
13. Chapter 52: No Dancing Around


Levi, back when he still wore his Bard Track uniform, was heading toward the harbor "Glad the Boiling Rain finally stopped," he said to himself, unaware of the three figures watching him from behind.

"This one shouldn't be alone at night, should he, Bangles?" asked a blue-haired girl while Bangles nodded.

"Good eye," Bangles replied while bringing out her knife. "Let's show this little fish face the error of his ways…"


It was just an ordinary day at Hexside. Well, as ordinary as it could get.

In her class Willow was doing a demonstration with a sunflower, showing off how its bud shine like the sun. Her Plant Track teacher was impressed. "Excellent work, Willow, your sunflower is exceptionally bright."

"Thanks, Mrs. Pricklethorn," Willow replied before she noticed Gus standing in the doorway of the classroom. He waved and she waved back with a smile.

Yet at that moment vents with eyeballs started to cough. "Oh Titan, something's coming out-ACK!" It hacked up a few pixies that came out of the vent's mouth.

"Hiiiiisssss!" The pixies flew around the classroom, causing the students to go into a panic. The pixies were drawn to the sunflower and its light, causing them to fly towards the flower and Willow.

The Plant Track students and teacher fled out of the classroom, Gus diving out of the way. He saw Willow running with the pixies chasing after her. "Hang on, Willow!" Gus shouted, using his illusion magic to make illusion pixies that would distract the attacking pixies. But those pixies just fly through the illusions. "Willow!"

Willow tried to defend herself from the pixies as much as she could with her vine magic, but the pixies dodged her attacks and drew closer until they were suddenly shot out by golden goo from the side, causing them to stick to the lockers. Willow was surprised by the save and even more so when she turned to see that Boscha had been the one to save her.

"Boscha…" Willow said. "Um, thanks for the save."

Boscha sighed. "Consider us even for saving me before," she said before turning away, pulling the hood of her uniform over her head, and walking away.

"Willow, are you alright?" Gus asked her.

"I'm good, Gus," Willow replied with a nod. "And thanks for trying to help out."

"I thought I could get those pixies away from you with my magic, but…" Gus looked at his own hands, but Willow gave him a reassuring pat on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it," Willow responded. "Just be glad that Boscha showed up before things got worse."

"Yeah, probably to show off," Gus muttered, causing Willow to frown.

"So Luz was trying to contact you last night," Willow said, changing the subject, "You didn't answer your call, are you alright?"

"I'm… occupied with stuff," Gus stated.

"Oh, well then I can update you on what she wanted to tell you," Willow said as she began to explain recent events while they headed back to class.

Luz was waiting outside of Principal Bump's office for Amity, who was inside explaining her renouncement of her family name to Bump and Ms. Traveler.

"I am surprised by this, Amity," Bump admitted after hearing Amity's explanation, expressing sympathies for the young witch. "But you have my condolences in regards to what happened to you that led to your decision."

"I'm sorry too," Julia added with an equal amount of sympathy. "Remember that the door to my office is always open if you ever want to talk about it further…"

"Thank you, Ms. Traveler," Amity responded. "But what's done is done. I've come to terms with my decision to become a nameless witch, though for now I do want to keep this private. Other than my teachers, I don't want anyone else to know about me cutting ties from my family. There is just so much already going on, I don't need another stress factor."

"Your privacy will be respected," Bump promised. "And we will help you out in any way we can. Whether or not you are a Blight is inconsequential, either way you are still a student of my school and it is important that you feel comfortable here."

Amity released a relieved sigh. "I appreciate it, Principal Bump. Thank you."

Outside Luz was reading a brochure about the Beast-Keeping Track when Amity came out of Bump's office. "How did it go?" Luz asked, turning to Amity.

"They said that they'll help me in any way they can, and notify my teachers about my… status," Amity replied as the two started to walk together.

"Amity," a familiar voice said behind them.

The two froze in their tracks, turning around to see Emira and Edric sharing the same saddened expressions. Amity realized that they both knew about what happened yesterday.

