

The supernatural world once lived in harmony with one another until the witches attacked the Angels and Demons and wiped them all out under the authority of their High Witch Sapphira. Sapphira came from a long generation of High Witches who have been known to grow power hungry which always drives them insane but none of them had ever committed an atrocity as big as this. The witches are loyal creatures that could never disobey a command given to them by their leader so they had no choice but obey Sapphira and sacrifice their immortality in other to perform the blood magic spell that wiped out the Angels and Demons. The Dark Fae were angered by this act of treason and waged war on the witches and they would have wiped out all witches in existence if not for the interference of the Gods. To appease the Dark Fae, the Gods made a decree that no witch would ever rule over their kind again but the Warlocks were now tasked with the duty of ruling over them. This story has been passed down from generation to generation as a warning of how power corrupts the mind and can make even the kindest of all turn evil. The werewolves, not wanting to risk the wrath of the Dark Fae and the Gods, ended their monarchy knowing how hotheaded and easy to provoke they are and divided into five packs all spread across Europe and created a Council that governed them. The Council and the castle based in Austria. The Vampires, being the prideful and level headed, sometimes,   creatures they were, decided to leave their monarchs Dominico  and Constance Morone in power and claimed most of Romania and Italy as their territory but split up into four colonies, each with a leader that reported the happenings to the royals. The Light Fae fled Europe and settled in Australia in fear of the wrath of the Dark Fae for siding with the witches in the war against the Angels and Demons. The Dragons, being the reclusive creatures they are, cut off their connections with the outside world and retreated to their homes in Africa because they believed if the witches, who were supposed to be the guardians of the Angels and Demons, could turn against them because of power, then what's to stop other creatures from turning against one another. The Dark Fae returned to their homes in North America after the war and grieved for the loss of their friends. The Witches were kept under the watchful eyes of the leaders of the other supernaturals in Asia where they found a way to merge their blood magic with new technology that they made and created techno magic. The world was peaceful again, if only for a while, until the Council got word of a new witch that was looking to come into power and overthrow the Warlocks. Scared that they might be next on the kill list for siding with the Dark Fae, they started an experiment with the genetics of the Angels and Demons and thus the Lycanthrope were created. They tried to make normal pack members lycans as well but the experiment only worked on the Alphas and Betas and it was not without the consequence of losing the mate bond. Lycans have been made for the purpose of restarting the mornachy to unite all five packs to prepare for the inevitable war to come but the question on the minds of the packs is which Alpha and Luna will be chosen as the new monarchs.

Seiyefa_Opia_5612 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

2 - Luna

Iris's P.O.V.

I sat patiently waiting for him to push her off or at least for them to stop kissing but they just kept on going.

I cleared my throat loudly after I finally had enough and they broke apart but she still remained on his lap.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but am I missing something? " I asked staring pointedly at Vlad.

He seemed to snap out of whatever daze he was in and gently pushed her off his lap and stood up.

"Iris, this is Ivana my soon to be Luna. " Hearing him say those words with that big ass smile on his face really tore at my heart.

I knew he dated and fucked girls on the regular but to have chosen one of them to be his Luna was shocking.

"Is this a joke or something? Are you and Gregorio playing a prank on me again? " I just had to ask cause him and my big brother Gregorio always loved to play tricks on me and my sister Mikayla but as I saw the smile leave his face, I knew that this was real.

I stood there not knowing what to say or do as we stared at each other forgetting everything else and I wondered if, in moments like this when I stared into his eyes and felt like there was no one else in the world, he felt the same way because he looked at me like he did but it might just be in my head.

"Hi, " That strange voice that had a Russian tint to it said breaking the trance and turning both our attentions to her. "I don't mean to sound rude but how do you guys know each other exactly? " She asked us with a big welcoming smile on her face.

I wish she would act like a bitch instead of being all nice and warm so I could hate her.

"Oh, Iris is Gregorio and Mikayla's little sister, remember Gregorio mentioned her at that party where we got totally wasted and did it in the bathroom? " He asked her with a teasing glint in his eyes and they seemed to have switched to mind linking each other as their eyes glazed over.

There they stood sharing secret conversations and smiles while I stood in front of them crumbling piece by piece.

Their eyes were alit with desire and I knew it was best to leave now before I saw something that I wouldn't be able to unsee or worse, I break down and they see me crying and realize I have feelings for Vlad.

I walk to the door and am about to escape when I hear Vlad call my name. I turn back in hopes that he'll tell me this is all just a dream but that hope stops when I see his arms wrapped around her.

"Make sure to be here before eight tomorrow. " He instructed.

"Yes Alpha. " I replied with a slight bow of my head before hastily exiting the office before he could question why I called him Alpha when I have never in my life called him anything other than Vladdy before except for when I'm teasing him.

I left the pack house, got into my car and drove away from there like I was being chased by the cops.

I drove for a while before I finally reached my destination. I parked on the driveway, got out and walked into the familiar house that I practically grew up in without knocking.

I made my way up the stairs and down the hall before barging into the room of the one person I knew could always make me feel better, only to find her fucking some dude.

"Leila I need you right now so please tell whomever this is to get the fuck out. " I said impatiently without a care of what they were doing when I got in here.

They both looked up at me in shock before my words registered to her and she untangled herself from the fine specimen she was just getting freaky with.

"It was fun Darius, but you need to go now cause my best friend needs me. " She said to him while standing in all her naked glory without an ounce of shame, not that she had anything to be ashamed of seeing as she's drop dead gorgeous.

The guy named Darius got up as well and started looking for his clothes. On any other day, I would have drooled at how sexy he is, not to mention his big ass dick, but I was so not in the mood today.

He got dressed and left while Leila pulled on a bathrobe.

"From how sad you look, I'm guessing you found out about the Alpha's little Luna. " She said hitting the nail on the head and I just nodded in reply already feeling the tears building. "If it's any consolation, you're way hotter than her. "

I burst out crying at that and she ran over to me and pulled me into a hug which I needed right now.

"What do you want to do? " She asked the same question she always asks whenever I'm going through something painful or complicated.

"I want to forget for now. Please take my mind off of it, off of him. " I begged her.

She led me to her guest room and laid me down on the bed before getting in it with me and holding me close to her chest while she stroked my hair and sang to me.

Leila is a dark fae whom I have known all my life. Her mother and father moved here before either of us were born and our mom's became best friends.

The dark fae are incredibly strong and have different powers that match their elements.

Leila is part earth fae and part water fae which means she's basically one with nature. She has a serene calm about her that draws people in and makes them feel calm and like their troubles are melting away.

She goes into the bathroom and gets a bowl of water and places it on the bedside table before climbing back into the bed with me.

She dips her hands into the water and brings them to both sides of my temples and starts massaging them as she slowly sings a memory erasing spell.

I forgot about all my problems, literally, as I fall into a deep sleep.