
LYRA: The rise of the rookies

In a world where the Warriors protect peace and balance, Lyra, a young rookie in the guild, embarks on exciting adventures with her friends Ik, Touko and Shori. As they face challenges and dangers, they discover their own Zen powers and learn about the mysterious Keiyaku. From combat missions to political intrigue and confrontations with powerful enemies, Lyra and her friends explore a world full of magic, danger and hidden secrets. With each challenge, they grow in skill and confidence, forging strong bonds and facing their destiny as Zen warriors. Along their journey, they will find friendship, love, and discover the true meaning of courage and determination.

Angel_Monzter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

I found you

The next day, Yin, the man who had taken Ik, was sitting at the bar on the edge of the tourist route that Crissalid had mentioned the night before.

The sun filtered through the slats of the blinds, casting golden rays on the weathered face of the old man dealing the cards. The atmosphere was somewhat tense due to the intimidating aura that Yin radiated with every movement.

"Come on, old man, double the bet. I can't stay long today," Yin urged, his deep voice resonating in the bar, laden with impatience.

The old man frowned, his eyes glittering with caution as he looked at the cards in his hand.

"I'm sorry, Yin, I don't have any more cash left. That's all," he replied in a tone that was both apologetic and tinged with distrust.

A spark of malice shone in Yin's eyes, a wicked idea dancing in his twisted mind.

"Idea! Bet the bar. If you win, I'll give you double what this place is worth," he proposed, his smile revealing a row of sharp fangs that gleamed with malice.

Troy, the bar owner, blinked several times, his mind torn between prudence and greed. Finally, tempted by the promise of wealth, he nodded with a nervous smile.

The moment of truth came when both players revealed their cards. Yin proudly showed his hand: three kings and two nines, a Full House. However, Troy's hope did not fade; his cards formed a straight flush from seven to eleven of hearts.

The roar of fury that escaped from Yin's jaws resonated in the small bar, like thunder shaking the earth's foundations. With a swift motion, he overturned the table, the cards flying like leaves in the wind, and with a loud crash, the wood slammed against the wall, shattering the atmosphere of the place.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Yin?!" exclaimed Troy, his voice trembling, fear flickering in his eyes.

But Yin, filled with a primitive and uncontrollable fury, did not respond with words. Instead, his fierce gaze made Troy step back in fear, while the giant with shark teeth continued to vent his rage on the objects around him, each blow echoing as a testament to his unleashed fury.

"Agent Crissalid Star from the city of Zen orders you both to stay put. You are now under arrest," commanded Criss, his imposing figure outlined against the sunlight filtering through the cracks in the bar door, while Lewa stood beside him, maintaining a firm and vigilant stance.

The authoritative tone in Criss's voice resonated in the bar, slicing through the tension-laden air like a sharp knife. Yin, still engulfed in his frenzy of rage, abruptly stopped, his face contorted with a mixture of surprise and defiance. His eyes, dark and filled with fury, locked onto Criss, assessing him cautiously.

Troy, on the other hand, swallowed audibly, his fearful expression reflecting the sudden change in the situation. Criss's words echoed in his mind, and a sense of resignation washed over him as he grasped the gravity of the situation he was now in.

Half an hour earlier, the improvised rescue team was running through the nature reserve while Criss gave instructions about what they were about to do.

The sun was barely peeking through the branches of the trees, weaving a blanket of shadows and golden flashes over the jungle landscape. The fresh morning air resonated with the murmuring of streams and the whispering of leaves moved by the breeze, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and nervousness among the team members.

"Yesterday, I got two locations. We'll split into pairs, but the first team that finds them must inform the other team and head to the other location. Is that clear?" asked Crissalid, his firm and determined voice cutting through the silence of nature as he paused briefly to ensure everyone was paying attention.

The three rookies nodded with determination, their young faces reflecting a mix of excitement and nervousness about the task ahead.

"Lewa and I will go along the main road, and you two will go to the clearing at the end of the river where it turns into a waterfall, to the north," Criss continued, mentally mapping out the path each team should follow.