"Oh, Edric… Emira… I guess you two heard-" Amity was cut off when the two ran forward to hug her.

"Even if you're not a Blight, you're still our baby sister," Emira told her.

Amity hugged them back. "Thanks," she whispered as they let go. "So how are you two?"

"We're staying at Uncle Geist's," Edric responded.

"We decided to move out, no reason living at the manor and putting up with mom without you around," Emira added before she noticed Amity's eyes. "Huh, I didn't know you started wearing contacts."

"O-Oh, no these aren't contacts," Amity responded. "This happened after I… renounced, though I don't know if that was what caused it."

"Well at least you look good in pink," Emira said as she rustled Amity's hair before turning to Luz. "Thanks for watching her over for us, Luz. We really appreciated everything that your family has done and… we're sorry for what our mom did to your mom."

"Hey, it's no sweat," Luz replied, "We are not going to hold it against you guys for what your mom did. That would just be too stupid."

Emira nodded in agreement and turned back to her sister. "Also, Uncle Geist says that you are welcome to stop by and come visit us at his bar anytime."

"That'd be nice… wait, I thought he was running a lounge?" Amity asked.

"Yeah… time was not kind to Uncle G," Edric admitted, rubbing the back of his head.

Back at the Owl House, Eda was showing Camila how to work things.

"See these cauldrons?" Eda showed her three cauldrons with labels. "They are not just for spells and making potions, they have many other uses as well. This one's for storing frozen goods." Eda pulled off the lid, showing the freezing insides of ice cream and meat. "This one's for laundry wash." Eda pulled off another lid to show off clothes still being washed, causing it to splash towards her. She put the lid back on. "Guess this one's still on."

"What about this one?" Camila pointed to the third cauldron. She was wearing something casual that Eda had picked out for her, a black and white striped Red Sox jersey shirt and jeans.

"Oh that one's for incinerating dead bodies," Eda answered, alarming Camila. "Don't worry, everyone has one of these, it comes with the house along with a six year warranty."

"Well, I'll be off," Lilith announced while holding her staff.

"Oh, you're going somewhere?" Camila asked.

"Um, yes. It's my turn to pick up the girls from school," Lilith replied. "Amity has a job at the harbor and I'm taking Luz to the library."

"Oh, Luz goes to the library?" Camila asked with interest.

Lilith looked a bit awkward. "Well, not regularly. Today we are just following up on a lead about portals to the human world. Mother suggested that there could be something in the library to help us."

Camila nodded. "Well, good luck then. I hope that you find what you are looking for. Tell Luz that I said hi."

Lilith nodded. "I will… anyway, I should get going."

"Wait," Camila halted Lilith, who stopped. "One more thing. I just… want to say thank you for the talk last night. I think it did help."

Lilith gave her an assuring but small smile "You're welcome, Camila. Glad I could be of service." She then left.

After school Luz and Amity walked out of Hexside together.

"So how are classes going?" Luz asked.

"Well, I had some issues," Amity noted. "During one of my AP classes, I may have accidentally set Porkus on fire after trying out a simple wave spell…" Passing by there was a bandaged pig demon boy who saw Amity, and then ran. "Sorry, Porkus!" she shouted after him.

"I'm sure he'll forgive you for that." Luz assured her.

"Yeah, and after that the teacher gave me a C," Amity revealed.

"Whoa, a C? Damn, I know how much you cared about keeping up with your grades but… how do you feel?" Luz asked in concern.

"Honestly, I felt nothing," Amity replied. "Usually, I'm always minding my own work and trying to keep myself on top, but that's just to satisfy my parents. But now that I cut them out of my life… I realized that I don't need to worry about all that extra work and hassle in order to keep my grades up. I know I'm smart, but I think I'll be fine with something less than perfect grades."

Luz smiled, patting her girlfriend's back. "Looks like you're on your way to the average student club."

