Energy and the ice cannon of Jungyeon sparked each other, but that was also brief. The two men who had been on the tug for a while had the result of the ice cannon being eaten into the shield. The shield with the Manehair Knight absorbed the spell of the Deadly Queen.

T r anslat e d b y Jp m tl .c o m The labs have done all kinds of strange things. You hear a voice filled with doubts about Jeongyeon, but I forcefully raise my foot. I don't know what kind of trick he's playing, but just get rid of the shield.


This time, I was quite sincere in my power, so the knights of the hammer couldn't bear my strength and missed my shield. I could feel his expression, but I was embarrassed for some reason. And, whoosh, I smiled in contrition as I watched the ice cannon fire from the shield floating into the air toward the ceiling. He was trying to give it back to me. In my distraught heart, I hit my chest hard with a sword full of magical power.

"Ahhhh...! "

His chest gloves sink and slide back and forth. And as if I had the chance, the well swung its head in front of me and chased after the farther knights of the spirit.


Tsk. You didn't spill any nasty synthetics this time. No, not this. Anyway, the knight of the Manehawk, who was pushed back and forth, stabbed his back against the wall. As you miss your shield, his guard is partially emptied, so the well swung the dagger immediately. It was a drum Nanda Dagger that I showed you earlier.

"Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot! "

The well wields its dagger like a storm, making a sound that I don't understand if it's flowing or not. Honestly, it's not like An-hyun to stab you deeply in one stroke, but it's like swinging it at random, but it was never as good against unarmed enemies as I was.

After checking his condition, I put the sword back and turned around. Then the group that was watching us quietly glances at me with their eyes wide open. Even Vivian, who was just casting another spell, looked up.

"Tongue, brother. "


"N-no... the monster is still... "

"Hmm? I guess it's over. "

As you turn your head after muttering, you can see the Manehair Knight tearing himself apart after a sad scream. This was due to the explosion of the nucleus that constituted his interior during the first brawl and a huge shock that shook his interior.

T ra n slat e d b y Jpmtl .co m After shrugging your shoulders, you turn around again, and the group looks out at the well. I can't help it. As long as we decide to raise the target tempo quickly, we have to give up some of the children's experience.

"Yay! I took him down! Have you seen An-hyun?"

The well jumped up and down shouting, feeling a little better. Jeongyeon sighed and sighed because of the new purpose. However, the two of them did not show a very different behavior to see if they had something to say. But it wasn't An-hyun.

"Yi, this is ridiculous! "


Suddenly, I looked at Ahn Hyun, who was suddenly complicating, with a surprising face.



When I asked her in a cold voice, Ahn Hyun shouted at me with his icy eyes.

"This is not the reason! He only fed you the last thing you did! "

"Hmm... Then? "

When I confronted him, An-hyun's face suddenly brightened. He also turned his gaze to the well with a smile.

"Look, you do the same thing. Where are you going to brag about your last meal? "

" .... "

I've been forgetting their nature for a while. That's not the point, you dumb fucks. I wanted to say, but nothing bad for me, so I just sighed instead of answering. After taking turns with Jung Yeon and me, I had a very complicated gaze.

Tra nsl a t e d by jpmt l.co m On the one hand, he was looking at the view that he couldn't believe, but on the other hand, he was looking at something that he felt sorry for.

"Why do you look so sad? "

"... You must be having a hard time raising the kids. "

"Haha... haha. "

When I smiled bitterly, it was only then that Jeongyeon shed a light smile. And in the meantime, the quarrel between Ahn Hyun and Yu continued.

"No? Have you not seen my fancy dagger? "

"I don't want to be angry. It's a wild card. "

"Phew. I don't dance with spears like anyone else. "

Do you mean what you did to support me when I was fighting Giants on the first floor? At that time, Ahn Hyun almost missed the window by mistake, but it seemed like he was teasing about it. An-hyun also had a pretty face to remember what happened at that time.

The two begin to speak out again toward each other. I could barely hear the swearing.

The atmosphere was turning violently unnecessary. Did I just say that shit? But I didn't want to embarrass you in front of other users as long as you've been with me. I was about to scream out loud as I frowned.

"Stop it!"

At that moment, Ansol stepped forward and shouted loudly. At her shout, Ahn Hyun and Yu shut their mouths for a moment. Both of you will be surprised at Ansol's furious shout, which was always silent. The brush looks like it thinks it's cute, but it's just cute to me.

"What are you and your sister doing? Don't you remember what Soo-hyun said earlier? "

"Th-that's... "

They glance at me and say, and then they look at me, and then they bow their heads. I'm sure you don't have anything to say. I decided to keep my arms crossed and keep an eye on things. They were kids I wouldn't listen to, but if I was yelled at by a kid younger than myself, there might be something different about them. T r a nslate d b y jpmt l.co m

"We're exploring. But if you keep spoiling things like that, I don't want you, I don't want you, I don't want you, and I don't want the Wizard. Don't you know that the more you do that, the more you hurt Soo-hyun, the captain of the caravan? "

Oh, my goodness. You speak well. He's not a very good talker. Have you always wanted an opportunity?