"So, we won't act? We'll just see if they're there and if they are, we'll let you know?" she inquired, her voice tinged with incredulity at the passivity implied in the plan.

Criss's calm demeanor contrasted with Lyra's agitation as he responded serenely, "Yes, none of you could withstand a fight with that guy... Yin."

"I can't accept that!" exclaimed Lyra, her discontent palpable in every word. "If they're at our location and we have to leave to inform you, they could escape."

"That's why you must use Stealth."

The concern persisted on Lyra's face as she formulated her next argument. "Even so, there's a chance they might leave for any other reason."

"I'm sorry, Lyra, but it's the only way. I can't risk any of you," explained Criss, his tone reflecting a mix of determination and concern.

Lyra nodded, resignation etched on her face as she absorbed the words of her leader.

"Don't worry about Lyra, I'll make sure she doesn't do anything foolish," intervened Touko, her voice firm and determined as she placed a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder, conveying a gesture of silent yet powerful support.

Lyra seemed to instantly grasp Touko's intention, a flash of gratitude shining in her eyes as she nodded with determination.

"I trust you, Touko Fujimori," said Criss, his gaze serious but filled with confidence as he stopped in front of an old wooden sign, its letters barely legible from the rain. "This is where we split up. You two continue to the left until you reach the clearing. We'll follow this path."

With a gesture of farewell, Lyra and Touko set off in silence, the sound of their footsteps resonating in the density of the forest as they moved away from Criss and Lewa.

As they distanced themselves, a comfortable silence settled between them, only broken by the soft rustle of leaves and the murmuring of the nearby stream. Lyra looked at her friend with a genuine smile, grateful for her understanding and support.

"Thanks for forgiving me for yesterday, I really feel bad about it... and thanks for going along with me," Lyra expressed sincerely, her voice soft and filled with gratitude.

Touko returned Lyra's smile warmly, her eyes shining with affection.

"I told you yesterday, you're my best friend and nothing will change that," she replied softly. "But what I told Criss was serious."

"Seriously, you won't let me help Ik?"

Touko's response was firm, her determination palpable in every word.

"No, if it puts you in danger too, I won't let you... if they leave, we can catch up with them again," she declared with conviction, her voice resonating with authority as she reaffirmed her commitment to protecting her friend.

Lyra accepted Touko's words with a resigned sigh, recognizing the wisdom in her decision and accepting her friend's orders with a mix of admiration and gratitude.

Meanwhile, in the clearing at the end of the river, there was a strange young man of the same age as the rookies, dressed in a gray hoodie, pajama pants, and Crocs sandals. Another noticeable feature of the young man was his long, straight, snow-white hair that reached halfway down his back.

With carefree steps, the white-haired young man explored the area, his impatient expression reflected in his eyes as he scrutinized every corner, searching for the figure he expected to find.

"He told me he'd be here at this time. Where the hell is that deformed, unpunctual idiot?" he thought, his frustration growing with each passing moment.

Finally, his eyes settled on a solitary figure under the shadow of a tree, a flash of recognition crossing his face as he spotted Ik, who remained motionless, his gaze lost in the distance.

"Hey, by any chance have you seen a big, muscular guy with piranha-like fangs?" the long-haired young man asked Ik, his voice tinged with impatience as he waited for a response that didn't come.

Ik's lack of reaction did not go unnoticed by the young man, who frowned in perplexity.

"That robotic blink... this must be the kid, but Mr. Khal explicitly told him not to hypnotize him," he reflected, a hint of irritation mixing with his confusion.

"That idiot probably left you like a statue and went to get drunk with the old man at the bar," he assumed with an exasperated sigh, his frustration palpable in his words as he contemplated Ik's inert figure, unaware that Touko and Lyra were watching from a nearby tree.

The two young women remained silent, hidden among the branches, their eyes fixed on the scene unfolding below. Surprise and intrigue shone in their gazes as they processed the revelation of the mysterious young man's identity and his suspicions about Yin's whereabouts.

