

The supernatural world once lived in harmony with one another until the witches attacked the Angels and Demons and wiped them all out under the authority of their High Witch Sapphira. Sapphira came from a long generation of High Witches who have been known to grow power hungry which always drives them insane but none of them had ever committed an atrocity as big as this. The witches are loyal creatures that could never disobey a command given to them by their leader so they had no choice but obey Sapphira and sacrifice their immortality in other to perform the blood magic spell that wiped out the Angels and Demons. The Dark Fae were angered by this act of treason and waged war on the witches and they would have wiped out all witches in existence if not for the interference of the Gods. To appease the Dark Fae, the Gods made a decree that no witch would ever rule over their kind again but the Warlocks were now tasked with the duty of ruling over them. This story has been passed down from generation to generation as a warning of how power corrupts the mind and can make even the kindest of all turn evil. The werewolves, not wanting to risk the wrath of the Dark Fae and the Gods, ended their monarchy knowing how hotheaded and easy to provoke they are and divided into five packs all spread across Europe and created a Council that governed them. The Council and the castle based in Austria. The Vampires, being the prideful and level headed, sometimes,   creatures they were, decided to leave their monarchs Dominico  and Constance Morone in power and claimed most of Romania and Italy as their territory but split up into four colonies, each with a leader that reported the happenings to the royals. The Light Fae fled Europe and settled in Australia in fear of the wrath of the Dark Fae for siding with the witches in the war against the Angels and Demons. The Dragons, being the reclusive creatures they are, cut off their connections with the outside world and retreated to their homes in Africa because they believed if the witches, who were supposed to be the guardians of the Angels and Demons, could turn against them because of power, then what's to stop other creatures from turning against one another. The Dark Fae returned to their homes in North America after the war and grieved for the loss of their friends. The Witches were kept under the watchful eyes of the leaders of the other supernaturals in Asia where they found a way to merge their blood magic with new technology that they made and created techno magic. The world was peaceful again, if only for a while, until the Council got word of a new witch that was looking to come into power and overthrow the Warlocks. Scared that they might be next on the kill list for siding with the Dark Fae, they started an experiment with the genetics of the Angels and Demons and thus the Lycanthrope were created. They tried to make normal pack members lycans as well but the experiment only worked on the Alphas and Betas and it was not without the consequence of losing the mate bond. Lycans have been made for the purpose of restarting the mornachy to unite all five packs to prepare for the inevitable war to come but the question on the minds of the packs is which Alpha and Luna will be chosen as the new monarchs.

Seiyefa_Opia_5612 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

6 - Karma

Vlad's POV

It's been a week since Iris returned and I couldn't be happier to have her around.

She started working with me the day after the dinner and my life has already become easier. Iris always knew how to handle the pack better than anyone and I considered making her my Luna a couple times but I've always just seen her as the little sister I always wanted and who wants to have sex with their little sister.

At least, that's what I thought until she came back looking so fucking sexy. I couldn't believe that she transformed from my cute little Pixie to the gorgeous woman who had men bowing at her feet.

Fuck, working with her has been torture with her dressing up in her tight little outfits not to mention that she always had a reason to bend over whenever I was around.

I was always sporting a hard on whenever she was around and I was always grateful to go over to Ivana's house to relieve the stress when work was done.

I would have thought Iris was trying to seduce me if I didn't know any better.

Today I was training the teenage recruits with her and I so was not looking forward to watching her spar and exercise in her tights and sports bra, not to mention how horny the boys got from looking at her.

I was especially not looking forward to them lusting over her but at least it's better than when we were training the warriors that she is actually legally allowed to date.

I know I said I wanted her to find a guy to date but I didn't mean it and I really don't want to think about her being with someone no matter who they were.

Fuck! What is wrong with me? I'm acting like a jealous boyfriend when I'm with Ivana and it isn't fair to either of them that I'm having these thoughts about Iris.

"Are you ready to go Vladdy? " The current bane of my existence called to me breaking me out of my thoughts.

Why did I ever let her start calling me that name? When she was younger and she said it, it was cute but now, it's like she purrs the name out with that seductive voice of hers and it drives me fucking insane.

"Vladdy? " She called again and I realized that I hadn't given her a reply yet.

"Yeah, let's go. " I stood up from my desk and arranged the files I was supposed to be going through in order before leaving the office and the pack house with her beside me.

We got to the field and I saw that the boys were already warming up which would have made me happy if I didn't know that they were just doing it to show off to Iris.

Well, if they wanted to show off, I'm going to help them out like the good alpha I am.

"Alright, let's start with some easy warm ups. " I said to them once we reached them and I could see the smiles about to form on their horny faces. "One hundred push ups, one hundred suicide runs, eighty crunches and plank for thirty minutes. Who ever falls behind has to spar with me. " I instructed them and the smiles were wiped off.

They stared at me for a while to see if I was serious and when they saw my stern face they immediately got to work.

I felt bad about putting the girls through this seeing as it was a punishment for the boys but me telling the girls not to do it would seem like I was suggesting that they weren't as strong as the boys and saying it was a punishment for the boys would be bad as well because I'd have to tell them why they were being punished and my jealousy didn't seem like a good enough reason.

I turned to look at Iris to see her doing push ups with them and walked over to her.

"Iris, why are you training with them? " I asked confused.

"Well, it is training Vladdy and with all the work we have to deal with, we won't get much free time and I for one am not going to get out of shape because of paper work. " She answered still doing her push ups and I really regret my form of punishment right now.

I released a sigh and got on the ground and started my own push ups.

God I hate when she's right sometimes. I guess this is how karma works.

By the time we finished the warm up most of them were tired, even I was a little out of breath but Iris looked totally unaffected.

I must have really let myself go.

We jogged around the field for two miles before I paired everyone up with their partners and of course Iris was mine.

We were to spar last cause we had to see the training or lack of training they had.

They all showed promise but Leslie and River seemed the best presently, not that anyone would ever tell Leslie that. She'd get an even bigger head than she already has.

It was time for Iris and myself to spar now to help the kids improve but I was a little nervous as I didn't want to hurt her.

Iris on the other hand seemed perfectly fine and eager to kick my ass.

We got in our stance and started circling each other, trying to find a weak spot. It took me by surprise when she threw a fast punch to my jaw which cut my lip but it healed immediately.

I barely had time to recover from the shock when she swung at me again with an even harder punch and I know if I was a human I would be down by now.

OK, no more playing nice.

She sent a kick to my side but I caught her leg and was about to throw her off when she used her other leg to kick me in the face sending me backwards and her onto the floor but she swiftly got up.

What did my face ever do to her?

I got tired of playing defense so I walked up to her and faked a punch to her face and when she blocked I sent a quick jab to her abdomen that had her bowed for a second but that was enough for me to send a hard punch to her temple which had her staggering.

She regained her footing and attacked me with rapid hits and I barely blocked a few of them but that was okay cause she was getting tired now.

I stepped on her right foot and trapped her in position for my own hits. I managed to get a few in before she sent a jab to my throat that momentarily cut my airflow.

That was all she needed and she took my moment of weakness as her chance to strike.

She sent a punch to my temple which disoriented me then she sent a kick to my abdomen that pushed me back. I barely had time to see her foot before it hit my temple hard and I was knocked out.

Maybe this was karma.