Amity giggled. "Well, I do still need to keep my grades balanced in order to graduate."

"Luz, Amity," said Lilith as she flew down to meet them. "How was school, you two?"

"Pretty fine… most of it," Amity replied.

"Well I'm prepared to take you two to where you need to go," Lilith told them.

Luz turned and saw Gus in the distance. "Actually Lilith, you can go ahead and take Amity to the harbor, I'll meet you up at the library."

Lilith gave Luz a nod as Amity climbed onto her staff. They flew away while Luz followed Gus.

"Hey Lilith," Amity spoke up during the ride to the harbor

"Yes, Amity?"

"I think I want to become a wild witch."

"Oh that's… WHAT!?" Lilith cried out, almost crashing her staff.

Luz ran after Gus through the forest. "Hey Gus-"

A blue-haired girl suddenly jumped in front of her. "Hello!"

"Gah! Who the hell are you!?" Luz shouted while coming to a stop.

"Sorry that I startled you, you must be Gus's friend Luz. He told us all about you," Bria commented as Gus turned around to see Luz.

"Luz? What are you doing here?" Gus asked.

"I just wanted to talk to you, G-Man," Luz replied, noticing that Gus was with Mattholomule and two others that she didn't recognize. "And I see that you're… hanging out with… Glandus kids…"

"Yeah, they're Matt's friends," Gus explained. "You've already met Bria, the other two are Gavin and Angmar."

"What's up/How do you do?" Gavin and Angmar both greeted.

"Wait a minute, are you the punks that got Gus in trouble for shoplifting?" Luz questioned, narrowing her eyes at them.

Bria sighed. "Well, it's true that we did. But we were just doing it as an act of protest."

"Yeah, like did you know that the Spike shoes store actually puts elves to work in their sweatshops?" Angmar asked.

"Yeah, and besides Luz, you used to shoplift all the time," Gus pointed out.

"Yeah, I used to," Luz clarified, her tone sternly. "And that doesn't mean you should be replicating my behavior. Why are you hanging out with these guys anyway?"

"What's your problem with them, Luz?" Gus asked.

"Come on Gus, don't blame her for judging us," Bria told him. "I know there is some bad blood between Hexside and Glandus. You've probably had some unpleasant encounters with a few of our classmates,"

"Yeah, like trashing my house," Luz pointed out, crossing her arms.

"Your… house was trashed by Glandus students?" Gus asked, looking concerned.

"Well, we didn't have anything to do with it if that's what you're thinking," Bria responded, patting Luz's shoulder as she gave a whisper out of ear shot. "So why don't you go back to your Blight skank?"

Luz's eyes flared up in anger and on instinct she punched Bria across the cheek, knocking the Construction Track girl to the ground.

"LUZ!" Gus shouted, running over to help Bria up. "Are you alright, Bria?"

"Gus, stay away from her!" Luz told him. "She is not-"

"Why did you punch her, Luz!?" Gus questioned,

"She insulted Amity, and-" Luz told him but he cut her off.

"Oh right, because now it's always about Amity, isn't it?" Gus asked, causing Luz to be taken aback.

"The hell's that supposed to mean?" Luz questioned, not liking his attitude.

"You want me to say it? Fine, it bothers me that you two are together again," Gus told her, shocking the Clawthorne girl. "She lied to you, Luz, and you got hurt because of her, and she'll just hurt you again."

"I already forgave her and so did Willow and everyone else but you, and might I point out that she helped save you and all of our friends from that crazy coachman?" Luz pointed out.

"Bet she did it for her own self-preservation," Gus muttered. "Maybe you're not in your right mind, Luz. Amity might have slipped something into your food or drink…"

Luz was shocked by what Gus had said. She had been patient with him, but now her anger had risen to a boiling point. Her eyes flashed blue and she turned around as her fists grew scales. She then launched her fist toward a tree and punched it until the tree fell down. She was so angry that she didn't even realize that her wings had popped out.

'Such strength…' Mattholomule thought in awe after witnessing Luz's cambion form.