—I have to go get him," commented Lyra, completely determined, while Touko held her shoulder to stop her, her expression reflecting a mix of determination and concern.

"I can't sense Yin's presence nearby, so he probably left Ik alone with that guy who seems to be our age," explained Touko, her voice calm but tinged with alertness as she carefully assessed the situation.

Lyra's gaze met Touko's, her mind racing to find a solution to their predicament.

"Can you sense that guy's presence? Do you think we can take him down and get Ik back?" asked Lyra, her voice filled with anxiety as she considered the possibilities ahead of them.

Touko frowned, her expression thoughtful as she weighed the available options.

"His presence is somewhat like Shori's. Together, we could handle him, but... I made a promise to Crissalid," she responded, her tone laden with internal conflict as she grappled with the ethical dilemma they faced.

Touko found herself at a crossroads, torn between the desire to help her friend and her commitment to respect her leader's orders.

"Please, Touko, let's just end this. If I were in Ik's place, would you wait longer, knowing you could do something now?" Lyra asked, her voice urgent and determined, challenging her friend with an intense gaze that sought to break through any barrier.

Lyra's words left Touko silent, her expression tense as she wrestled with her own doubts and convictions. With a resigned gesture, Touko released Lyra's shoulder and quietly descended from the tree, her determination now reflected in every movement.

However, in a moment of emotional weakness, Lyra momentarily lost control, her emotions overflowing and revealing her hidden presence. A flash of concern crossed the face of the young man next to Ik, who became alert upon sensing a new presence in the area.

"If this guy is under Yin's nature control, he must have an emergency command," the young man reflected, prepared for any eventuality that might arise.

"List of commands," he demanded, his voice firm and authoritative, attempting to maintain control of the situation.

Ik's response came almost instantly, his robotic tone echoing through the air as he recited the instructions imposed upon him.

"Commands: Remain seated until Yin returns or a member of the pirates arrives; in that case, identify yourself and dictate the command 'New order' to overwrite the commands," Ik recited, his monotonous and mechanical voice revealing the nature of his controlled state.

"Jasha Stanslav, new order: If anyone unidentified as a member of the pirates approaches within a range of five meters or more, attack to kill, use all native vessel abilities," the white-haired young man said firmly and clearly, his voice resonating with authority as he removed his hoodie, steam escaping from his lips. An aura of danger and determination enveloped his figure, signaling the seriousness of his intentions.

Lyra, unable to contain her anger at the imminent threat, emerged from her hiding place with firm steps, her face flushed with contained fury.

"Stay away from him if you don't want to end up in the hospital!" Lyra exclaimed, her voice trembling but full of determination as she faced Jasha with a defiant glare.

Meanwhile, Touko, feeling the weight of responsibility on her shoulders, made a quick decision and joined Lyra in the clearing, her presence now revealed.

"Wait, Lyra, look at Ik's pupils... if it were him, he would have tried to come with us, but he's just staring blankly, following that guy slowly," intervened Touko, her voice calm but laden with concern as she pointed to the young man next to Ik.

Lyra's expression shifted from fury to confusion as she followed Touko's indication, her eyes scrutinizing Ik's face for any sign of recognition.

"Are you saying he could be a decoy?" Lyra inquired, her mind working rapidly to process the information she had just received.

Touko nodded solemnly, her mind analyzing the possibilities quickly and precisely.

"Although it's possible that there could be a Keiyaku that can replicate people, I think it's more likely that Yin or this guy possess 'S-class mentalist nature'; in that case, they could control minds weaker than their own, which means they could order him to attack us," she explained, her voice firm but filled with concern as she considered the implications of the situation.

"Do you have any idea how we could free him from mind control?" Lyra asked, her voice laden with anxiety as she sought a solution to their desperate situation.

Touko frowned, her mind racing as she considered their available options.

"No, that nature is very rare… I guess we'll have to do it by force," she responded, her tone somber, reflecting the gravity of their predicament.

"What do you mean by 'doing it by force'?" Lyra asked, a note of nervousness seeping into her voice as she contemplated the implications of Touko's words.

