
LWS: Liye's Legacy

When the famous Master Liye is about to reincarnate, he meets a badly wounded former slave on the brink of death and offers him his legacy and a name. That legacy changes the fate of the former slave, opening a way for him to take revenge on his former owners, but revenge isn’t the only thing on his mind. He wishes to increase his power so that he can help Master Liye the day he returns to thank him for everything. This story follows the adventures of Master Liye’s legacy disciple, Shiba. ______________________________________________ This novel is a prequel to Last Wish System occurring approximately 32 thousand years before Last Wish System, but both can be read independently. Both can spoil some details of the other due to shared characters. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/RHVESef

Alemillach · Fantasy
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233 Chs

Elemental Training

Being used to the nights of the arid zone, the night on the place where Shiba decided to rest that night to attract beasts was extremely pleasant.

He was lying on the ground, looking at the sky. He never had a chance to relax and do something like that before.

"I wonder if the native planet of my master is out there. I would like to see it someday. I bet that my master also will be reincarnated there. One day I will be strong enough to kill those bastards, and then, I will leave this planet."

Shiba extended his hand to the sky and closed it.

The two reasons pushing Shiba forward were opposites. One was absolute gratitude, while the other was absolute hatred.

He couldn't be more grateful to Master Liye, and he couldn't hate more those that considered him a slave.

Although Shiba hadn't found a single beast in all day, he hadn't been slacking off. He had constantly been training his Fake Origin Qi. Moreover, although he didn't dare to use Wind Blade while walking for fear to be seen as someone crazy and didn't dare to show Wind Wings without being sure that no one was looking, he had been training his control of the elements passively.

Earth and Wind were the elements in which he had the best affinity, but he knew that his overall talent wasn't good enough, so he at least wanted to maximize his two best talents.

It was repetitive and boring training, but in Shiba's situation, that was what he needed. If he wasn't talented enough, then he just needed to put more effort, no matter how boring or repetitive it was.

Having worked as a slave his whole life, he had a high mental endurance. If he were able to endure his hatred while working for his previous owners, he definitely could endure hours and hours of repetitive and boring training.

Understanding the elements while being at the Mortal Rank was far too difficult because it required a lot of time and effort. Moreover, doing it at a higher level was easier, so it was usually left for later. Most people would prefer to focus exclusively on reaching Rank 1, and even after that, they would prefer to learn new skills or increase their level.

However, that was a huge mistake. Although it was useful at the start, it would be difficult for someone to become a Law Master without any previous training controlling the elements before. Of course, training things like swordsmanship or martial arts was also valid to become Law Master, but although that was a bit more common, it wasn't enough.

Thus, there wasn't a single Law Master native on that planet. Law Master had an indefinite lifespan, so they wouldn't die from old age, nor would they grow older. In fact, they could control their looks freely.

As long as one was a Law Master in one Law, learning the others would be far easier.

On the other hand, those who started feeling elements from the beginning would have it better in the long term. That was also one of the reasons Eini was still at the Mortal Rank despite being just a bit younger than Shiba. If she focused purely on increasing her level, she would have already reached Rank 1 long ago. In fact, she would have reached it before even being eleven, and the Fake Origin Path could only be started to train at ten.

She spent a lot of time learning to sense and control elements, which made that she was able to control her skills far better than others at her level.

Although Eini didn't have the abnormal talent of her sister, she was still far more talented than Shiba. People coming from factions like her own were almost always born with some innate gifts that gave them a huge advantage over common people like Shiba.

Of course, the Legacy System was as good as any innate gift. The help of the system had been essential in guiding Shiba to sense the elements properly. Without it, even with Shiba's efforts, the effects wouldn't be even a hundredth part.

The Legacy System was similar to having a Law God teaching him, but without the problems that it could have with his fate. That was one of the reasons why Master Liye had been developing and testing that kind of system. The issues that strong experts could provoke in the fate of weak people were well-known, and it was considered a huge problem.

Having the Legacy System, it didn't matter Shiba's lack of talent as long as he trained persistently. In fact, by that world's standards, Shiba's talent for the wind element and earth element was very good from the start.

