

The supernatural world once lived in harmony with one another until the witches attacked the Angels and Demons and wiped them all out under the authority of their High Witch Sapphira. Sapphira came from a long generation of High Witches who have been known to grow power hungry which always drives them insane but none of them had ever committed an atrocity as big as this. The witches are loyal creatures that could never disobey a command given to them by their leader so they had no choice but obey Sapphira and sacrifice their immortality in other to perform the blood magic spell that wiped out the Angels and Demons. The Dark Fae were angered by this act of treason and waged war on the witches and they would have wiped out all witches in existence if not for the interference of the Gods. To appease the Dark Fae, the Gods made a decree that no witch would ever rule over their kind again but the Warlocks were now tasked with the duty of ruling over them. This story has been passed down from generation to generation as a warning of how power corrupts the mind and can make even the kindest of all turn evil. The werewolves, not wanting to risk the wrath of the Dark Fae and the Gods, ended their monarchy knowing how hotheaded and easy to provoke they are and divided into five packs all spread across Europe and created a Council that governed them. The Council and the castle based in Austria. The Vampires, being the prideful and level headed, sometimes,   creatures they were, decided to leave their monarchs Dominico  and Constance Morone in power and claimed most of Romania and Italy as their territory but split up into four colonies, each with a leader that reported the happenings to the royals. The Light Fae fled Europe and settled in Australia in fear of the wrath of the Dark Fae for siding with the witches in the war against the Angels and Demons. The Dragons, being the reclusive creatures they are, cut off their connections with the outside world and retreated to their homes in Africa because they believed if the witches, who were supposed to be the guardians of the Angels and Demons, could turn against them because of power, then what's to stop other creatures from turning against one another. The Dark Fae returned to their homes in North America after the war and grieved for the loss of their friends. The Witches were kept under the watchful eyes of the leaders of the other supernaturals in Asia where they found a way to merge their blood magic with new technology that they made and created techno magic. The world was peaceful again, if only for a while, until the Council got word of a new witch that was looking to come into power and overthrow the Warlocks. Scared that they might be next on the kill list for siding with the Dark Fae, they started an experiment with the genetics of the Angels and Demons and thus the Lycanthrope were created. They tried to make normal pack members lycans as well but the experiment only worked on the Alphas and Betas and it was not without the consequence of losing the mate bond. Lycans have been made for the purpose of restarting the mornachy to unite all five packs to prepare for the inevitable war to come but the question on the minds of the packs is which Alpha and Luna will be chosen as the new monarchs.

Seiyefa_Opia_5612 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

16 - Stupidity

Iris's POV

I woke up on the floor in a dark room, feeling sticky and sore and not in a good way.

It took me a moment to realize that I was still in Vlad's office and from the looks of the sky, it's well into midnight.

A groan from in front of me broke me out of my thoughts as I snapped my head towards the sound to see Vlad getting off the floor, releasing light groans to show his discomfort.

"Are you okay Vladdy? " I called out to him cause I barely had enough strength to stand up, much less walk towards him.

"Yeah, I think so. " He groaned out as he tried to stand up only to crumble back onto the floor. "You know what? I think I'm just going to lay here for a while, the floor feels nice. " He said.

I let out a little giggle at his stupidity but agreed with him wholly, the floor sure felt better than standing up and walking around.

We laid there for a while, probably thirty minutes, before our bodies felt okay enough to get up and move about.

We got off the floor with some struggle and had to use each other as crutches to walk out of the office.

The whole pack house was silent which was shocking because even if it was night time there was always movement in the pack house.

We slowly made our way down the steps and to the living room where we saw some pack members passed out on the floor.

We knew they weren't dead cause we could hear the faint beats of their hearts.

We walked out of the house to see the bodies of our pack members splayed all over the ground with them unconscious without any signs of waking up anytime soon.

"What did this? " I whispered as I felt fear creep up my spine at the sight before me.

Whatever or whomever was powerful enough to do this to an entire pack of werewolves and us lycans as well isn't to be taken lightly.

"I don't know, but if they hurt anyone of our pack, their dead and I'll make certain of that. " Vlad, ever the hotheaded idiot said causing me to roll my eyes.

"And how exactly do you plan to do that, hmm? " I asked him rhetorically as I turned to face him.

"Yes Vladovin, do tell how exactly you plan to kill us. " A voice called out to us, drawing our attention to the man who spoke and the other four people behind him.

"Holy shit, you're...." I started to say only to be rudely interrupted by foolish Vlad.

"Dead. " He growled out as he bared his fangs and ran at the man who spoke whom I quickly realized was the head of the werewolf council, former alpha Raiden Demetrius of the Valée de la Lune pack in France. (Moon valley)

Vlad barely even raised his arm to deal a blow to the ex alpha when it was suddenly paralyzed by a hit to one of his pressure points in his arm.

Instead of the hard headed male to retreat, he rose his other to strike again but the same thing happened.

It looked like he was going to keep going at it so I walked over to them and pulled him away from the man by his ear while he let out several 'ow's ' until I finally let him go.

"What'd you do that for? " He whined like the child that he is.

"Do you know whom you just tried to attack? " I asked him seriously.

"Yeah, the guy that hurt our pack. " He said.

"Okay, let's review what you just said and see if I can knock some sense into you. " I told him. "You just said that the man you just tried to attack, and failed at it might I add, was the same one who rendered an entire pack of werewolves and lycans unconscious and you think that the smart thing to do is to attack him? " I really wanted to hear his answer cause that would let me know if he really was just a pretty face.

"No? " He answered like it was a question.

Is he shitting me right now?

"You know what? I don't have time to battle your stupidity right now so I'll just come out and tell you. That man there and the people behind him are the werewolf council and you just attacked the leader of the council and former alpha of the Valée de la Lune pack. "

I could see the shock and horror consume him as he just realized that he attacked one of the people who made us lycans.

"Ehem. " We heard a throat cleared behind us and we returned our attention to the people in front of us.

"If you both are done with your lovers quarrel, we would like to get to the reason as to why we're here. " Former Luna Moran Hay said from her position beside the council leader.

She was the Luna of the Wiedengipfel pack in Germany where she ran the pack with the help of her mate and beta Adolf Hay.

"We apologize for being rude. " I quickly said so that Vlad couldn't say anything stupid.

"Now, if we remember correctly, there are two other lycans in this pack yes? " Former alpha Idris Dimitri of the Letniye Kholmy pack in Russia said drawing our attention to him. (Summer Hills)

"Yes, my older brother and sister. " I answered once again.

"Well we must get them and be on our way before the rest of your pack wake up. " Former luna Reina Gonzales of the Valle del Río pack said. (River Valley)

"What? Why are we leaving? " Vlad asked.

"All will be explained when we get back to the council headquarters. " Alpha Dimitrius replied this time.

"But we can't just leave our pack unprotected and without it's Alpha. " Vlad stated firmly.

"We don't have time for this. " Luna Hay said exasperatedly. "Reina, put them to sleep and let's go. "

"Wait, what? " That was all I could get out before I fell unconscious again.