Touko turned to Lyra, her expression serious but determined as she explained her plan.

"I'll face the white-haired guy, and you'll fight Ik to take him out of commission," she declared, her voice firm and unwavering as she outlined the role each of them had to play in the impending confrontation.

"Take him out of commission? You want me to knock him out?" Lyra inquired, her voice filled with incredulity at the brutality implied in Touko's words.

Touko held Lyra's gaze with seriousness, her determination unshaken despite the uncertainty surrounding their plan.

"Anything that allows us to bring him back. If he's under these people's control, breaking his legs is an option," Touko replied in a cold tone, her mind already prepared for any eventuality that might arise. "Even before we came out, that guy got defensive, which is why he said something to Ik. It's clear he's going to resist."

The gravity of the situation gripped Lyra as she absorbed Touko's words, her mind calculating the risks and consequences of their next course of action.

"Alright, but if you have trouble fighting that guy, I'll come to help you," Lyra assured, her voice firm and determined as she accepted the challenge ahead.

"No, forget I'm here, and I'll do the same for you. For this to work, we both need to focus entirely on winning our fights on our own," Touko explained, her voice firm and resolute as she conveyed the importance of staying focused on their objectives despite the adverse circumstances they faced.

A cold breeze snaked through the trees, enveloping the two young women in an aura of tension and anticipation as the sky darkened completely, foreshadowing the challenge to come. Jasha continued his slow advance toward them, accompanied by Ik, whose mechanical and rigid movements revealed his controlled state.

Meanwhile, a few kilometers away, Lewa and Criss remained hidden among the dense foliage, their eyes scanning the bar for any hint that might reveal the presence of Yin and Ik.

"I hear voices, but I'm not sure. They could be regular customers... no, it's too early to open a bar. Maybe it's the alcohol supplier," murmured Crissalid, his mind working at full speed to decipher the situation.

Lewa's thoughts joined Crissalid's, offering a new perspective on the situation.

"Impossible, only rescue vehicles can access the reserve. If there's a bar here, it must make its alcohol using resources from the reserve," he commented, his voice firm and assured as he provided a logical explanation for the bar's presence in such a remote location.

However, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a deafening crash that echoed through the forest, announcing Yin's entrance with his characteristic destructive force.

"It's him, let's move," ordered Criss, his voice firm and determined as he prepared to confront Yin.

"But weren't we supposed to notify the girls?" questioned Lewa, his concern palpable in every word as he sought to ensure everyone's safety.

"I don't want to put them in danger. You and I can handle him," responded Criss, his unwavering determination evident despite the risks they faced.

"I understand, but given the chaos he caused just in the tournament, he seems quite strong. We should wait until he lowers his guard," suggested Lewa, his mind working quickly to assess the situation and find the best strategy to face their formidable opponent.

However, before he could formulate a response, Criss had already advanced toward Yin, his sense of duty driving him to act without delay. Lewa followed, his mind still grappling with the boldness of his companion's decision.

"He's supposed to be the adult here, why is he acting so impulsively?" Lewa wondered, his confusion growing as he watched Criss confront Yin with bravery.

"Lewa, get the civilian out of the area before he gets hurt!" Criss shouted.

Criss's words resonated in Lewa's ears with urgency, his mind processing the command as he hurried to fulfill his duty. However, before he could act, Yin intervened, firing a beam from his palm at the head of old Troy to give a cruel and shocking order.

"New order: kill the red-haired boy," Yin commanded the man with whom he had shared moments of fun just minutes before.

Surprise and horror seized Lewa as he watched the scene in disbelief. Before he could react, Criss issued an urgent warning.

"Be careful, Lewa, he's a mentalist, don't let him point his palm at you!" Criss warned, his voice filled with concern.

"You said: 'Crissalid Star from the city of Zen,' right? That means you're here for the kid," the imposing man with the exposed fangs assumed, his voice resonating with a mix of defiance and understanding as he drank one of the bar's bottles to the bottom, which he then hurled forcefully towards Crissalid. With surprising agility, Crissalid caught the bottle without breaking it, setting it aside calmly while keeping his attention on his opponent. However, Yin didn't waste a moment and used the brief distraction to launch himself at the agent with a powerful punch that Criss barely managed to dodge with a swift move.