Moreover, the enlightenment he had on the wind element had increased his affinity to the point that would even obtain the praise of Master Liye.

Usually, affinities were fixed when being born, but they could increase thanks to enlightenment. The chances of the affinity improving were higher at the Mortal Rank. It would become more difficult afterward.

Of course, people with special bloodlines could get an improvement by just awakening that bloodline regardless of enlightenment and level, but Shiba didn't have any, so training his control over the elements and hoping enlightenment was the best he could do.

Shiba was looking at the stars while training his control over the elements and Fake Origin Qi, which was exhausting to be done simultaneously, but he was also on alert since he was using himself as bait.

After a couple of hours, Shiba finally felt that something was nearing him.

"Here it comes."

Shiba quickly wielded one of his swords and executed Wind Blade, but the beast rushing towards him avoided it.

"So fast!"

Shiba was surprised by the speed of that beast, which Shiba didn't know what kind of species was. Based on the form, it seemed to be something similar to a rabbit, but rabbits didn't have spikes on their back, nor on their head, and of course, didn't have wings either.

In fact, Shiba had a complete lack of understanding of beasts. He just knew normal beasts that were raised to eat. About wild and dangerous beasts, he didn't know a single thing.

"With this speed, this is probably a Level 4 Beast."

Although Shiba didn't know anything about the beast, he could judge it by its speed.

The beast was rushing towards Shiba non-stop, but it always managed to avoid Shiba's attacks without effort.

Of course, Shiba also managed to avoid being hit since the beast needed to change directions to avoid the attacks.

Beasts so fast usually didn't have a great defense, so they didn't dare to take hits head-on.

If that were just a level 3 Beast, Shiba believed that he could face it without problems, even if that a fast beast, but the difference of level was a huge problem for him.

While Shiba was worried about that beast, he heard some footsteps, and he turned away, he saw a bit turtle-like beast that was also going towards him.

"Two beasts?"

Shiba was already having problems dealing with one, and a second one appeared. Shiba didn't know the level of that beast, but it looked quite sturdy.

Shiba was still dealing with the fast beast when the sturdy one reached him and tried to bite him.

By instinct Shiba attacked it, but although he stopped it, his sword was sent flying away.

"Don't tell me that this is also a level 4 Beast? What happened to my luck?"

Shiba felt that he should have wasted all the luck of his life by becoming Master Liye's disciple.

One beast was fast, while the other was sturdy. It would be one thing if they were to battle against each other, but they seemed to decide to collaborate to beat Shiba.

Shiba had two swords, so he instantly took the other one, but he didn't dare to use it to hit the sturdy beast, or the result would be the same as before. Thus, he needed to focus on avoiding the attacks of the sturdy beast while trying to attack the fast one.

However, as those beasts seemed to grow used to collaborate, it was becoming more difficult for Shiba to battle them.

"If I could stop the attacks of the sturdy beast, I would be able to stop this collaboration, but how?"

Shiba was trying to find an answer, and after a while, he had an idea.

"What if I try to use Wind Blade but with the earth element? However, I need Wind Blade to stop the fast one."

He felt that using the earth element, he would make the sword heavier so it could harm the sturdy beast, but that would reduce the speed, so the fast beast would succeed on its attack.

"If I only had the other sword... Forget about it, let's try with the wooden sword."

Shiba couldn't reach the sword that went flying away before, so his only option was to pick the wooden sword and hope it would work on it.

He wasn't sure about being able to wield both swords simultaneously, but that was his only idea.

[Congratulations on learning the skill Earth Blade.]

As soon as Shiba tried his idea, he heard that notification. At that moment, the wooden sword had increased its size considerably and hit the sturdy beast.

"It works!"

Seeing that Earth Blade was useful against the sturdy beats and that the wooden sword wasn't breaking due to the reinforcement of the earth around it, he finally felt that it was possible to win.

He could barely use two different battle styles simultaneously thanks to his experience dividing his attention to training the control of element and Fake Origin Qi.

It was quite strange for someone of his age and level to be able to split his attention to battle like that.


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