
LWS: Liye's Legacy

When the famous Master Liye is about to reincarnate, he meets a badly wounded former slave on the brink of death and offers him his legacy and a name. That legacy changes the fate of the former slave, opening a way for him to take revenge on his former owners, but revenge isn’t the only thing on his mind. He wishes to increase his power so that he can help Master Liye the day he returns to thank him for everything. This story follows the adventures of Master Liye’s legacy disciple, Shiba. ______________________________________________ This novel is a prequel to Last Wish System occurring approximately 32 thousand years before Last Wish System, but both can be read independently. Both can spoil some details of the other due to shared characters. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/RHVESef

Alemillach · Fantasy
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233 Chs

Bea's Talisman

Bea's whip was like a living snake. Reia was unable to counter it with her own whip. Thus, Bea force Reia to retreat in a short moment.

Reia was far less experienced than Bea in using the whip, so she immediately fell at a disadvantage once both were using whips.

"A pity! If this was your trump card, this isn't fun at all."

Bea looked at Reia disdainfully while using her whip to attack her non-stop.

The attacks weren't lethal, not injured her too much, but they were humiliating.

"Let's cut you a bit, then."

She felt bored of using the whip, so she decided to take out a sword and attack Reia physically. She was fast enough that Reia didn't have time to react to bring her own weapon until her body was already full of wounds.

Still, Bea was only playing, so none of these words were lethal. She wanted to use natural healing later to let Reia have all her body scarred.

Reia already knew that with weapons, she wouldn't be able to win. Bea was far too monstrous.