Quickly, Crissalid regained his footing, his expression serious and focused as he prepared his counterattack. With a swift motion, he ignited his fists in flames and began to launch a barrage of punches at Yin, who dodged each blow with surprising ease, his natural agility being his best defense in the fight.

"Too slow, Agent Star. Would it be easier if I stood still?" Yin taunted, his voice dripping with disdain as he caught Criss's arms. Criss immediately responded by igniting his arms to force Yin to release him.

Meanwhile, in another corner of the bar, Lewa struggled to contain Troy, who had fallen under Yin's mental control and now posed a threat.

"Lewa, are you with me?" Crissalid called out, his voice urgent as he sought to maintain communication with his partner amid the chaos.

"Yes, sorry. The old man went crazy and is attacking me. I don't want to hurt him," Lewa explained with frustration, his voice tinged with concern as he struggled to restrain the man controlled by Yin.

"It's okay, he's a civilian. Try to neutralize him without using zen, but hurry. This guy is dangerous, even for me," Crissalid ordered, his tone firm and decisive as he gave clear instructions to his partner in the midst of the surrounding chaos.

"Do you really need that kid to face me, Agent Star? You're pathetic," Yin mocked, his voice full of derision as he continued to evade Crissalid's attacks with impressive ease. Despite his ability to avoid mental control, Crissalid had yet to determine if Yin possessed a Jibun or a Keiyaku, further complicating the situation.

"With your permission, Crissalid Star, I'll start attacking as well," Yin announced, his tone calm but full of determination as he prepared to launch his next strike. With tremendous force, Yin charged at Criss, who managed to block the blow but was sent several meters back due to the sheer power of the impact. As Criss struggled to regain his balance, Yin advanced slowly toward him, his expression impassive as he completely ignored Lewa and Troy, who continued their own battle in the background.

Criss's mind raced as he evaluated the situation, searching for a strategy to face his formidable opponent.

"Those gigantic arms are not just for show; this man has incredible strength... but why hasn't he used a Jibun or a Keiyaku yet? Is he playing with me?" Criss pondered, analyzing every detail of the situation as he stood up and brushed the dirt off his pants, preparing for the next round of his confrontation with Yin.

Meanwhile, at the river, Lyra surged forward with determination, her heart pounding in her chest as she ran toward her friend in distress. Meanwhile, Touko bravely confronted Jasha, clearing the way for Lyra to come to Ik's aid. The clash of battle echoed through the air, each blow and movement a testament to the intense combat raging amidst the wild surroundings.

However, just as Lyra reached Ik, a fleeting doubt seized her a moment of hesitation that the possessed boy mercilessly exploited. With unexpected strength, Ik grabbed Lyra's arm and hurled her with all his might over the nearby waterfall, sending her plummeting into the turbulent waters below. Touko, watching in horror from a distance, understood what had happened but was compelled to uphold her promise to focus on her own battle against Jasha, trusting that Lyra would fend for herself.

As Lyra fell through the air, she desperately clung to consciousness, her mind racing to process what was happening. "I think deep down, I didn't actually believe he would attack me," she reflected as the world around her became a whirlwind of sensations and emotions. With a surge of determination, Lyra activated her ability just in time, cushioning the impact of her fall and preventing even greater harm. Still, the impact was harsh, leaving her dazed as she lay submerged in the water, feeling the river's cold embrace around her.

As Lyra struggled to recover, she saw Ik looming before her, his gaze fraught with danger as he advanced decisively. With her heart pounding in her chest, Lyra forced herself to stand, ready to confront her friend.

The lake water barely reached their mid-calves, but both were completely soaked by the furious cascade spray, which filled the air with a damp, cool mist. With every drop that fell, the atmosphere crackled with intense and palpable energy, as if nature itself held its breath at the unfolding confrontation within its domain.

