In the morning it was daddy's turn to corral the herd and get them situated for the day. I had Cody on my hip while I prepared breakfast.
These fucks don't know what dry cereal looks like, except during summer vacation, ain't that a bitch. Their mother and grandmothers spoil their asses and what they don't do, the grandfathers pick up the slack.
I got the bacon from the oven and scrambled a couple dozen eggs. The noise level was off the charts becauseMengele. She was arguing with her brothers that our night out was better than theirs.
I guess I should be happy that my kids don't have anything more serious to argue about. Their mother waddled in just when they were finishing up and I had to feed her miserable ass.
Of course she didn't want anything I made and it took damn near half an hour to figure out what she wanted. I got her the fruit she said she wanted and sat with her while her kids tried to tear my fucking
house apart with their shit.