
Lyrics of Ignatius and Physis

In the year 657 BC, the land of Gamachiana stood on the brink of chaos. The aftermath of the war between the Vollonmours of the south and their mighty dragons had left the earth scarred and desolate. Once a vibrant world teeming with life, it was now a realm where survival was a daily struggle. The Vollonmours, with their dragon lords, had subjugated nearly all the houses, forcing them into submission. Only one house had resisted until the bitter end—the Howling Hounds of the west.

Moses_Samuel_8864 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 3: Scouts and Skirmishes

The moon cast a pale light over the dense forests of Gamachiana as Frenrys's scouts moved silently through the underbrush, their forms blending seamlessly with the shadows. Each step was measured, each breath controlled, as they advanced toward the Valnerynes' encampment. The scent of pine and damp earth mingled with the acrid tang of metal and the faint, distant roar of dragons.

Kiera, the leader of the scout party, motioned for her team to halt. Her sharp eyes scanned the terrain, picking out the flicker of enemy campfires in the distance. She had always possessed an uncanny ability to navigate the wilderness, a skill honed through years of hunting and survival. Her signature move, "Shadow Step," allowed her to move unseen and unheard, a wraith in the night. She whispered a command, and the scouts spread out, positioning themselves for a better view of the enemy's movements.

Flashback: Kiera's Training

Years earlier, Kiera had been a young girl, orphaned by a raiding party from the Ironclad. She had been taken in by the Howling Hounds, and under Nyran's tutelage, she had transformed from a frightened child into a skilled scout and warrior. Nyran had taught her to harness her fear, to let it sharpen her senses rather than dull them. She remembered the grueling hours spent practicing in the forest, learning to move with the grace of a panther and the silence of an owl. Her support move, "Predator's Mark," allowed her to mark a target, making it easier for her allies to track and eliminate.

Back in the present, Kiera watched as Valnerynes' soldiers moved through their camp, their discipline evident in their precise formations and synchronized movements. She signaled to her team to fall back, ensuring they remained undetected. They needed to report back to Frenrys with their findings.

As they made their way back, a sudden noise caught Kiera's attention. She motioned for her scouts to take cover, crouching low among the ferns. The ground trembled slightly, and she realized with a start that a dragon was approaching. The massive beast landed nearby, its scales glinting in the moonlight. Rynero, the fearsome leader of the Valnerynes, dismounted, his eyes scanning the forest.

Kiera's heart pounded in her chest as she and her scouts remained perfectly still, hidden by the foliage. Rynero's presence was intimidating, a testament to the power and ruthlessness that had made him a legend. His signature move, "Dragon's Fury," was known to devastate entire battalions, combining his formidable combat skills with the elemental power of his dragon.

Rynero's support move, "Dragon's Shield," created an impenetrable barrier around him and his allies, deflecting any attacks. Kiera knew that facing him directly would be suicidal. She signaled for her team to retreat, moving with the utmost caution to avoid detection. They needed to get back to the stronghold and warn Frenrys of the impending threat.