Both of them became angry, but Sol's words were right. The well that had been seedling for a while opened its mouth with a ballsten voice to make sure it couldn't stay down.

"But... An-hyun keeps picking on me first. I fought hard too... "

As if admitting that, Sol nods solemnly. No, but I admit to what it is.

"Yes, it was definitely An-hyun's fault. "

"Hey, that's because he's not as proud of me as he was of me. "

"It's not like that. My brother was too sensitive. Is it so hard for you to just compliment me for doing a good job? "

In the words of the brush, the well became a hot face. I tried to make fun of myself, but I still couldn't listen to Sol who covered me. Now I'm like, "No, I meant to tease you..." It's obvious that the arrows of the blame will fall on someone.

An-hyun turns a blank face to see if she was shocked that the brush didn't take her side.

"Ha. You need a compliment. I can't. No, I won't. There's nothing to do. What are you doing? "

"Phew... Oppa. It's not like that."

The brush stands in front of the well that was about to get sticky.

"It's all because I want to be complimented by my brother. My brother always bruised his sister's wells. He didn't say a compliment once or twice. "

" .... "

However, Ahn Hyun was silent. After holding a gracious, mother-like smile, the brush approached Ahn Hyun and squeezed his hand. An-hyun still did not turn his head, but he did not spray his hands. It looked like a mother comforting her son. The rest of the party settles in.

Ansol strokes his head with his remaining hand with an endless amount of kindness.

"There's a saying that even whales praise dancing. If my brother dances, my sister will definitely... No. "

"? "

The brush pauses as it speaks and raises a question mark overhead. It was like he realized something was wrong with his head tilting.

When we focused on Ansol's march, we suddenly felt like we didn't know anything about it, and then we realized what it was.

" .... "

" .... "

Suddenly, the heavy static settles among the group. I closed my eyes trying to come out with a smile for some reason. I tried to calm the inside somehow, but I couldn't. It's been a long time since I've had this hard time in my life.

Cadduck. Cadduck.

When she opened her eyes, Jeongyeon also kept her lips shut. However, the sound that came from her mouth was somehow enduring as she gritted her teeth. It was the same situation for Shin Yong to move his mouth. Only Vivian, who doesn't live on Earth, tilts her head. However, the well was not very patient.


"… hmm. I'm confused for a second. "


"Hmmm. Anyway. "


Eventually, an unbearable well bursts first. Ansol tries to keep things going, but he stops whenever he hears the laughter of the well. The rest of the party is patient, but the well starts rolling, smiling at the ground to die. The brush's face lights up red, and she lets out a stuttering voice once more.

"Shi, it's a mistake! Stop smiling! "

"Aha! Dance, haha! Compliments, hahaha! "

"Y-you have to stop laughing! "

The well grabbed the boat for a while and laughed. It quickly stood up and held two daggers in both hands. Soon after that, she let down her dagger and started shaking her butt, looking at me. It was a hideous dance, but she opened her mouth quietly.

"This is not a dance. I'm complimenting my brother. "

One word from the well. And that was the signal of laughter.



I finally burst out a big smile to see if Jeong Yeon and Shin could not stand the sight. I too, Ahn Hyun, eventually had to smile. It was not so funny that I made a mistake and dropped it at once while holding onto the old atmosphere. Sol tries to calm things down with a red face, but when he sees nothing to stop, he bursts into tears.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Hi, I'm Royujin.

Ah, it's past 6: 00 this morning. It can't be torture for this long.) I didn't think I'd get hit. Hahaha. And I saw the comments.

Yes, I will try not to swing around as much as I can in the future. (Thank you for your comments and messages, hokoya1.)


1. IDI: Congratulations on getting 1st place. Haha. I hope you enjoy the 99 times.

2. FB: Thank you. Thanks to that, I was able to gain strength. (__)

3. williams: Thank you for your valuable advice. I'm pretty sure that's possible. Deployment may be a bit boring, but I'll do my best to make it fun. Best Regards (__)

4. Toranoanal: Hmm. I was wondering what Vivian's video was. Hmm. Thank you. (?!)

5. Silverknight: No. No, no, no! Phew.

6. aporia.: Great! I'll take it! Come here... I'm sorry. T

7. GradeRown: Vivian is angry without thinking about what she has done. You evil Vivian! (?!)

8. Human life: Oh my. Pohang, this is too far. Haha; I'll take 100 breaks and get right to it. Honestly, I could use a little rest today, but I can't help but think about the life you've been waiting for! I can't take a minute, but I'll calm down, wash up, and work 100 times straight away! Fight!

9. Wagon: Right! Conclusion: Exploitation of the author! This doesn't seem like a very good choice… Phew.

10. Wheel: Yes. It's possible, because there's a lot of difficulty when power is released without even trying. Hahaha.

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I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you're not too sad you're not in Rifles.

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So I'm going to step back today.

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