
LWS: Liye's Legacy

When the famous Master Liye is about to reincarnate, he meets a badly wounded former slave on the brink of death and offers him his legacy and a name. That legacy changes the fate of the former slave, opening a way for him to take revenge on his former owners, but revenge isn’t the only thing on his mind. He wishes to increase his power so that he can help Master Liye the day he returns to thank him for everything. This story follows the adventures of Master Liye’s legacy disciple, Shiba. ______________________________________________ This novel is a prequel to Last Wish System occurring approximately 32 thousand years before Last Wish System, but both can be read independently. Both can spoil some details of the other due to shared characters. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/RHVESef

Alemillach · Fantasy
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233 Chs

Facing Two Level 4 Beasts

The beasts were surprised by Shiba's change, but they continued with their attacks.

They just saw a being at level 3 battling two at level 4, so they didn't feel that using two weapons could change it.

They had some intelligence since they had trained a bit, but they couldn't be compared to humans at that level.

Thanks to using Wind Blade and Earth Blade simultaneously, Shiba was able to endure for several hours without being at a disadvantage, but he wasn't able to defeat them either.

Wind Blade wasn't enough to hit the fast beast, and although Earth Blade could harm the sturdy one, it wasn't enough to kill it.

It seemed a battle in which the one who got exhausted first would lose, and Shiba was battling two opponents alone using skills simultaneously, so it was easy to guess who would be exhausted first.

If it weren't for his improvement controlling the elements and the fact that he had Fake Origin Qi, he would have been exhausted long ago, but he was already reaching his limit.

Besides his energy, his mind was also exhausted from being focused on two opposite battle styles simultaneously.

In fact, even Lina was surprised that he endured that long.

Since Shiba wasn't far from Border Town where Eini was, Lina had been observing him and saw the whole battle. If he was about to be killed, she planned to save him, but she didn't expect Shiba to last for that long.

She could see that Shiba's overall talent wasn't good compared to Eini's, but Shiba's resolution and perseverance were worthy of her praise. Getting Lina's praise wasn't easy. She wouldn't even praise her sister unless she really deserved it.

"He surprised me, but he is at his limit. If this continues in this way, he will just last some minutes before being defeated."

If Shiba was at the same level as those two beasts, he would have won battling like that, but he was weaker than his opponents, and he was also surpassed in number.

Shiba was also conscious that he wouldn't last more than a few minutes, but he didn't want to give up until the end.

He remembered when he fled after his previous owners thought that he was dead. If he had given up before reaching his limit, he wouldn't have met Master Liye.

Thus, he wouldn't lose hope until the very end.

"They slowed down?"

Suddenly, Shiba felt that his opponents were moving slower than before.

Although he didn't understand the reason, he didn't waste the chance and killed the fast beast. With its defense, it couldn't endure a single hit of Wind Blade.

Once the fast one was dead, Shiba changed his Wind Blade into an Earth Blade and sued both Earth Blades to attack the sturdy beast, who also died.

[Congratulations on reaching the expert stage on swordsmanship.]

Only when he heard that notification did Shiba notice the reason for what happened before. It wasn't that the beasts were slower, but that his swordsmanship reached a critical point and advance to the next stage.

"Reaching the expert stage at thirteen isn't impressive at all, but it has been less than a month since that guy touched a sword for the first time. His talent for swordsmanship is next to wind and earth, but for this speed, it should have been something related to his teacher, and maybe some luck. No, there isn't any luck. Being able to coordinate two opposed battle styles in a battle where his life was at risk led him to this breakthrough. This has been due to pure effort."

Calling Shiba's breakthrough a lucky was insulting Shiba. The abnormal amount of effort he did to endure until that moment had been paid with a breakthrough. Of course, Shiba's swordsmanship was already at the pinnacle of the apprentice stage from before thanks to the system's teaching, so once he reached a critical point, he advanced without effort.

"If Eini with her talent was able to be as resolute and decisive as this guy is, she would be far stronger than she is now."

She knew that although her sister was talented, she had a childish personality and didn't have too much resolution.

Of course, given her age, Eini's behavior was the normal one, the strange was Shiba, but for becoming strong, Shiba's behavior was better.

"Even with his talent, this guy can become strong. Just that perseverance he has shown, I doubt he will lose to those that this planet call geniuses."

Throughout history, those with that kind of personality were those who managed to become powerful experts even without relying upon background. Of course, not everyone survived to become strong, but the perseverant ones were those with the highest chances.

At that moment, Shiba fell to the ground, exhausted. He didn't know that he was being observed and that there was someone ready to save him, so he really felt that he had just escaped death.

Once his swords returned to normality, the wooden sword broke into pieces.

It was already at its limit before, so although it endured as long as Shiba had been using Earth Blade, once it stopped, it was unable to endure anymore.

Using skills also affected the durability of the swords, it was normal that some swords broke after being used to execute skills continuously.

Of course, the higher the quality, the more it would endure.

The wooden sword was a weapon for training, and it was very damaged from the previous battle, so there wasn't anything surprising that it broke at that moment.

After resting for a while. Shiba stood up and went to pick the sword that was sent flying away previously. Although he was still more proficient using just one sword, he realized that if he was facing two opponents or one with a lot of defense, using two was better.

Shiba was tired, but he didn't have a single injury, so he decided to return to the Border Town at dawn after resting a bit.

The town was closed until dawn, but he had been battling most of the night, so it was already almost dawn.

It would be dangerous if another beast were to attack him at that moment, but he was too tired to carry the two deceased beasts to Border Town without resting a bit more first.

With two Level 4 Beast dead, it would be difficult that another one went against Shiba. The instincts of a beast would make it avoid attacking someone potentially lethal for it.

Of course, for beasts of a higher level, that wouldn't apply, but there weren't beasts of that level on the area Shiba was.

Under normal circumstances, Level 4 Beast was the stronger that would appear there since it was still quite close to the town. If one wanted to hunt stronger beasts, there was a need to distance more from the town.

Once Shiba saw the sun, he stood up and picked up the two beasts. The fast one was relatively small, so he put it on top of the sturdy one that was more difficult to carry due to it is size and weight.

If Shiba's strength wasn't at the pinnacle of level 3, he wouldn't have been able to carry such a heavy beast until the town.

Still, he wasted a lot of time due to not being able to move fast while carrying it.

The guards bowed with respect towards Shiba when they saw him appear with those two beasts. The guards knew more about beasts than Shiba, so they recognized them. Thus, they were surprised that a thirteen-year-old kid could defeat them.

It wasn't just because even those beasts were all level 4 upon being adults, but that they were considered the more difficult to hunt among level 4 beasts due to their speed and sturdiness.

Besides being strong enough, one also needed to be really skilled to be able to hunt them.

Moreover, given that they Saw Shiba's effort carrying the sturdy beast, they knew that Shiba's strength wasn't higher than those of those beasts. At most, they believed that Shiba was also at level 4.

Of course, Shiba had yet to advance to level 4, but since his stats were maxed for his level, it wasn't strange that just by the looks someone believed that he had already advanced. After all, it was weird having all stats maxed.

After a lot of effort, Shiba managed to reach the Beast Hunter Guild.

He didn't know how much money he would get, but he hoped that it would be a lot since he almost died hunting them.

Shiba also wanted to ask if there was a way to move the deceased beasts without needing to carry them. It wasn't a problem for small beasts, but for huge ones, it was really difficult to carry them all the way to the Beast Hunter Guild.

Shiba had seen that the woman he spoke with the other day was there, so he decided to go and speak with her. There was more than one person attending beast hunters, but Shiba felt that it was better to speak with someone he already knows.


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