

A man who had lost everything.An almighty power, the [Zero Code] held within his hand.“Player Kim Su Hyun, do you truly wish to revert the time of Hall Plain?”“I want to go back 10 years. To that period when I first came here.”

DaoistDpKqyc · Fantasy
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125 Chs

Chapter 30 00030. What's wrong with you?

"After you found the cabin, you said your brother was looking around for a while. That's when we talked about you. "

"We talked about something. "

"We talked about the other survivors I met today. That's when a man threw a dagger at you. And you kissed him with an arrow, right? "

At Gimhanstar's words, I quietly shook my head. At that time I was assuming the worst. If friendship and Seon Yoon insisted on dying, we would have died, too, unless we showed the skills I saw. That's why I was thinking of tying one up and getting started.

"And Ahn Hyun stopped the dagger with his shield. "

"That's right."

"Everyone is great, An-hyun. Thank you. They're pulling over. But do you know what he says when he sees you behave today? " Tran slat ed b y jp m t l .c o m

" .... "

I had a vague idea of what would happen after a moment, but I didn't want to hear it. However, Kim Hanbyol opened his mouth before I opened my mouth.

"Everyone is silent in front of me. I'm surprised. Ansol was crying because he was scared. An-hyun and Yu-jung's sister were shocked to some extent. That's not the end. I don't think I was too direct with her today. "

"Hm. I see. "

When I dared nod my head, Gimhanbyol became a stunned face.

"Hm. I see. No. It's not unfair, right? I did it to protect my sister, and everyone didn't want to tell me, so I don't deserve you to say that. You don't like it either? "

Maybe he couldn't read the nuances of subtly different ideas. I was a little disappointed, but I didn't want to take it so seriously. It'll be too late to get into the Hall Plain anyway, but they might have something to kill. Tr a ns la te d b y jpmt l.com

Kim Hanbyol said in a tone of voice that relieved me that my peaceful face was frustrated.

"He's always thinking about himself, thinking about himself. I try to do most of the heavy lifting by myself. Of course, I know you didn't mean any harm. "

"There seems to be a misunderstanding. Wait…."

"I don't want to be a misunderstanding. As I told you before, my brother's judgment was always reliable. I think so, too. "

At Gimhanstar's words, I felt the stone pounding in my heart and landing. After leaving the city, I could often see her staring at me. Especially when I and An-hyun were discussing what to do next. I didn't think anything would happen at the time, so I just handed it over to him, but I think Hanbyol caught it tight today.

"Not really. We…."

"Brother, please put it at ease. "

I cut off my words and stuttered for a moment when I talked to Kim Han-suh. Looking at her with round eyes, she looks at me with a grumpy face.

"Yes, yes? "

"Say it again. Why don't you just do it with me while you're relaxing with the other sisters?" "

"… Okay. "

It was a moment, but I was pushed. Me, me. Hall Plane Year 10 User….

Let's stop. When I see Kim Han-sung, I think of Han So-young by myself. It is not simply a unique charisma of abilities. Clearly, there were many subtle emotions in the way I looked at her. That's what it was like when I first saw it.

I cough and say what I couldn't say before.

"It's not always my decision to make. Not you, not me, not Hyun, not Sol. All together, head to head. " Tr ans l at e d by Jp m t l .c om

"Don't lie to me. But you didn't include her if she had the least conscience. "

"Hasn't Hyuni suffered more than me? It was great fighting those monkeys today. "

"There you go again. Please don't do that to me, even if it might work for Ahn Hyun or Yu-jung's sister. Don't try to be subtle. An-hyun cooperated with me and barely caught the two. You took care of two by yourself. It wasn't enough, so the well helped her fight. "

Hanbyol's words pierced my sore spot. It was the same. I felt like I couldn't look down on him. The way he sometimes looked at me was the way he eventually looked at me. It seemed to have come out prepared.

I sighed in my heart. If I heard a little more and felt bad, I decided to throw a direct ball.

"It always has been. in the forest, in the city, and today I met those strangers. He used to take a step back, but he always took a step back when it was really dangerous. If you assume we're a team, you're leading our team, you're leading the column. I'm not An-hyun. So I was angry. I don't know why you should listen to that. "

Are you thinking about me? '

"Well, I don't think so. An-hyun is definitely great. It's moveable, it's driven, it's bold. And I don't think you need to think about it that much. To put it bluntly, we are all leaders, and the rite of passage is where cooperation is important. "

"Stop it. What's wrong with you? "

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about. "

I don't know, but my insides were tingling. I was not confident to see Kim Han-star's calm, cold eyes anymore. It was cold all around her, and I felt like the raging snow was raging. It was really that much.