"Luz…" Gus tried to reach out, but Luz swatted his hand aside.

"I don't like this side of you, Gus," Luz told him in a stern tone. "If you want to be a spiteful brat, be my guest. Sorry for bothering you and your new 'friends'." She then started to walk away from them, her hands in her pockets.

"Luz, wait!" Gus called out, but Luz ignored him as she continued walking away.

"Leave her be, man," Gavin said, patting Gus on the shoulder.

"Gavin's right," Bria stated while rubbing the cheek that Luz punched. "Besides, we have an adventure to go on. Matty, did you get that map you got from your brother?"

"Y-Yeah," Mattholomule responded, pulling out the map. "This should lead us right to the Looking Glass Ruins…"

Back at the Owl House...

"Now hold on, Lily," Eda said into the crow. "Calm down and tell me what she said."

"Amity said that she wants to be a wild witch, Edalyn," Lilith responded. "I don't know what to say without upsetting her, and I want to respect her choice, but… I can't help but worry for her."

"Relax, Lily, she's a good kid," Eda assured her.

"I know, but… can you talk to her about it, Eda?" Lilith asked, which shocked Eda.

"You… want me to have her talk about being a wild witch?"

"Just pick her up when she's done with her fishing job," Lilith replied over the crow, while riding her staff to the Bonesborough Library. "Give her your perspective. I'm not asking you to scare her straight on , but just… let her know what she can expect if she chooses that path."

Eda was silent for a moment, remembering her own experiences as a wild witch. She was only fourteen, just as old as Amity, when she went on the run and found her way to the human world. Not all of her experiences were pleasant ones…

"Alright." Eda nodded after thinking over it. "I'll talk to Amity about this. But I can't promise you that what I'm gonna say will change her mind."

Lilith smiled. "Thank you, Eda. I knew that I could count on you."

"Well, what are sisters for, right?" Eda asked over the crow.

"Let me know how it goes," Lilith responded while landing in front of the library and ending the call. She spotted Luz sitting on the steps, looking upset. "Are you okay, Luz?"

Luz jerked her head, seeing Lilith. "Oh, it's nothing, Aunt Lily," she said as she stood up, wanting to forget about her argument with Gus earlier.

But Lilith wasn't a fool, she could see something was bothering Luz recently. "Luz, if there's something wrong, maybe I can help."

Luz sighed. "Thanks for the offer, but let's just go find that clue."

Going inside the library, they used Lilith's card to start their research on two of the library's crystal balls.

As Luz searched she found books about research on humans, movies about humans that were basically equivalent to sci-fi alien horror, and one old newspaper article about Eda selling human junk.

"Any luck on your end?" Luz asked her aunt.

"So far, I've found something about a box of human books that washed ashore, but they are all just works of fiction," Lilith commented.

Luz continued her research until one article in particular caught her attention. "'Personal diary of deceased human resident donated to library by close friend.' Lilith, we got a lead!"

"Good, and I think I know who to ask," Lilith said, turning to a librarian who was consoling his friend Gary.

"Wahaaaa, I just couldn't do it! Those kids… they are very stress inducing!" Gary cried while his co-worker consoled him.

"It's not your fault, Gary," he replied before noticing Lilith and Luz there. "Oh great, the Clawthornes…" He glared at Luz. "Weren't you banned?"

"Nice to see you again too," Luz replied dryly.

"We would like to know where we can find an old diary written hundreds of years ago by a human who lived in the Boiling Isles," Lilith explained.

"Then you're gonna have to talk to Malphas about that, because a book that old would be in the Forbidden Stacks," the librarian explained.

"Then we'd like to talk to Malphas," Luz demanded.

"He's in the Forbidden Stacks right now, so there's no way you can-" The librarian noticed the two heading toward the large door that led to the Forbidden Stacks, which they managed to open and go through. "...They took my employee ID to get in, didn't they?"

"Yup," Gary nodded.

