

*>>What if you woke up knowing that you are not a part of the world you have spended 14 years in ?? what is the pure bloodline??It's not the ordinary world ..Search for the inner pace never ends...Magic always stays inside you ..Believe is the door the Magic ...Powers can vanish the visibility of ambasis but believe can change the whole of it ....*

Ashi_Zamir · Fantasy
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27 Chs


Magical classes were started and the students were very suspicious to learn magic or magical things . They have lots of questions in their minds and want to have answer to their questions. The classes were big with much magical stuff in it . Noah has new students with him ,Galdor Igor from his wizards clan ,witches were the girl he met at mart ,Anastasia and Aleera Eron,elf girl Rotnam Toki and boy Eldar Daulfin, Demon boy Delvin Dark and fairies were Tickiling Fross and Azura Smecky,there were two dwarfs boys Kyzmil and Finrod,who were funny and they mess around most .Mr.Patholic was there new magic teacher he was a soft and great wizard ,he was working on the latest magical evolution and give the basic lessons on magic to get his work done ,Ms. Maria Cathode was a young witch with creative magic paths knowledge , Mr .Patholic took their introduction and wanted to hear their visions or the importance of magic to them ? the students gave their views about the magic and what they think they can be with that in the future ,Mr. Patholic wanted to know the mindset of students that what they think of magic ,he asked Anastasia how do you think magic works .Anastasia with a dumbstruck looked at Mr.Patholic ,yup it works when you master it completely , kyzmil & finrod started giggling,Fairies were smiling too .Noah looked at her ,she was just related to her beauty tips ,Delvic cleared his throat, I think the dark keeps your magic strong and creates the last magic .Mr.Patholic ,yawned no it's not like that dark creates a bad magic which never last longs. powerful magic is a good and most depth magic ,well you people will learn magic classes but first 2 years is just the practice to believe in yourself and believe in the magic .The magic is all about believe ,the stronger your believe is on yourself and the thing you are handling whatever magical thing it is the magic will raise as much your believe increases the learning and power of magic will be mastered by itself , Magic is believed not created ,when your believe reached a certain level then the magic takes a powerful shape to be seen by others too ,every single person has his own magic inside, nobody is given the skills of others to use and nor can use them ,whatever Is hidden in you should be polished and shaped the way to that is believe in yourself your skills and work on the magic,its simple if you want to work in it ,but it's very complicated if you focus on other things or other hidden facts you ever have in your minds ,clear them all ,they are useless ,make your mind the platform to go wherever the mind wants to ,God has fixed an ultra systematic machine which is your brains and it has no competitions with others ,one more thing putting you people in competition always reduces your skills to focus on one deadline ,you are a creator of your ideas and your own magic so there is no competition of your skills or mental abilities out there anywhere ,Every human is intellectual and only the one of its own type ,nobody else can be Noah there in the world ,people can have your name may be but not your skills or your personal physical identity ,you are rare and you have to believe this ,Magic is not taking a wand in your hand ,splitting some magical words and world will face a disaster or whatever you want can be done ,its not hard for the fairies to fly but ask them ,Azura Ms.Fairy answer me was it easy for you to fly at the start when you were a baby , the power was in you as you are a fairy but did it happened you started flying yourself? No Azura murmured, she glanced at Mr.Patholic we are taught to believe that we can fly from the first day and we are empowered by the believe of that concept then we try it and as much believe is there we fly .You are right the believe in yourself and the skill makes you grow, and do the thing you want to. Mr.Patholic appreciated the concept ,then he asked Noah as a child did you started talking walking or playing from the very first day after your birth ? Noah with a cloudy impression on his face looked at Mr.Patholic ,I was taught to do these things ,but Noah Mr .Patholic continued the abilities were there in you then why to be taught, Noah babbled because we need to put in the believe in ourselves I guess ,yes true we need to know that there is believe to perform the skills already we have ,the same goes for magic ever entity or humans have extra ordinary skills in them. Many die keeping them inside not even knowing about it , total waste no skill and magic is created by demons or witches or humans it's already a God gifted thing to every entity.and whatever he gives has a limit to it ,So we have to learn which all you have already learned in your early ages that how to believe now it's that how strongly you put your faith in ,and when its stronger you will see the things moving and having your skills enhancing day by day you will be the magician , so first two years of your magical school will be putting your believe and making it stronger, and we all professors can just lend the way you have to walk on it properly ,that's your learning and don't be a competitor be a learner and helper to others will help you enhance your skills ,thanks that was it for