
Lycan Wars

In a catastrophic car accident, he should have met his end. But fate had other plans. Survivor of the wreckage, he emerges forever changed. With each passing day, he discovers that he is no longer ordinary – his being infused with extraordinary superhuman strength, speed and every other senses in his body. Something else must had occured after that accident and he needs answers. As he grapples with the weight of his newfound powers, he finds himself caught amidst a world of anomalies, shifters, and vampires. But it doesn't end there. In a race against time, he must confront the relentless hunters who seek to eradicate the supernatural. Can he reclaim his humanity, even if it means standing up against an entire war of the supernatural? This dark fantasy of self-discovery, supernatural beings and a fight for redemption will leave you spellbound. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I am deeply sorry for the irreversible mistake I made before starting this novel. it is infact an original novel and not a fanfiction. I sincerely apologize once more.

Clintonn0sike · Book&Literature
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38 Chs


Noah stood ,frozen in shock, as he found himself staring in disbelief at the colossal wall of flames approaching him. It was an awe-inspiring blue, a hue he knew of all to well but never has he seen something quite like it.

The flames roared and crackled, growing closer with each passing second, engulfing everything in their path.

Panic gripped him, knowing he had no means of escape from this formidable force of nature. But just as fear consumed him entirely, the flames suddenly vanished, leaving no trace behind.

Noah stood there, beyond shocked and confused, his mind unable to comprehend what had just transpired.

Smoke from the vanished flame filled the forest making it hard for Noah to see.

He had his guard up, expecting anything to happen. He wondered if his plan was to create some kind of smokescreen so he could sneak up behind him .

Narrowing his eyes, Noah swiftly redirected his gaze from one location to another, trying to figure out where Aries would come out from.

Noah knew he had very little chance of winning this, but he wasn't going to let his opponent know that.

Suddenly, out of the suffocating smoke emerged a gleaming sword, cutting through the smoke with alarming speed.

The razor-sharp blade found its mark, slicing through the Noah's arm, sending a searing pain coursing through his body.


The unexpected assault shattered his focus, diverting his attention to the location from where the deadly projectile was thrown.

"I know he's there, I just have to prepare for his next attack" he thought to himself.

As he instinctively turned towards the origin of the attack, his gaze locked with the piercing stare .

But unknowingly, his opponent had emerged silently from the opposite direction. With a lightning-fast movement, he closed the gap between them.

In a ruthless display of strength, Aries iron grip seized Noah's disoriented neck, his fingers digging into his vulnerable flesh.

With unrelenting force, he mercilessly slammed the his head into the hard ground. .

As his consciousness wavered, he struggled futilely against the vice-like grip constricting his neck, a desperate attempt to free himself from the impending doom.

Looking up through hazy vision, Noah glimpsed Aries towering above him.

The cold, unforgiving steel of his second sword pressed against his exposed neck, a menacing touch that signified the end of the battle, sealing his fate.

He closed his eyes expecting the worst to happen, but nothing . He felt the grip on his neck loosen, letting the baffled Noah slowly get back to his feet.

"Seemed, you have been able to learn the basics of shifting, but you're far from actually getting it".

Noah who was panting heavily, narrowed his brows in annoyance. So this was what this was about. He almost died and this was all for some stupid test.

"I could have died you know!!"

"But you didn't, which means you're better than last time . You should be happy". With the usual expressionless look .

But in a strange way, he was actually right. That was exactly what he needed to push him to the edge and actually bring out his lycan abilities but he still couldn't achieve using it on his own will.

"So how's you Void being problem?". Picking up his sword he threw earlier.

"I barely manged to beat it but I did. So it's all over right? "

"I wish it was ..."

Noah raised his eye in confusion "What do you mean , I defeated the Void being, what more could they be."

"Learning how to control your powers. Or you'll get killed easily".

Noah sighed, maybe Aries was right, but he wondered if he was really going to need all this. He could always just go back to living his normal life.

But a sudden thought came back , one that jolted him suddenly. He remembered the hunter girl that had sneaked up on him and threatened him.

He knew he couldn't let his guard down when it comes to her.

"Aries, can I ask you for a favor".

Aries folded his arm, as he closely paid attention.

"My school got damaged by the void being and it would take two weeks for the damages to be repaired. So can you use that time to help me fully understand my powers."

Aries smiled, a rare smile which Noah hadn't seen .

"I thought you didn't want to get too deep into this. You could always just return to your normal life and keep your powers hidden".

Noah dropped to his knees, head bowed to the ground. "Please, just do it for me. This would mean so much to me."

