

In a world where humans and lycans inhabit the same realm, Alina, a young woman with an unquenchable curiosity, finds herself drawn into a forbidden love that defies the boundaries of their societies. Elias, a lycan with a deep sense of loyalty to his pack, becomes her confidant in an enchanted forest where their love blossoms under the moonlit nights. As their bond strengthens, so does the tension between their worlds. Alina's quest for understanding the mystical lycan way of life deepens, even as the prejudices and conflicts of their societies threaten to tear them apart. When a newcomer named Preston arrives, his intentions spark a series of events that lead to unexpected revelations and a dangerous love triangle. As Alina's world unravels, she discovers the true extent of her own latent magical abilities. The clash of love and loyalty, combined with hidden secrets, sets the stage for a battle that transcends the physical realm. As Alina grapples with her feelings for both Elias and Preston, she's faced with a choice that could forever alter the course of their intertwined destinies. The ensuing conflicts, heartbreaks, and unanticipated alliances lead to a climactic confrontation that uncovers the dark secrets lurking beneath the surface. In the end, Alina's journey is one of self-discovery, empowerment, and the ultimate choice between love and freedom. "LYCAN WILD AT HEART" is a riveting tale of love, magic, and the enduring quest for understanding in a world where boundaries are meant to be broken.

Mrs_Snow_5340 · Urban
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12 Chs

A Dilemma for Elias

Being an alpha isn't just about power; it's about responsibility. I've always known that. Leading the pack, making tough decisions – it's in my blood. But now, with Alina in my life, it's harder.

Alina has captured my heart. Her hazel eyes hold a world of curiosity and kindness. When I see her smile, my worries fade. But I'm also the alpha, the one they look up to. It's a balance I struggle to find.

One evening, as the moon rises, I walk through the forest, thinking of her. Her laughter echoes in my mind, a melody that soothes my soul. But then, thoughts of my pack pull me back. Catherine is keeping a close eye on me, but I need to see Alina, I miss her terribly.

As I approach the edge of the forest, the moonlight spills through the trees, casting long shadows on the ground. I can't stay away any longer. I reach for my phone and send Alina a message, asking her to meet me at our secret spot by the river.

Minutes pass, and I receive a reply. She agrees to meet me, and a wave of relief washes over me. I know the risks, the complications, but I can't deny my feelings for her.

I make my way to the riverbank, the moonlight guiding my path. Alina is already there, sitting on the mossy bank, her fingers trailing in the water. She looks up as I approach, her eyes sparkling with warmth.

"Elias," she says softly, and the sound of my name on her lips makes my heart race.

"Alina," I reply, my voice filled with longing.

We sit together in silence for a moment, the rush of the river providing a soothing backdrop to our thoughts. Alina is the first to speak.

"I've missed you," she admits, her gaze never leaving mine.

"I've missed you too," I confess, the weight of my responsibilities lifting in her presence.

As the moonlight bathes us in its glow, I reach for Alina's hand, our fingers intertwining. It feels like coming home.

"I wish things weren't so complicated," I say, my voice filled with regret.

Alina looks at me, her eyes filled with understanding. "I know, Elias. But we can't deny what we feel."

I lean in, my lips meeting hers in a gentle, lingering kiss. It's a moment of solace, a stolen fragment of time where it's just the two of us, free from the weight of our roles in the pack.

But reality soon catches up with us, and we reluctantly break apart. The moon is high in the sky, a reminder of the world we must return to.

"I have to go," I say, my heart heavy.

Alina nods, her eyes reflecting the same sadness I feel. "I understand. Just promise me you'll be careful."

"I promise, meet me here again tomorrow, same time" I reply, pressing another kiss to her forehead before reluctantly pulling away.

As I make my way back to the pack, my thoughts are divided. Alina has brought light and love into my life, but my responsibilities as alpha are as crucial as ever. Balancing the two won't be easy, but I'm determined to find a way.

For now, I'll carry Alina's warmth in my heart as I return to my pack, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.


As I watched Elias walk away, heading back to his pack, I couldn't help but wonder why he had asked me to meet him at the same place and time tomorrow. The moonlit riverbank, where our love had bloomed, held a special significance for us. But it was also a place filled with secrets and the complexities of our intertwined destinies.

