
LWS: Liye's Legacy

When the famous Master Liye is about to reincarnate, he meets a badly wounded former slave on the brink of death and offers him his legacy and a name. That legacy changes the fate of the former slave, opening a way for him to take revenge on his former owners, but revenge isn’t the only thing on his mind. He wishes to increase his power so that he can help Master Liye the day he returns to thank him for everything. This story follows the adventures of Master Liye’s legacy disciple, Shiba. ______________________________________________ This novel is a prequel to Last Wish System occurring approximately 32 thousand years before Last Wish System, but both can be read independently. Both can spoil some details of the other due to shared characters. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/RHVESef

Alemillach · Fantasy
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233 Chs

The Lord of the Town

The residence of the Lord of the town was in the middle of Border Town, so Shiba needed to follow that woman for a while before reaching the place.

Although he was also the guild master of the Beast Hunter Guild, he almost never was there, so whenever someone of the guild needed to contact him, they were the ones that needed to travel to the residence of the guild master.

"I am here to report something important to the guild master."

That wasn't her first time needing to report something there, so she knew how to act. The guards on the door also recognized her, so they sent someone to inform the guild master immediately.

The guards were Level 9 Mortals, so the only one stronger than them in the town was the Lord of the town. However, the Lord of the town alone could beat all of them simultaneously.

Of course, those guards were already far past sixteen years old, so they couldn't advance anymore. Thus, they decided to serve the strongest expert in the town.

Being the guards of the Lord of the town gave them a great status, so they were willing to do the job.

After waiting for a few minutes, the guards finally gave permission to enter into the residence of the Lord of the town. Without their permission, it didn't matter that the woman worked for the Beast Hunter Guild, she wouldn't dare to enter.

Once they were inside, the woman led Shiba to the meeting room where the Lord of the town was waiting.

"Welcome. I see that this time you came with a young friend. Did something happen?"

Shiba saw that the Lord was in his thirties, but from what he heard before from the woman, the truth was that he was already in his sixties.

From what he heard, the lifespan expanded when advancing to the next rank, and the aging also slowed.

The Lord of the town was a Level 9 Novice, just a level away from Rank 2, Apprentice. Thus, he had a lifespan that doubled the lifespan of those at the Mortal Rank.

If he managed to become Rank 2, he would be able to double it again, and based on the rumors, he wasn't far from doing it.

The only time restriction was on reaching Rank 1. After that, as long as one advanced before dying, there weren't any other restrictions.

Being at the pinnacle of Rank 1, the Lord of the town was several times more powerful than everyone else in Border Town.

A Level 2 Mortal was twice as strong as a Level 1 Mortal, and a Level 3 Mortal three times as strong as a Level 1 Mortal. Thus, although there was a difference between levels, it wasn't that big.

However, once reaching Rank 1, one would be ten times stronger than a Level 1 Mortal, but a Level 2 Novice, was twice as strong as someone who just reached Rank 1. A Level 1 Novice was between both since the Level 1 of each Rank except Mortal Rank worked like that. However, the rest of the levels of each rank followed the same pattern.

Thus, a Level 9 Novice was nine times stronger than someone who just reached Rank 1. The difference the Lord of the Town had with those at the Mortal Rank was just too big.

"Yes. Here is the report of the situation."

She knew that the guild master would understand once he read that report.

The Lord of the town picked the report and read it, but he couldn't avoid putting a surprised face.

"Is everything here true?"

He couldn't believe what he was reading, but he didn't think that someone had the guts to send a false report.

"Yes, this is why I came here as fast as possible."

The woman knew that the guild master's interest in Shiba had been triggered by the report.

As for Shiba, he didn't know what was about the report, but he felt that it was something the woman had to give to the guild master and that she just let him tag along.

He didn't even consider for a second that the report was about him.

"I understand, good job."

As someone who valued beast hunters, he was glad to meet such a talent.

"Your name is Shiba, right?"

Shiba was surprised that the guild master spoke to him, but he replied immediately anyway.

"Yes. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Although Shiba was surprised, his tone was calm and respectful. However, there wasn't any fear of his voice, which surprised the guild master quite a bit.

