
LWS: Liye's Legacy

When the famous Master Liye is about to reincarnate, he meets a badly wounded former slave on the brink of death and offers him his legacy and a name. That legacy changes the fate of the former slave, opening a way for him to take revenge on his former owners, but revenge isn’t the only thing on his mind. He wishes to increase his power so that he can help Master Liye the day he returns to thank him for everything. This story follows the adventures of Master Liye’s legacy disciple, Shiba. ______________________________________________ This novel is a prequel to Last Wish System occurring approximately 32 thousand years before Last Wish System, but both can be read independently. Both can spoil some details of the other due to shared characters. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/RHVESef

Alemillach · Fantasy
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233 Chs

Two Candidates

"Those guards deserve to die and the family behind them too. However, this time I can't act. It would harm Eini's fate. It seems that I need to investigate them thoroughly."

Eini's sister wanted to kill them all, but if she wanted the best for Eini, she couldn't do it. Of course, if Eini was about to die, she wouldn't care about that and kill everyone mercilessly.

After all, she was quite famous due to her talent. She was known for being the only one in the universe with the Supreme Talent, which allowed her to have the best talent at everything.

Of course, talent wasn't everything to become someone strong, but just her potential and her background were enough to make that even important factions didn't dare to mess with her, let alone a small family of that planet.

"Lina, can you hear me?"

At that moment, she received a message.

"Yes, father."

Lina's father was an Origin God. It didn't matter if it was the Origin Path of the Fake Origin Path, Origin God was the limit. To reach further heights, one would need to develop a custom way to do it. However, only the universe creator and another person had reached that level. Besides them, only an expert nicknamed the Battle God, who had created his own Path instead of continuing to follow the Origin Path was able to beat any Origin God without effort despite being at a lower level. Lina had seen the Battle God battle with her father in the past, so she was sure of that matter despite being difficult to believe.

Thus, with the exception of those three experts, Origin God was considered the pinnacle of strength. Although the strength of Origin Gods wasn't the same among them all, they all had an important status.

"About the matter of that family, you shouldn't interfere unless there is no other way. Their fate is too closely related to that thing."

Lina had already guessed that it was better to not interfere, but she felt the words of his father a bit strange.

"It isn't just to not harm Eini's fate? Can it be that the one fated is a member of that family?"

She didn't feel that a member of a family that enslaved others and then killed them was worthy of obtaining it.

"No, they aren't. I have been enlightened while observing the situation. I know that I am not fated with it, but maybe Eini is. The one fated has a Fake Origin Path, it is at Mortal Rank, and it is currently on that planet."

Eini met all the conditions, but Lina knew that she wasn't the only one.

"You mean that the two candidates are Eini and that guy who I have yet to discover his background."

Lina knew about the other guy, but he was weaker than Eini despite being a bit older. Thus, she didn't think that he could compete against Eini at all.

"Yes, and they are also the only ones who should defeat that family. It didn't matter which one of them do it, maybe they could even work together."

The understanding of Lina's father was able to see through the future, but he couldn't discern everything clearly. However, he was sure that those two would be related in some way in the conflict against that family.

"As for that guy. I can say without any doubt that his Fake Origin Path was created by my best friend, Aknarel. Given our relationship, that guy can't be harmed in any way, or I won't be able to look at my friend's face anymore."

Lina's father and Aknarel were friends as close as brothers. Thus, harming or letting be harmed someone who was clearly on Aknarel's side was out of the question.

"Since he is on uncle's side, I will keep an eye on him, but there should already be someone protecting him in the shadows."

Lina had met Aknarel when she was still a child, and Aknarel asked her to call him uncle.

"No. No one is protecting him. In fact, he was the only surviving slave from the place Eini had just fled. I felt the aura of Aknarel's son in the area, and given his personality, he should have taken him as a disciple and gave him the Fake Origin Path, but he isn't there anymore. If I am not wrong, he went to reincarnate."

For an Origin God, it wasn't difficult to guess what happened even without having seen it directly.

After all, he knew very well that his friend's son was famous under the name Master Liye for taking a lot of disciples and being very proficient at teaching them.

"Reincarnate? Then, I really need to keep an eye on him for my uncle's sake. However, my priority is Eini. I will help him if it is under my means, but since I am trying to be always close to Eini, I can't be sure of being able to help him if he is too far."

She didn't mind helping someone on Aknarel's side if she could do it, but her sister was her main priority.

"Of course. Protecting Eini is your job. We can't let that kid die if we can protect him, but if it is impossible, Aknarel can't blame us."

If they didn't move while being able to save him, they could be blamed, but if the other party died where they couldn't help, it wasn't their fault.

"I hope he doesn't die. If he was someone who worked here, there is no doubt that he has some fate with this matter. Maybe Eini will need his help to get that thing."

Since she heard Shiba's past, there was no doubt he was fated to be implicated with the matter.

"Probably. I doubt that Aknarel's son hadn't given him something to protect his life, so I doubt that he will die easily. That family is made of weaklings, but Eini is still too weak to face them, so it would be good if she has some help."

Even Lina could wipe out that family easily, but if she acted like that, she would harm the fate of Eini and Shiba, and it was possible that neither of them managed to get it.

The acts of a Law God like Lina could alter fate too easily, especially the face of those far weaker than her.

Of course, the effect of an Origin God was far greater. Thus, Lina was the one protecting her sister from the shadows instead of her father.

In the past, Lina suffered a lot as a child since her father couldn't help her immediately due to being too far. She suffered quite a bit, and several planets were destroyed by her father in retaliation.

"Indeed. I believe that you will know how to act. I won't contact you again unless there is something important. Good luck."

He only contacted Lina because that matter was of utmost importance. If not, he didn't want to interfere by even sending a message to Lina.

"Luck? As if I could rely on something like that."

Lina didn't think that it was a matter of luck. She wanted to do things with her own strength, not with something like luck.

"I doubt that Eini returns to this area later. Too dangerous with those bastards looking for her. Border Town isn't safe from them either, but all the towns of that type had a special status despite being weak in power, so they shouldn't try to destroy them with power."

Eini had returned to Border Town after having fled from those guards, but the life in the arid area was difficult for someone at the Mortal Rank, so it wasn't difficult to guess that at some moment, she would head to one of the towns at the border.

Eini could hide her presence from others, but the guards were far stronger than her, so it would be useless.

"I hope they don't force my hand. I don't want to waste Eini's opportunity for being reckless, but don't test my limits."

Although protecting Eini was her job, Eini was her only sister, so she was protecting her because she wanted, not just because her father asked her.

Lina's mother died when Lina was too young, so Eini and Lina didn't have the same mother, but that didn't change how much Lina cared for Eini.

While that happened, Shiba had been looking for beasts, but he didn't manage to find a single one. Of course, he didn't have any idea of the topic Lina had been speaking about with her father.

It wasn't difficult to attract beasts by making a ruckus, but he wanted to find one, not to track a horde of beasts.

Fighting against one beast was alright, but if he were to fight against a whole horde, he would be doomed.

He felt that his luck was quite bad. A beast found him when he didn't want to meet any, and when he wanted to meet one, he was unable to find a single one.

The worst was that the one that appeared was on an area that beasts almost never appear, while on the area supposedly filled with beasts, no one appeared.

"I will rest here this night. Maybe a beast will come here."

Shiba felt that using himself as bait was the only way to attract a beast.

The area was famous for being more dangerous at night, so Shiba didn't plan to sleep.

His plan was reckless, but since he didn't know how to find beasts on the day, he could only try on the night.

Of course, beast hunters had their means to attract beasts, but Shiba didn't know any of those.


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