
Lycan King's Temptation

“I might not be able to see the truth, but I can hear the lies.“ After losing her sight and parents to a pack raid, Olivia was ridiculed and mocked by everyone in the pack for being weak and helpless, she was the textbook example of a pure blind mice. Her life was mapped out for her, and she never thought there would be a way out, that was until she found her mate… But, fate was everything but kind to her. She was rejected, without a shadow of doubt. But, who was to say he was the only one she was fated to fall in love with? Her life had only just started to begin, and what could be a greater slap than starting over by the side of Lucian Sinclair, the Lycan King and Alpha of all Alphas. The king with one hidden flaw. But what is his secret? What makes him so hard to understand, and what will happen to their relationship when he finds out she has secrets of her own.

peaches_99 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Purpose And Morality

Yelena as well as the other maids gasped and covered their mouths, no one had dared to talk back to Nadia, and yet these two nobodies had hit and scolded her all in one day.

Kieran ignored their reaction completely, and instead crouched down to pick up Olivia's cane. He pressed it into her hands, startling Olivia by his sudden physical contact.

Her cheeks flushed when Kieran pushed back her loose strands of hair, and neatly tucked them behind her ear. She hadn't heard this boy's voice within the one week she had spent in the tower, she was certain it was definitely their first time meeting.

As for Kieran, when his hands touched Olivia's he twisted his lips, and then looked closely at her, examining her features intently.

Whereas, Nadia was enraged, these two had completely disrespected her but didn't even give a damn about her presence.

"Who do you think you are?! I'm going to tell my father of how you tried to kill me!" Nadia screamed loudly and started crying.

"Do you always run into daddy's arms for every little thing?" Kieran's chilling voice asked coldly.

"What was that?" Nadia sharply retorted.

Kieran retracted his hand from Olivia's and marched over to the frightened little girl whose lips were drawn into a confident grin, yet still quivered from fright.

"I'm not wrong am I? You're spoiled and prissy and can't fend for yourself, not against a couple of peebles at least, or a defenseless blind girl." He pointed out, drawing Yelena's and Nadia's attention to the cane Olivia clutched tightly for support.

Who was this boy? Olivia wracked her brain into trying to figure out why he was being nice to her. Everyone here was cruel and her enemy, so why was he being kind?

Nadia snorted, "Who cares if she's blind? That just means she's useless, she would be better off a slave…" She was saying, only for Olivia to sharply cut in.

"I am not a slave." She vehemently insisted, drawing their attention to her.

Nadia knitted her brows and folded her arms across her chest, "Who gave you the permission to speak?!"

"I don't need your permission to say anything, you don't own me and I am not a slave."

Nadia scoffed and angrily charged towards Olivia, "Insolent!" She raised her palm and tried to slap Olivia, but only this time, Olivia could hear her footsteps approaching and was able to dodge the attack a second before it landed, causing Nadia to fall miserably on her behind.


And while the spectators all gasped and panicked, Kieran covered his mouth and laughed, "Whose useless now? You couldn't even land a hit on a blind girl." He pointed out in-between chuckles.

Olivia in turn didn't know when the corners of her lips had lifted into a small smile. However that smile soon faded when Yelena gave the order for them both to be apprehended.

Before she could make a protest, a hand snatched her cane, whilst another gripped her wrist and pulled her forward

"Quickly! Catch them!" Yelena ordered in a thunderous voice, "If they get away, I'll have all of you starved tonight!" She threatened the weak maids of the third division, which were made up of Omegas only.

The women complied and ran after Kieran and the blind girl.

"Why are we running?" Olivia asked over the sound of the maids furiously calling out to them. Without her cane, the only navigating device was this stranger's hand.

"Are you deaf as well? If that brat takes us back with her, then we're both screwed." He explained while vigorously pushing back chairs and whatever his hands could touch, fending off their relentless pursuers.

In-between heavy pants, Olivia retorted frantically, "If we were going to run in the first place, then why even provoke her?!" She asked while flying down the stairway, counting seconds to calm her racing heartbeat.

Kieran made a sharp turn towards the wash room and flung a laundry basket at the nearest maid! He slammed the door shut behind him and baracaded it with the long wooden tables lined vertically in the room.

Olivia could tell from the heavy sound the tables made while being pushed on the floor, that they were big, and too much for a little boy around her age. Yet, Kieran was able to do so very easily.

"Shhh! You wait here, I'll jump out the window and lure them away." Kieran told Olivia, whilst he led her against a wall to sit.

"What?! No! That's stupid, you could get hurt." Olivia scolded in a quiet whisper, wondering why on Earth she bothered over the safety of one of her enemies.

"Then, what do you reckon we do?" Kieran asked sitting next to her. "That brat is Insufferable, she'll definitely get back at us."

Olivia hugged her knees, "What need was there to provoke her in the first place? She sounds like she's important, is she not?"

Kieran scoffed, "She's just a brat. But her father, is much more, you see he's the Alpha of this pack."

You see, the phrase made her heart sink. This loss of vision had to be only temporary, Olivia hadn't even begun to imagine what it would be like if she continued living in this state, unable to see nothing but darkness when she opened and closed her eyes.

"Oh, I didn't notice." It wasn't like she had seen either and could draw the resemblance between them.

"That man, Alpha Lucian is the strongest warrior of all lycans, he's said to have only transformed into his wolf only once, and the only people who have seen that form are all dead." Kieran narrated, crossing his arms behind his head.

"Dead?" Olivia echoed.

"Killed in battle, for the powerful Lycan King to have shown those people his wolf, they must've been strong." He explained.

Wolf? Lycan? King?

These terms sounded foreign to Olivia, after living in a cabin all her life, however she was aware that there were paranormal activities happening around her. Aside herself, she always found it odd why her parents would choose to spend the night out in the town whenever it was a full moon.

"Couldn't he have let them live? Why did he have to kill them?" Olivia voiced out her thoughts, fighting back the memories from the invasion that happened barely over a week.

Kieran chuckled. "As I thought, you're just a naive sheltered girl, you don't know anything about war do you?" He suddenly blurted. He cracked his fingers and tossed a stern look at Olivia.

"I can bet that you must've had it easy, being a little blind frail omega, I heard you're Freina's half sister, you must've lived off your dead father's luxury until it ran out. So what would you know about war? About it's cruelty? About Death?!" He spat out in a venomous tone and waited for her to respond.

But Olivia stayed silent to his provocation, making Kieran uncomfortable, the boy who wanted to get under her skin found her level headedness annoying.

"What? Did that hurt your feelings? It's only the truth, you run out of money and find yourself working in the castle, a position much more deserving people need. Tch," he hissed, "You're all the same."

Tired of wasting his time, he got off his feet and dusted his worn out hand-me-down shorts. "Forget it, this was a waste of my time. Just wait here until someone comes for you."

Olivia retorted sharply while trying to stand up, "But they're going to punish me if they find me here, you can't let me take the blame alone."

Kieran rolled his eyes, "Finally showing off your selfish side?" He laughed sadistically, "You're no different from that brat, you're just a coward—"

"I don't care what you or anyone here thinks of me. All I care about is surviving this ordeal and finding a person who I hold dearest to me. And if in doing so I have to lose all my morals for that purpose, then so be it." She said firmly, and finally managed to stand on both feet.

"But I am NOT going to die here!" Olivia declared firmly, unaware that although she couldn't see, her eyes were looking right at Kieran, piercing through the spiteful lad's soul.