In the Forbidden Stacks, a cloaked figure held a lantern while standing on top of a large book with the words 'Staff' on its binding.

"Yo, Malphas!"

The figure turned and spotted Luz and Lilith on a higher level looking down at him. The figure known as Malphas flew up to face them, his wings spreading out. "Who dares enters the Forbidden-"

"Enough with the thematic already," Lilith told him.

Malphas unhooded himself and was revealed to be a large, humanoid bird-like creature with bluish-gray skin, a hunched back, and a bird-like face with glowing eyes. He wore a black cloak with a purple top and reading half-moon glasses "You… don't have to be so rude about it, okay?" he said with sass in his tone. "And what are you two doing here in the Forbidden Stacks? This place is forbidden except for the librarians who work…" He then got a closer look at them. "Oh, I know you two. Lilith, the previous Head of the Emperor's Coven, and Luz, Amity has told me a lot about you."

"O-Oh, um… she did?" Luz asked.

"Yes, she talked about you all the time. And I must say, thank you for cleaning up the library the other night with her," Malphas thanked Luz. "How is she, by the way?"

"Well she's doing fine, she is currently living with us because of some… personal business," Luz explained.

"Ah say no more, I wish for her the best of luck," Malphas replied, "Now then, as I was asking… what are you two doing in the Forbidden Stacks?" he asked, changing his calming tone to a more demonic one.

Lilith was unfazed. "We are here to look for the diary of a human that was in the Boiling Isles, since we read that his diary was donated here after his death."

Malphas listened to her request. "I am afraid that is not possible at the moment…"

"Geez, what is the point of holding all these books then if they are all forbidden?" Luz asked, looking around at the old books that covered the surrounding shelves.

"Historical significance," Malphas pointed out.

"Oh," Luz realized, looking down before she had an idea. "Well, while I am here I might as well ask if there is any way that Amity could get her old job back. This was really important to her and she was upset when she lost this job, so I would like to help her get it back if I can."

Malphas considered this. "Hmm, well admittedly I am no longer under as much pressure about her having a position here, especially after that Fae business with the fake amusement park," Malphas explained. "But the process for reapplication involves many challenging trials. How far are you willing to go to get her old job back?"

Luz gave a determined look. "As far as I need to go."

Lilith cleared her throat. "And I will help, of course," she said. "After everything that my goddaughter has lost or been forced to give up, I think she deserves to get at least one of them back."

This surprised Luz, who nonetheless nodded at Lilith with a smile.

Meanwhile at the harbor, Amity was helping Levi carry in a large net full of macceroni fish. Afterward they were both swabbing the deck of the S.S. Julia together.

"You… disowned your family?" Levi asked in shock.

"Yeah," Amity responded. "I decided that I could not go back to living under my mother's boot and having the Blight name just wasn't something I could be proud of anymore. My siblings and my uncle understand my situation, and I don't know how my dad feels but… from what my sister said, he's just as mad at my mom now."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Levi stated. "So… what do you think of doing in the future?"

"I guess, if it were to come to this, I'm probably gonna be a wild witch," Amity replied. "Then I could learn so much more than what they teach you in the Tracks, Plus I can go on adventures and fight the system. I mean, we're already in the 'trading' business."

Levi nodded. "Yeah, dad said that if our operations were discovered, we along with the crew would just become pirates and set sail away from the Boiling Isles. We'll probably have to live on some other Titan islands or in some other region of the Demon Realm."

"Sounds like a plan," Amity responded.

"Indeed it is," Levi agreed. "It's the reason why my dad didn't get stamped with a coven seal."

"Really?" Amity asked, curious.

"Yeah, he has a fake seal on his prosthetic arm, which he got from this doctor in Latissa," Levi explained.

"Pardon my curiosity, but… did your father always have one arm or did he lose it somehow?" Amity asked before a shadow loomed over them. They turned around and saw Goonla overshadowing them.

"You wish to learn how I lost me arm?" Goonla asked.