"Touko is right, painful as it is, the only way to help him is to incapacitate him," Lyra reminded herself, her determination shining in her eyes as she prepared to face Ik. With a determined gesture, she cloaked her arms in a shroud of dark energy. However, before she could act, Ik reacted swiftly, delivering a fierce kick straight to Lyra's face. She barely managed to stay on her feet, grappling against the force of the blow as her vision momentarily blurred.

With a desperate effort, Lyra leaned on one arm and slid one of her legs in an attempt to trip Ik. But the water around them impeded her movements, slowing her actions and granting Ik the advantage needed to skillfully dodge her friend's attack.

"Ik, if you can hear me, fight! Fight for who you are!" Lyra exclaimed, her voice filled with anguish and hope as she desperately tried to reach the heart of her friend, who seemed trapped in the clutches of possession.

Meanwhile, deep within the abyssal depths underwater, the real Ik was falling into relentless darkness, where the surface light was but a distant, fading memory. In this desolate and melancholic environment, a barely perceptible voice began to resonate in his mind—a soft, familiar whisper that gradually gained strength and clarity.

"Is that... Lyra's voice?" Ik wondered, his heart filling with hope as he struggled to find his way back to the surface, towards the light and friendship he yearned for so much.

Crissalid continued to face Yin, each strike and movement a testament to his combat prowess. However, as time passed, Crissalid began to feel the accumulating exhaustion in his muscles, the fatigue weighing on him as he struggled to remain standing against his formidable opponent.

"I'm already tired enough for this guy to use a Jibun or Keiyaku... Could it be that he can't use them while his mentalist ability is active?" Criss wondered, his mind racing as he searched for a strategy to test his suspicions. He decided to take a risk and lunged directly at Yin, seizing a moment of surprise in his expression to deliver a powerful flaming punch to his chin, momentarily stunning him.

Seizing this opportunity, Crissalid unleashed a barrage of brutal blows against Yin's body. Despite his massive hardened muscles, Yin couldn't avoid the damage from the blazing flames that consumed him.

—Crissalid, get out of the way! —shouted Lewa, who had managed to render Troy unconscious and was preparing to unleash his powerful attack, the Infernal Whirlwind. Following Lewa's instructions, Crissalid stepped aside, allowing his companion to execute his devastating blow.

With impressive precision, Lewa aimed his arm and unleashed the Infernal Whirlwind, a blast of scorching air that enveloped Yin before he could react. Caught in the vortex of slashes, Yin fought desperately to protect himself, hardening his muscles in a futile attempt to stop the relentless assault.

After Lewa's devastating attack, Yin took a few steps back, his breathing heavy as he cautiously evaluated the situation. His thoughts revolved around the options before him, aware that time was not on his side. "Agent Star has lost his fear, the boy is now aiding him, and I still don't know if either of them has a Jibun or if Crissalid has a Keiyaku... For now, I have two options: use my Keiyaku and finish this quickly, or head to the small village westward," reflected the kidnapper as he observed Crissalid and Lewa, who were also recovering from the effort.

"If I use my Berserker, the mental control over the boy they are searching for will shut down, and the boy might escape. It's best to head to the village," Yin concluded, making a quick and calculated decision. Without wasting a moment, he surged forward, running with determination through the forest trees, his figure swiftly disappearing into the dense vegetation.

"Quick, Lewa, we can't let him escape!", exclaimed Criss, his voice urgent as he prepared to pursue Yin. Lewa nodded with determination, understanding the gravity of the situation, and began to run after her companion, her feet pounding the ground forcefully as they delved deeper into the dark forest.

Lyra fought bravely against Ik's powerful blows, but fatigue was beginning to take its toll on her endurance. When Ik executed a skillful feint, Lyra fell into the trap and took the full impact of a devastating punch to her stomach. The pain shook her to the core, forcing her to vomit and recoil almost instinctively, her body trembling with the effort to contain the agony.