Aries wondered why he changed all of a sudden.

"Sorry, but I'll pass. You can learn by yourself. Seems like you have gotten yourself a good start. You'll figure it out on the way".

Noah didn't want to wait that long, to always be at death's door before he could manifest his abilities. He might not be so lucky next time

With his head still bowed to the ground " When my school was attacked by that creature, I did my best to get everyone out to safety in hope I could easily call you to fight it like we planned, but I couldn't find my phone. I had no way of contacting you and that forced me to fight it on my own".

Raising his head up slowly, Noah continued "There was a point during the fight that I felt I was really going to die, and that scared me. But I manage to survive with an inch of my life. I really don't want to experience that feeling against.I don't think I'll be lucky like that again. So please, help me".

"I really don't feel like babysitting you everytime...".

Noah felt his hope of getting help dwindle, there was no other person who knew about Noah's secret and he was not even sure anyone will be willing to help.

But a spark lit up within him. He wasn't going to let him refuse. He wanted this more than anything.

"Please!!! I'll do anything! Just please help me ....".

Aries could see the burning determination in his eyes, one that actually sent a chill down his spine.

Was he even worth it. He could get seriously hurt if he decided to do this.

"You do know I'm not going to go easy on you right?".

Noah's face immediately lit up, this was his chance."I don't care, I'll do it ".

Aries let out a loud sigh, letting Noah know this was a huge stress for him.

"Fine. This two weeks will be nothing but training. Don't think this is a dumb movie where you think you're the protagonist. I'm not guaranteeing your safety. Once you begin, there's no backing out".

Noah nodded excitingly, but then a chilling feeling filled the whole forest.

Aries eyes turned glowing blue, making Noah freeze in absolute horror 'If you do back down, then I'll kill you with my own hands ".

This was different , he felt so sure that his words were true but he wasn't planning on backing out no matter how tough it would be.

He had his reasons for doing this and nothing was going to stop him.

"Good, now that has been established. There's no more questions right? I'll see you tomorrow "

"But wait, how do I contact you. My phone got misplaced back at my school "

"Just meet me here tomorrow, around nine. Don't be late".

Noah watched as he walked away into the dense vegetation.

This was an exhilarating feeling and it worried him a bit.

When Aries attacked him earlier, he was sure he was going to die . He worried the training would be similar to that.

As the sun began to set, casting an orange glow across the dense forest, Noah reluctantly made his way back from the serene wilderness.

The whispering trees and chirping birds seemed to provide solace, momentarily easing the weight on his troubled mind.

However, as he emerged from the shadowy trees, his eyes were immediately drawn to an alarming scene unfolding before him. A cluster of ambulances surrounded a building he had passed by earlier, a building that seemed strangely familiar.

His heart skipped a beat as he realized what was happening - there was a fire, an inferno that engulfed the very structure he had seen standing tall just moments before.

Panic surged through his veins, his mind racing with thoughts of the little girl that was trapped in the building.

He heard a familiar cry amidst the people gathered here. It was the woman who was seeking for help when the firefighters were nowhere to be found.

His eyes fell upon her, a figure that would forever haunt his memories.

The girl, whose face mirrored his own fears and anxieties laid on a stretcher ,which was being taken away .

He watched helplessly, the realization hit him like a heavy blow - it was too late. She had succumbed to the merciless flames, and there was nothing he could do to save her.

"No..." Noah gasped under his breath.

In that moment, a dark cloud descended upon his soul, engulfing him in an overwhelming grief.

Words seemed useless, inadequate to express the torment he felt deep within. He was the one who knew, deep down, that he had the power to save her.

It was his fear, his cowardice, that had held him back from rushing into the burning building. The guilt and regret were a heavy burden, and he bowed his head, unable to bear the weight of his inaction.

"This was my fault, all mine...I could have saved her but I didn't..I was the only one who could save her before the fire department got here".

Tears welled in his eyes, and a heartbreak that words could never articulate coursed through his veins.

The world around him seemed to blur as he grappled with the crushing knowledge that he had failed himself and the girl too.

There would be no second chance, no opportunity to rewrite the horrific events that had unfolded before his very eyes.

All he could do was sob, mourn the loss of a life that he could have saved if only he hadn't been shackled by his own fear.

As the sirens wailed in the distance, a cacophony of mourning, he stood there on trembling legs, his chest heavy with the weight of regret. He would carry this burden forever, etching the memory of what could have been into the deepest recesses of his soul.

To be continued.