todays Introduction ,Now onwards to the other professor ,Have a good day and think about what I said . They had a break time and they were lead to the ground ,where Ms.Maria was waiting for them with a beautiful smile ,hello kids .Happy to see you all ,so it's the start of illusions we are in the ground to make you feel ,the air the the sun its warmth and the every direction has it's own illusional effects so we can start it now you all have to select a particular place in the ground then whatever you want to feel go ahead and do it ,I will be helping you with the feels . They all roamed and select places in the ground ,fortunately Anastasia got a place far to give a touch up to her beauty ,she was always ready with never-ending tools to enhance her beauty but was useless as Noah was never interested in her , Ms Maria was going to each child to check how they were feeling it and what were the feedbacks of feeling, kyzmil was playing with tickling fross ,Delvin was looking at the sun aggressively ,he was a demon and had hard time to feel always . Eldar and finrod were smashing the soil to feel Noah closed his eyes and was feeling the warmth of the sun ,he was thinking about the hottest object and was standing just in the ray position to make the feel stronger , he was good at his feels and now he believed that the sun's Ray's are hugging the world all around and with this feel he roamed around feeling the same thing about the whole world which started beginning to be in depth when turning at a place on a sudden reflection he saw a flying beautiful horse ,who was neighing and running across as he was unhappy ,he stopped there ,and called Ms ,Maria he told the feel to her ,with a surprise range of glance she looked deep in Noah's eyes and then excusing every child she took him to the office of Gabriel and told him everything ,Gabriel looked at Noah and smiled ,you have been working with your feels before boy ,Noah Replied No I never work on it as we are not taught magic at home , is it ok what I saw ,can you tell me the features of the horse you saw please ,Noah focused on the illusion again and he replied ,it was beautifull white horse with no stain and a healthy shiny body he was having the beautiful wings which were shining as they were made of glitters and he was looked as he was not happy ,galloping here around ,Ok the place he observed the feeling you marked it professor looked at Ms Maria ,yes indeed . Look Noah My boy ,I will talk to you later I have a work to do ,let me complete it but for your knowledge ,your feeling spell is strong so keep working on it with a deep illusion thoughts ,good luck boy ,are you feeling ok ,Yup just a little drizzy, naked him rest for a while and let him see around ,Ms Maria send him to the Batch Maker who was having a room full of beds and he always try to create a magical medicine with the help of magical herbs ,he laid Noah on one of his beds,and asked jin to relax ,while he was preparing something. Noah asked him, what he was doing , he smiled looking at Noah and Told him hes preparing a magical powder to work for the other world ,it has been decades but the powder is never essential to create a path to the other worlds ,but you are still trying for it ,Yes it's better to learn and be successful than to give up boy ,that's what we learn ,I have trust it will be a day the powder will work , aah sure Noah glimpsed and close his eyes ,he really wanted to but his mentally nerves on peace .On the other hand Gabriel with the other teachers visited the place where Noah felt and took a look at the position it was the east and that was confirmed now that Slawyer was there somewhere in east ,he gave the direction ,Slawyer was the horse of Gabriel ,Gabriel was a true wizard with the most powerful Magic , His horse was a gift when he came to be a Schools Professor with his excellence academic and learning magical skills from Gerald Glenn ,but the horse vanished before some days and still they were not capable to even find it out what had happened, Gabriel putting the matter in the notice of Gerald asked him to send two special trained forced magical guards to the place to see the circumstances and voyage of the event ,that was done on his request ,he told Gerald that Noah has the force for smirking ability we should find it out ,that was a secret mission ,which was involved by only the Principal and vice principal Froebel . Noah woke up after an hour ,the school was almost off and he went to his room ,the introductory speech of Mr.Patholic was evolving in his mind .What did he really saw ? why only he saw it ? he wanted the answers to it , he took out the book gifted to him by his father ,he opened the book close his eyes, and focused feel me and answer my questions , he opened the eyes and there was written on the book ,what do you want to know? when he saw it ,the words disappeared ,He closed his eyes and again in his mind talking to the book he said ,why could I see something in the Ray's of the sun .He opened the book and there was written ,you felt the sun its warmth and Ray's ordinary has a magical feel every natural thing has ,you were feeling with depth the Ray's of the sun and your mental Ray's clashed and you saw what was hidden.Hidden what does that means ? it was just an illusion ? Book replied ,with your magical concepts and believes you can go through the hidden things all around but your believe should be stronger . You mean I saw something that was real ,may be and the book closed .Noah was surprised by the first ever experience of magic in his life and it was strong ,he went to bed just having many questions in his minds , °~Å~°