"Um, sorry that I came off a little insensitive sir," Amity apologized, "It's just-"

"There is no harm in asking, young witchling," Goonla responded as he showed off his mechanical limb. "This arm… I lost it when I was much younger, back when I lived in a lagoon. I became the prey of these hunters who wanted me dead or alive. I escaped, but not before one of them blasted my arm to the point that I couldn't use it anymore."

"Hunters? You mean like demon hunters?" Amity asked.

"Nah, just normal human hunters," Goonla corrected and Amity's eyes widened.

"What!?" Amity was shocked. "You were in the human realm?"

"I was," Goonla said while blowing his pipe…

A long time ago, out of the Amazon River walked a young but feral looking Goonla. He suddenly saw some shadows moving in the nearby jungle.

Goonla ran to the river and began to swim away as bullets flew past him. The hunters chased after him in a boat, throwing harpoons at him and managing to stab one of his arms. In order to escape his pursuers, Goonla swam for deeper and deeper waters until he found himself in a black lagoon. And while diving into the depths of the black lagoon, he went through something and ended up in some kind of… void. As if he had swam in between worlds. When he eventually resurfaced, he was no longer in the human world. He was in the Boiling Isles.

"At first I kept to myself in the caves along the shorelines," Goonla explained. "But over time my mind… evolved and I was able to adapt to my new environment, even setting myself up with my own business. I also got a new arm thanks to someone in Latissa named Dr. Bride, though first she offered me a snake arm for some reason. And some time after that I gave birth to Levi, but he wouldn't want me to tell that story."

"Yeah, I wouldn't," Levi agreed, looking embarrassed.

"I know Dr. Bride, she's my girlfriend's physician," Amity said as she thought about Goonla's story. "Wait, do you think what you swam through might have been Titan's Blood?"

"I believe so," he answered. "And I think it might have been responsible for my intelligence growth while in the Boiling Isles, but it could have been anything else."

As Amity pondered this, she noticed Eda flying towards the ship.

"Heya, Ams!" Eda waved while riding her staff. "Thought I'd come over to pick you up and take you on a little errand."

"Oh, right now?" Amity asked.

"Ai, you can go on ahead, you've done enough for today, Amity," Goonla told her.

"Oh, thank you, sir," Amity said as she was picked up by Eda and placed on the staff.

"Great, thanks and byeee!" Eda waved as she set off with Amity.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Mattholomule asked after watching Gus draw some fire glyphs on paper and place them on the thorn bush that was blocking their path.

"I've seen Luz do this before, and I think I've memorized her glyphs," Gus replied with confidence. "Alright, stand back."

He tapped on the fire glyph and jumped to safety as an explosion burned through the thorn bushes, creating a large hole.

"Alright! Way to go, Gus!" Angmar said, patting Gus on the back.

"Those Galderstones are ours for the taking!" Gavin declared, before he muttered to himself. "And maybe then my dad will finally notice me…"

"I knew it was good to bring you along!" Bria said while giving Gus a hug before running through the hole.

Mattholomule still looks uneasy while walking with the rest of the group. He caught up to Gus "Hey man, you know you can just quit while you're ahead."

"Oh come on, Matt, I'm pretty pumped up for this adventure," Gus replied as they kept going forward.

"I guess… but you know, I betcha your friend Luz knows some interesting places to hang!" Matt pointed out and Gus just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, but then she'll bring Little Miss Perfect along," Gus countered.

"Dude, you're not still over that?" Mattholomule questioned.

"I mean, why should I?" Gus ranted. "I have the right to be mad cause she hurt Luz's feelings, betrayed our trust, then we're expected to just forgive her like that?"

The Construction Track boy was surprised by Gus's outburst. "Man, you're starting to sound like Boscha."

Gus stopped, turning to him. "What? I'm nothing like Boscha-"

"Dude, did you forget that Amity saved Luz and her family from being executed? Or helped save us from that crazy coachman? I get that you're mad at her, but I think it's about time to forgive her and just move on. Instead, you're acting like an ungrateful asshole to your real friends!"

