

[WARNING!- MATURE CONTENT] She gasped with eyes wide open and so did he. "It's you." They both said at the same time. She didn't know how to react so she just stared at him. "You're the one who called me a pervert." he said. She was now scared than shocked. "I'm so sorry Prince...Your highness," she lowered her gaze. "You were being a pervert but I shouldn't have said anything. Please don't have me executed." she begged. He stared at her for a while and began to laugh. "Execute you? Why would I do that?" She looked up at him. "I don't know maybe cos I was disrespectful." "I couldn't do that. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't." He said. "So you're not gonna chop my head off?" "No." The elevator opened and they both got off. "What room are you in?" "Um..., I don't wanna say." she said. He nodded slowly. "Ok. I get that. Good night then." He was leaving but then he came back. "What's your name?" asked he. "K-kristen." she answered. "Last name?" he added. She lifted her brows. "Kael." "Hmm. Kristen Kael. It's lovely." She didn't know why but it sounded so nice when he said her name. "What's yours?" she asked him. "Prince Achilles Onasis." he said in a proud voice. She was taken aback. His name sounded really royal. She nodded her head. Instantly, he leaned closer and whispered in her ear, "Made you wet didn't it?" he then smirked and walked away. Kristen found herself shocked and nervous at the same time.

Ella_Ann · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Ribbon-cutting ceremony

With the sun shining straight unto his face, Achilles opened his eyes. It was so bright and he was pondering why. Turns out he had fallen asleep outside on a lounge chair.

He stood up, stretching and flexing his muscles. He walked back into his room and headed straight for the bathroom. After taking a shower he came out with a robe on. Drying his hair with a towel he looked up and saw Zale standing there already dressed.

"Why are you now getting up?" Zale asked with an arched eye brow and folded arms. "Chill dude. It's not like I have somewhere to be." Achilles answered.

"Well urr... you have a ribbon-cutting ceremony to attend." "Oh crap, that's today?" "Yes."

"I totally forgot about it." Achilles rubbed his forehead. "Achilles, whatever will you do without me? Zale walked forward. Achilles looked at him, not moving. "Well get dressed then." Zale said.

"Are you not gonna help me?" Achilles asked.

Zale turned to look at him with a squint. "What are you, 9 years old?" "You usually help me. You even helped me yesterday." "That was because you had to hurry." "Don't I have to hurry now?" "You do but I'm not in the mood to baby you. You're 26 and I'll be damned if I put clothes on you again." Zale began to walk away.

"Really, Zale?" "Yes really. Put some clothes on."

After Zale walked out, Achilles sighed.

He entered his closet to find some clothes to wear. He literally had no color in his closet. His closet was filled with black and white clothes and a few dark shades of blue. For shoes, he had different kinds of black and white boots.

He had to be formal yet fit his usual style so he picked out a black suit and a classic black over coat on top. And for shoes, he did blacks boots, as usual.

He fixed his hair and put on his crown. He didn't like to wear it but it was a formal occasion so he had to.

He was done and so he opened his door and headed out. He took a left turn and saw Zale waiting for him.

"Damn!" Zale said. "What?" he asked. Zale shook his head. "Nothing I ur... didn't think you'd be able to get dressed. "Well, why not?" "Cos you're a big baby." "Zale?" Achilles suddenly sounded serious which made Zale serious too. "What?"

Achilles smirked. "Is this you saying I look good?" Zale looked at him in disbelief. "Tsk no." Zale scoffed.

"Don't be rude. Just admit it. If you were a woman, you'd fall in love with me." Achilles said. "Ok that's gross, first of all," Zale playfully gagged. "And second of all, you do look good."

"See, that wasn't that hard was it?" Achilles asked. "Yeah it was. If felt myself throw up in my mouth." Zale put his hand over his mouth.

"Don't be dramatic. Come on." Achilles said and they headed out.

The guards outside bowed before them and followed them to the car. About 9 guards had to go with him cos he once had an assassination attempt.

They sat in the car and headed to the center of town. He was the MVP of the grand opening ceremony for the new university that was built in town. It was one of Jurry Island's biggest achievements and the future king had to be there.

_ _ _

Kristen walked out of the hotel with a tote bag. She wanted to go site seeing and buy some souvenirs to take back with her.

"Ah what a beautiful day." she let out a deep breath. "The sun is shining, birds are chirping, I wonder if I could go swimming?" She decided to ask a native near by.

"Excuse me sir," she approached a man. "Yes?" he responded. "I'm sorry to bother you but are there any beaches near here?" she asked. The man looked at her with surprise. "A beach?" he asked. "Yes a beach. I was wondering if there were any beaches around here." "Well the closest one is up north and about 37 miles from here but if you wanna go swimming, you can try the lakes. It's filled with people this time of year." "Ok thank you." She said and walked away. She roamed the streets and bought all kinds a weird things.

"This one here. How much is it?" She asked.

"That's 20 euro cents please." The woman said. "Ok I'll take it." she said and gave the woman a 1 euro coin. she was about to leave when the woman stopped her.

"Miss, your change." she said. "It's ok. You can keep it." Kristen said with a smile and left. She kept on walking forward to see if she would find anything else. She noticed that a group of people had gathered at a particular place. She decided to go see what was going on.

There was a huge building that everyone had gathered in front of. She noticed that it was a school because she saw university written on it.

She decide to ask since she still didn't understand what was going on. She approached the closest person to her.

"Excuse me, what's going on?" she asked. "There's a ribbon-cutting ceremony of the university you see there." The person said. "Oh ok. thank you. "

She made her way through the crowd and stood right at the front. She wanted to see how things were done here. She had a camera and brought it out to take a few photos.

Out of nowhere, Kristen heard someone yell 'They're here.' Everyone around bowed as a black car pulled up. She saw a man step out and walked around the car to open for someone else. She was so eager to see who it was that she was staring intently at the car.

When it was opened, a man in a formal outfit stepped out. He had his back facing her so she couldn't see his face. She tried her hardest but she couldn't see his face. He had a crown so he was obviously royal but she had a hunch it wasn't Achilles. Achilles had a really broad back and was taller. She still wanted to see who is was though.

Before she could move to a different location, another man stepped out of the car.

People cheered louder and this made her look up. She then saw him. It was Achilles. God he looked even hotter with a crown and the suit did his physique justice.