"Don't lie! Soo-hyun is the one who really decides and takes the lead! You leave what you reveal openly to Ahn Hyun, and why do the hard stuff by yourself? Why do people only say thank you, An-hyun? Why should Han Soo-hyun be afraid of you? And why are you trying so hard to hide that? "

"You…. "

"At this rate, my brother would do the same thing in the same situation again. And there's a chance that this could happen again. The important thing is that we all rely on you a lot during our disappearances. No one will disagree. So I want you to be the leader of our team. If you have any difficulties in the future, just think about it alone, discuss it together, or do it together. If he is the leader, everyone will follow him without complaint. "

Kim Hanbyol was now begging me with almost a plea tone. Honestly, I still didn't feel like it. If the person in front of me was the reason, I would smile and say, "That's the nature of the person," but Kim Hanbyol could feel it. In the meantime, I've been calculating why she brought this up to me. T ran slat ed by Jpmt l.c om

There were conflicts between each other, and dawn's heat was seeping through our bodies. However, Kim Han Star didn't seem to have any intention of leaving. No, I don't think he wants to send me before he answers.

I bit my lip slightly and slowly opened my mouth.

"I…. "


Day 6 morning was bright. After standing at the last horse, Ahn Hyun woke everyone up and began to prepare for the start. It seemed to me like I was in a tizzy position to bite the joints of my whole body with a tired face. I also almost slept through the night with my eyes wide open, but I did not feel tired because I had not slept for about a day.

"Hi, how did you sleep? "

I deliberately greet you in the morning. Ansol was furious with my words, and soon he bowed his head in anxiety and ran away. I'm more embarrassed than I used to be, and I'll pass it on with a hollow smile, but I smiled bitterly when I saw him like that in front of me.

I was listening to An-hyun's heavenly brother indiscriminately asking me if I could keep my head down. She lowers her head again and cries. After that, a reason suddenly approaches and surrounds her. Seeing the two of them fighting, Ansol started to do something.

And I took a step back and watched the scene silently. It was warm. It was really warm. It was probably okay for three brothers and sisters. Their appearance was warm and loving enough to make them forget this place is a rite of passage.

But I had no place to go in there. And I knew that better than anyone. They and I were completely different people. When I killed a hundred users in the past, I thought, Maybe I'm not a person anymore. I didn't know if I'd forgotten myself for a while because I was drunk in their arms.

'The person who used to know me will faint when he sees me now.'

I smiled at myself. Recalling the dark past, even the atmosphere seemed depressing. Ahn Hyun slowly walked towards me with a single smile whether he knew my heart. Perhaps the winner of today's morning argument was Ahn Hyun, who complained behind the scenes.

"Bro. We can make it to the Warp Gate or something today, right?" "

"… Yes. "

T ra nslate d b y Jpm tl .com "We'll get there as soon as we can. Maybe it's your last breakfast here, but why don't you eat it a little harder this morning? You have to eat a lot. "

At An-hyun's four-year-old words, I smiled faintly. His offer to eat breakfast was to shake his head with excitement.

"No, I'm fine. You guys eat breakfast together. "

"Yes? But…. "

"I usually have a habit of not eating before the big day. It can make you nervous enough. "

In my words, Ahn Hyun nodded with a shaky face, and soon turned his head to Kim Hanbyol. She still stares at the air with a cold face. Suddenly, I remembered the stories I talked to Kim Han-suh earlier today.

"Hanbyol, you have morning.... "

"I'm not eating. "

"Huh? Don't do that... "

"I'm not eating. "

Kim Hanbyol didn't listen to everything An-hyun said. Ansol was shaking his agitated fingers, wondering if he was surprised or surprised. An-hyun came out with an awkward face and scratched her head with a nice smile. I opened my mouth with a voice that was much quieter than usual, without thinking about why I was looking back.

"Ah-ha-ha... Then we'll eat alone. "

"Well, I can't help it. More for us. Ho... ho. Brother, Hanbyol. Are we really going to eat all this...? "

Of course, there was no answer from me and Kim Han-suh. For whatever reason, I shook our reactions and shook the beak out of my mouth. At that moment, I felt Kim Han Star looking at me. But I never intended to look away from her. Then the atmosphere became cooler.

Lively day 6 morning.

That morning began with three people noticing from breakfast.