Without giving her a moment's respite, Ik pounced on her ferociously, delivering two equally powerful punches to the same vulnerable spot. Lyra struggled to stand, but the relentless sequence of blows kept her trapped in a cycle of pain and weakness.

"I have to hold on," Lyra repeated in her mind, each word a whisper of determination as she struggled to stay on her feet. But before she could fully recover, a fourth punch descended upon her with crushing force, lifting her off the ground brutally before she could touch solid ground again.

The air escaped Lyra's lungs with a choked groan, her body arching with the impact as she fought to catch her breath. Before she could react, a swift kick crashed into her torso, sending her staggering backwards with a burst of pain. Lyra's mind clouded with agony, her vision blurred as she struggled to remain conscious against her opponent's relentless assault.

Meanwhile, high atop the cliff, Touko and Jasha were locked in a fierce and frenetic battle. Though Touko showed signs of fatigue, her determination remained unyielding, while Jasha, despite his apparent control, harbored an uncontrollable desire beneath his serene exterior.

"Get out of here, take your friend and don't come back for the boy. I don't want to hurt you," Jasha proposed, his voice carrying a tone of warning, but Touko refused to listen. With fierce determination, she lunged forward with astonishing speed, her resolve eclipsing any threat Jasha might pose.

Before Jasha could react, a powerful blow struck his face, sending a wave of pain through his skull. However, the patience of the white-haired man reached its limit, and in an instant, he materialized a ball of ice around his fist, enhancing his next attack.

With a devastating punch, Jasha struck Touko with overwhelming force, launching her through the air at alarming speed. The sound of her body colliding with a sharp rock echoed through the air as Touko was impaled by its edge, sharp pain piercing through her body.

Jasha was shocked by the brutality of his own actions, but he couldn't afford to hesitate. With cold determination, he approached Touko, whose life hung by a thread, and made a grim decision: he was going to end her life before she bled out completely.

Meanwhile, the frantic battle between Lyra and Ik raged on without respite, with the young woman fighting bravely despite her obvious exhaustion. Each of her opponent's blows felt like a hammer striking an anvil, and Lyra could barely stay on her feet against Ik's relentless strength. Though her strength dwindled with every passing second, Lyra clung to her determination, remembering the promise she had made to Touko.

With every fiber of her being, Lyra struggled to block Ik's attacks, each block a feat of strength and endurance amidst the chaos of battle. Finally, she found a gap in her opponent's offense and retreated, desperately seeking a moment to catch her breath and regroup.

"If only I had more time to train..." thought Lyra, her mind tormented by frustration and fatigue. Her heart filled with helplessness as she realized that, despite her efforts, she still wasn't adequately prepared to face an opponent like Ik.

However, something caught Lyra's attention: Ik was covering one of his arms with a dark armor, a manifestation of dense energy that stirred disturbances in the water around him. This discovery led her to a revelation: her own arms had lost their protective energy mantle due to exhaustion.

With a final burst of determination, Lyra decided to focus all her energies into her right fist, completely foregoing her defense to empower her attack. She was completely exposed, vulnerable to any counterattack from Ik, but she was willing to take the risk to fulfill her promise and protect her friend.

With fiery determination in her heart, Lyra refused to give in to adversity. With a defiant shout aimed at her friend, she gathered her courage and decided to act.

"No time for regrets now! I'll use what I have and save you!" exclaimed Lyra with determination, her words echoing in the tense atmosphere.

With every fiber of her being, Lyra surged forward with impressive speed, her muscles tense and her senses heightened by the urgency of the moment. In her mind echoed the promise she had made to her comrades, a promise she was determined to fulfill.

Meanwhile, Ik also prepared for the imminent clash, his eyes gleaming with intensity as he braced himself to meet Lyra's attack. The two novices raced towards each other with fierce determination, each resolved to emerge victorious in this crucial confrontation.

Just before impact, a fleeting thought crossed Lyra's mind: "Touko, Criss, and even Lewa are counting on me; I can't let them down." With that thought as her guide, Lyra channeled all her energy into her right fist.