Gus was taken aback. "But… she broke Luz's heart and lied to-"

"And she has more than made up for it, which is why Luz has forgiven her. But right now, Amity is not the one hurting Luz. You are." Matt told him before sighing. "I do know how you feel though, Gus."

"What do you mean?" Gus asked.

"My… parents never had the best relationship," he revealed. "As far back as I could remember, they always argued and fought. Me and my brother knew that they'd sooner or later get a divorce, but we didn't expect dad to… have an affair."

Gus was shocked by this. "Matt, I'm so sorry…"

"When mom found out, she was so mad she literally threw him out of a window along with his stuff," he continued. "Even threw a coach at him. They did divorce, but at that point I was so mad at my dad for cheating on my mom and it wasn't something that I got over easily. But eventually me and my dad just talked it out, and I was able to forgive him. A part of me was still upset, but he did take responsibility for what he did and how it hurt us, plus I know my dad still cares about me and my brother despite how bad things got with my mom. And maybe that's what you need with Amity. A chance for the two of you to just talk it out."

Before Gus could answer, Bria marched up to them. "Hey, are you telling the story about your parents' divorce again, Matty?"

"It… It's none of your business, Bria," Matt told her.

"Well, I'm sorry that I had to overhear your little convo, but if you ask me, Gus, there are some witches who don't deserve forgiveness," Bria explained. "There are plenty in Glandus that hurt me and my friends, their actions are downright unforgivable. Amity Blight is no better, since she is just a snobby princess who's only dating that human friend of yours to take advantage of her."

Gus looked down, conflicted. Bria sighed and patted his shoulder. "Come on, let's keep moving forward. You can get your cut of the Galderstones once we are at the Ruins." Gus nodded and started walking again. Matt was about to follow, but Bria stopped him.

"And don't forget what we talked about, Matty," Bria whispered to him, causing Mattholomule to shiver slightly.

Gus didn't notice, since Mattholomule's story had reminded him of the last memory he had of his mother…

Little Gus came out of his room, wanting to show his mom a spell he just cast.

"Mom, mom!" Gus called out, finding his mother at the front door with a duffle bag.

Jenny flinched, having forgotten that her son was home. "Um… what's up, kiddo?" she asked.

"I want to show you this spell and-" Gus noticed the bag. "Why do you have that bag, mom?"

"Oh this? I'm just… going on a little… trip," Jenny told him.

"When will you be back?" Gus asked.

"Of course, but for now just wait for your father to come back home," Jenny told him as she left. Gus followed her outside and watched as Jenny flew away on her staff, leaving him alone. He sat down on the front step and would wait there until the neighbors found him completely unsupervised hours later. And by the time they called his father, Jenny was long gone.

Luz and Lilith, meanwhile, were chasing off the man eating books that had been going after the library goers. Luz flew up with a butterfly net to snatch one book while Lilith was fending off another that was trying to bite her face until she managed to trap it in a bucket.

Their next task was to clear out the book worms from the shelves. These book worms were huge and monstrous, a nightmare to get rid of. After managing to get them all, Luz and Lilith decided to feed them to the now categorized man-eating books.

Their next task was facing off against a dragon made out of paper. It breathed out red paper flames which the two avoided as Luz extended her claws to slash at the dragon while Lilith used a large stapler. As Luz used her claws to grab its snout and jaws and tear it off from its head, Lilith managed to staple its wings together. Luz then opened up its belly, causing paper organs to fall out as it died. Luz let out a cry of victory and Lilith looked concerned for her niece.

Next in the Kid's Corner, Lilith was reading to the baby class kids. "And then before she knew it, the leopard had earned her spots," she read without incident, thanks to Luz giving each of the kids candy as a way to bribe them into behaving.

After that, in another part of the library, Luz and Lilith were chasing after a ghost of a librarian. "Come back here and pass on already!" Luz shouted while throwing salt at the ghost.