My heart ached with longing as I sat there, the echoes of our kiss still tingling on my lips. Elias was the alpha, the leader of his pack, and I was just a human who had stumbled into his world. Our love was a fragile thread connecting two different worlds, and I couldn't help but worry about the consequences of our forbidden romance.

Why had he asked to meet me again tomorrow? Did it mean that he was willing to risk everything for our love, or was it a way to say goodbye, to savor one last moment together before the world tore us apart?

The river flowed gently beside me, its waters reflecting the moon's serene glow. I closed my eyes, trying to hold on to the warmth of Elias's touch, the tenderness of his words. But doubts crept in like shadows in the night.

What if tomorrow was the last time I would see him? What if our love was destined to be a fleeting moment in time, a beautiful but brief chapter in our lives? I couldn't bear the thought of losing him, of returning to a world without his presence.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I clutched the soft grass beneath me. Love was supposed to be a source of joy, but in our case, it had become a source of pain and uncertainty. I wished for a future where we could be together openly, without fear or prejudice. But that future seemed so distant, like a dream that might never come true.

With a heavy heart, I whispered to the moonlit night, "Elias, what are we doing? What will tomorrow bring?" The answers remained elusive, hidden in the depths of our love and the complexities of our worlds. All I could do was wait and hope that somehow, against all odds, our love would find a way to endure.


The moon cast a pale, eerie glow as Elias entered the house. He could feel Catherine's presence even before he saw her. She was waiting for him, her eyes flashing with a mix of concern and frustration.

"Elias," she began, her voice tense, "where have you been? I was worried sick."

Elias knew he had been gone longer than expected, but he had needed that time alone to clear his thoughts and make sense of the tangled web of emotions that surrounded him. However, he also understood that keeping Catherine in the dark wouldn't help the situation.

"I'm sorry, Catherine," he replied. "I needed some time to think."

Catherine's brow furrowed, her eyes narrowing. "Think about what, Elias? You've been distant lately, and I don't know what's going on in your head."

Elias sighed, "It's just... everything is so complicated right now. I've been torn between my responsibilities as the alpha and my feelings for Alina."

Catherine's eyes darkened, a storm brewing within her. "Alina," she hissed, "that human girl. You're still thinking about her?"

Elias nodded, his expression pained. "Yes, Catherine, I am. Alina is important to me, and I can't just forget about her."

Catherine's frustration boiled over, and she took a step closer to him, her voice trembling with anger. "Elias, you're my husband. You made a commitment to me, to our pack. Yet, you're letting your feelings for that human cloud your judgment."

Elias clenched his fists, the conflict within him palpable. "Catherine. I can't ignore what I feel."

Catherine's eyes welled up with fake tears. "You're tearing our pack apart, Elias. You're putting your love for that girl above everything else."

Elias shook his head, his own emotions in turmoil. "No, Catherine, that's not true. I'm trying to find a way to balance everything, to keep our pack together while not betraying my own heart."

The tension between Elias and Catherine lingered in the air like a storm waiting to unleash its fury. The house felt like a battleground of conflicting emotions.

Catherine couldn't shake the feeling that Elias was keeping something from her, something that had been gnawing at him for a while. She had sensed his distance, his preoccupation with thoughts he wasn't sharing.

"Elias," she said, her voice trembling with frustration, "you can't keep hiding things from me. We're supposed to be partners in this, in everything."

Elias sighed, his shoulders slumping as he realized he couldn't keep evading her questions. "You're right, Catherine. I shouldn't have kept this from you."

Catherine's gaze bore into him, her eyes demanding answers. "Then tell me, Elias. What's going on? What are you hiding?"

Elias hesitated, the words catching in his throat. But he knew he couldn't delay any longer. "It's Alina," he finally admitted. "I've been meeting her, spending time with her."

Elias ran a hand through his hair, his own frustration mounting. "I can't explain it, Catherine. There's something about her, something that draws me to her.

Catherine took a step closer to him, her eyes searching his for answers. "What do you intend to do, Elias? Are you willing to risk everything for this human girl?"

Elias's voice was heavy with uncertainty. "I don't know, Catherine. That's what I've been trying to figure out. I need time to think, to find a way to reconcile my responsibilities as the alpha with my emotions."

Catherine is furious and she suddenly gets extremely calm as she walked closer to Elias, unbuttoning her blouse "Elias, this is what you are going to do... for me to keep quite about this.. you will sleep with me today and in return I will keep quite about Alina"