
Mávro Margaritári

Set in the same universe as "Shield of reason" a girl from far off has to deal with her own rather normal problems of life.

Eli_me99 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Dates are the worst, no matter your superpower ...

Mavro laught "What did you say ? " She's been in a club since 9 pm, originally arrived with

her friends she lost them somewhere and now there was this boy."You look good", he smiled

"Your skin seems soft as water, almost magical..." Mavro laught *Oh, he has no idea* she

thought. "You are sweet buuut... Are you flirting ?"

The boy, still smiling chuckled "M'Maybe ...would you like that?"

Mavro chuckled back. He was cute, indeed. Rather european with his tall, strong figure and

the blond hair, but she wasn't that bad herself. As the boy said, she had a perfect, colored

skin, this skin always seemed to be wet. Today she only showed her arms and shoulders in

this dress. Still, the dress, lighg blue and tight around her sporty figure, could easily attract

some boys...and even girls...and mavro liked that. "Ok ok boy, spend me a drink and

hopefully you'll come up with a better catchphrase."...

And the boy did. He spend onedrink...two..three...four ...five ...or was it the sixth ? Dang,

Mavro got drunk as the boy filled her up, but what does it matter ? He was nice! Mavro

learned he was a visitor from Germany, his english was a bit staccato but still good. After

some time Mavro and this boy left the club, both drunk, both with red cheeks. The boy gave

the idea of heading to the beach and she wasn't even able to deny. On the way, Mavro

stumbled ... several times so on the last meters towards the beach she layed her arm around

him, chuckling. "Lovely long legs" he said "but hard to walk with while being drunk, right ?"

Her answer was laughing "Drunk ? Who'sch drung ?" Well, at least after these words the

answer was more than obvious.

Only one step away from the ocean, the boy stopped. Turned his face up, towards the stars.

"Hey girl," he said in a soft voice ...well as soft as his accent allowed. "Do you know how

beautiful this view is ? Never seen something like this at home." Mavro was sure he talked

about the stars...the ocean, maybe even the horizon where both of them merged...it was

beautiful. Mavro smiled as she took a step aside, the boy turned towards her while Mavro

looked around."What are you doing ?" He asked.

"Do you belive in magic ?" Her voice was somehow kinky, sassy, then she run towards the

ocean, a straight line... impressive for someone this drunk

"H'hey, wait!" She didn't hear him, got faster and faster to more water she touched. It flowed

around her her and soon she swam... without moving legs or arms, like a torpedo she hit

through the water, leaving a wave behind, then downward...towards the dark bottom, soon

she couldn't see anymore...with her eyes, but her sixth sense told her anything she needed

to know...the swarm of fishes on her right, the can of old, rusty metal on her left. The

pollution made her angry, the anger made her faster but before she could hit the ground

Mavro turned...faster and faster towards the surface.

Then she breached through. Flew several meters upward, a stream of water righg behind

her. It took Mavro some minutes, then she saw the boy. It seemed like he had something in

his hands...a phone ? He looked back at her, scared...the phone fell out of his hands.

Mavro smiled, a steady wave was right under her feets, holding her up, in position. Her dress

wet, her hair wet but her eyes...these brown balls seemed to glow in a blue color as she

looked at the boy...the scared boy...the boy that turned around ...and ran.

Mavros smile broke as she saw him running. The small wave broke to and she sank in the

water...deeper and deeper until the blackness was equal to her feelings. She did it again,

she scared someone...some normal one...

She didn't even know his name...