The collision between the two energy-charged fists was like the eruption of a cataclysm, a burst of zen so powerful that it sent Lyra and Ik flying several meters through the air. The impact reverberated through the air, marking the climax of their fierce showdown.

Amidst desperation and acute pain coursing through her body, Touko clung to the only option left: to stop the bleeding and save her life. While Jasha threatened her with words laced with anger, she focused on finding a quick solution to stem the flow of blood that threatened to consume her.

With trembling hands, Touko tore her blouse at the abdomen, ripping it to obtain a piece of fabric she could use as an improvised bandage. Time was running out rapidly, but each movement was a battle against dizziness and the weakening of her body.

"You're a fool! If you had accepted my deal, I wouldn't have to kill you now!" exclaimed Jasha with growing fury, as Touko struggled to stay conscious and halt the blood that flowed unabatedly.

With unwavering determination, Touko wrapped the bandage around her abdomen, applying pressure in hopes of staunching the hemorrhage. Every second was crucial, every breath a struggle against the darkness threatening to consume her.

However, the situation took an unexpected turn when Jasha, believing Touko no longer posed a threat, decided to leave in search of the child. Touko knew that if Jasha left, Lyra would be in danger. In an act of desperation and bravery, she decided to confront her adversary.

With one final effort, Touko unleashed her power with a cry of determination. The ground trembled as roots sprouted from her skin, manifesting the power of her Jibun: "Inferno". Never before had she felt the power of her roots so intensely, as if they responded to her call with unleashed fury.

The thick vines twisted and snaked, bursting forth from within her arm to reach Jasha. Though he tried to evade them, it was already too late. The roots wrapped around him tightly, tearing through his skin and muscles with relentless ferocity.

Lyra struggled to remain standing in the middle of the lake, her body sore and exhausted from the brutal confrontation with Ik. Every movement was a battle against the sharp pain enveloping her, while the cold water reached up to her knees, adding to the numbness spreading throughout her body.

With her gaze fixed on Ik, who lay floating on his back in the water in an apparent state of shock, Lyra wondered if her companion was capable of feeling the same pain she was experiencing.

"I hurt all over, but now is not the time to think about that," Lyra repeated to herself in her mind, trying to block out the pain and focus on the task ahead. However, the pain intensified with every passing second, becoming an unbearable torture that threatened to consume her completely.

It was then that Lyra felt an intense burning sensation coursing through her body, like thousands of hot needles piercing her skin. The sensation was overwhelming, almost unbearable, but Lyra clung to her determination to help Ik despite it all.

Lyra understood, "These marks, it's the power of the Tiger Beast being unleashed," as she observed the black spots spreading across her skin, like living tattoos coming to life. Despite the pain, Lyra knew she had to endure, had to withstand every pang to achieve her goal.

With steel-like willpower and a heart full of determination, Lyra braced herself for the impending pain, ready to pay any price to save her friend. The small waves forming at her feet were the precursor to a power surging within her, a force ready to be unleashed for the sake of those she loved.

Yin came to a sudden halt, observing the situation through Ik's eyes, his puppet. The distant roar indicated that Jasha had issued new orders, and Yin knew Ik couldn't handle the situation alone with his natural abilities. It was time to deploy the Manautra.

A trickle of blood emerged from the mark on Ik's forehead, snaking across his pale skin like a warning of the darkness looming ahead.

Ik's lips were stained with a deep black, a color that seemed to absorb all light around him, while his hair ominously grew as if being possessed by a force beyond his control. His eyes, now surrounded by a halo of shadows, gleamed with an unearthly intensity, as if tuned into a plane of existence beyond human comprehension.

With the Manautra activated, Ik ceased to be the conscious and lively young man he once was. He plunged into the depths of his own darkness, where silence reigned supreme and the beats of his heart echoed like a distant echo in the vastness of the abyss. Everything around him was cold and dark, a void threatening to devour everything in its path.

Yin knew he had unleashed an indomitable force, a puppet of darkness that would obey his orders without question. Now, with Ik submerged in the abyss of his own darkness, he was ready to face any challenge that stood in his way.