That wasn't the first time a talented kid went to meet him, but they were always nervous and scared. Of course, none of them had done something near the feats the report about Shiba described.

"You are really a talent. You also seem to have a resolute mind. Do you want to be my disciple?"

The previous kids didn't meet his standards, so although he gave them some pointers to help them improve, there was no way he accepted them as disciples. On the other hand, Shiba was just the kind of disciple he wanted.

Someone with potential, a strong mind, but who wasn't arrogant.

Kids with far fewer accomplishments than Shiba were always bragging, but Shiba believes that what he had done was normal, not something to brag about.

In fact, even the Lord of the town bragged for something Shiba didn't consider worthy of bragging.

Shiba was a bit old for his level, but given his battle prowess, the guild master felt that it was just that he had focused too much on increasing his battle prowess instead of his level.

In fact, with enough resources, increasing the level in the Mortal Rank wasn't that difficult, but being able to have that kind of battle prowess wasn't easy, and it couldn't be bought just with money.

Of course, it wasn't that difficult with the resources that the Lord of the town had. If he just needed to help a single person, he could guarantee that he would reach Rank 1 in less than three years if the other party worked hard.

"I am sorry, but I already have a master, and it would be disrespectful accepting someone else."

Shiba's words left the woman and the guild master speechless.

They never expected that Shiba would reject the offer.

Of course, they felt that it was just that Shiba wanted to talk it with his master even if it was just as proof of respect.

Teachers in academies just taught any student, but master and disciple shared a stronger relationship, so the guild master felt that even if Shiba's master couldn't compare to him, it was proper that Shiba asked permission first.

Shiba's words just increased the good impression that the guild master had of him.

"That is right. You need to ask your master first if you already have one. That is proper etiquette. Tell me the name and level of your master. I will go to speak to him personally. Since he groomed someone like you, I am willing to give him a high position in Border Town after accepting you as a disciple."

Since Shiba's master was capable of making Shiba so strong, even if his age made it too late to reach Rank 1, the Lord of the town was willing to give him an important position. Making him the second-in-charge of Border Town wasn't impossible either.

"I have forbidden to say my master's name, sorry. As for his level, he told me that he is a Law God."

Shiba doubted that the Lord of the town knew what a Law God was, but if he didn't say anything, it would seem that he was just finding excuses to reject the Lord of the town, and Shiba couldn't offend him with his power.

"Did you say Law God?"

The face of the guild master changed to Shiba's surprise.

"Let us alone first. This isn't a matter you are allowed to hear."

The woman was surprised to hear the guild master being so serious, but she still did as the guild master instructed.

Once the woman left, the man smiled.

"Young friend, you should have told me this from the start. How can I dream about stealing a disciple of a Law God? I am not worthy of that. Do you need anything? I will do my utmost to help you."

The man had been scared to death. Others at his level wouldn't know what a Law God was, but he knew.

A few days ago, he had heard a voice in his head claiming to be a Law God, and the aura he felt was enough to make him fear absolute fear.

That voice told that someone important would be residing in the town and that if there was any mishappen to that person, the whole town would be erased from the map.

Of course, that was Lina's doing when Eini reached the town. She couldn't mention Eini, or it would be a too direct interference, but just asking the Lord of the town to be on alert was enough.

He wouldn't dare to take any radical means by knowing that someone important was there. Of course, if he were foolish enough to do it, Lina would kill him and the rest of the town with him if there was the need for it.

Lina never expected that Shiba would end up being benefited from her words. She was observing Shiba and Eini, so she saw the scene at the house of the Lord of the town.

"Unexpected, but if the Lord of the town is on his side, it would also be good for him. Why Eini wasn't smart enough to catch the attention of the Lord of the town? I can't help directly, so I even masked my voice, but knowing that I exist, the Lord of the town would have helped her with all his strength. The help of someone so weak couldn't harm fate in any way."

It wouldn't be difficult for Eini to attract attention if she wanted, but she tried to act low-key too much, so she lost the opportunity to gain the favor of the Lord of the town. After all, she only showed her strength when others couldn't see her, so there was no way that others would notice.


Remember, tomorrow 2 more!

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