"But I have sooo much wooork to doooo!" the ghost wailed as he tried to fly away, but Lilith cut him off and threw a bag of sand onto the ghost. "Yaaaaahhhhh!"

Later, Luz was knocking on a door before being greeted by Tibbles. "Sorry sir, but you haven't paid your late fees, so I'll be taking that stereo until you pay it off."

Elsewhere, Lilith was also collecting late fees. "The library will keep your crystal ball until you pay off your fee, sir," she said to her former co-worker, Warden Wrath.

"But I need that for the grudgby game party!" Wrath cried out in dismay

"You want to do this the easy way, or the hard way?" Luz later asked, crossing her arms as she stood in front of Principal Bump.

"How much are the charges?" Bump asked dryly.

"Three hundred snails, pay up or say goodbye to those spike clubs."

After collecting the payment from Bump, Luz checked her list. "And the next one who is late on paying their fee are… the Tempuses." She was soon at the Tempus mansion, walking up to the porch and ringing the doorbell. "Hello? I'm here on behalf of the Bonesborough Library to collect what you owe them," she announced, but no answer. After a few rings and knocks, as well as checking out the windows, she sighed. "Guess no one's here," she said before leaving.

"Well, you two did an excellent job." Malphas addressed Luz and Lilith, who both looked like a real mess. "But to be perfectly honest… those weren't trials at all."

The eyes of the two Clawthorne women widened. "WHAT!?"

"Yes, you two didn't actually need to do my chores, I would have given Amity her job back anyway if she wanted it back," Malphas explained. "But I thought that I might as well take advantage of the opportunity to make you two do tasks that I didn't want to do myself. Also as a bonus, payback for little Ms. Clawthorne over here for all the stunts and antics you've pulled here in the past… so consider this paying off what you and your mother owe this library, Luz."

Lilith was flabbergasted, while Luz just smirked. "We've been Tom Sawyered… well played, Malphy. Well played."

Meanwhile, Eda had taken Amity to what appears to be an old car with faded paint, a wrecked front, and two tires missing while the other two were flat. Eda and Amity were sitting inside..

"Ah this takes me back," Eda commented, leaning back in her seat.

"Is this from the human realm?" Amity asked, pressing a button that opened the glove compartment.

"Yeah, this car used to belong to Stan, but right after we got married I used it to steal his earnings and escape from the cops. Then I decked out and it fell into the Grand Canyon," Eda explained. "After I adopted Luz, I saw a movie about a mother giving those life-lesson talks with her daughter and, well, it was tough to recover this car, but I got what's left of it and I would sometimes bring Luz here to talk, though we haven't done it in a while."

"Oh." Amity understood. "So… is this about me wanting to be a wild witch like you?"

"You got it, Sherlock," Eda responded, confusing the younger witch.

"Sherlock?" Amity asked.

"Oh, just some famous human detective," Eda answered before second-guessing herself. "Or was he the mouse… but anyway, I was wondering why you decided that you wanted to be a wild witch."

Amity looked down, hugging her knees before staring out of the shattered front window. "I just… don't think a coven is where I want to be any more. Odalia planned for me to be in the Emperor's Coven and for the longest time I thought that was what I wanted, but no, it was what I was conditioned into believing what I wanted. I can now be anything I want and after everything that happened I know that I don't want to be bound by the coven system. You understand where I'm going with this?"

"I do," Eda admitted. "I forfeited a chance to be in the Emperor's Coven because my sister wanted it more than me and I realized that I had no interest in following that system. The fact that no one helped me when I first changed into the Owl Beast only cemented that."

"Yeah, that's exactly what I mean," Amity replied. "And, well, I don't need to be in any coven to feel like I have worth or to feel like I belong. I would rather stand by my girlfriend's side as a fellow rebel."

"I wanted something like that with Raine once," Eda admitted. "Maybe you would have better luck than I did. So do you have any plans about what you would do as a wild witch?"

"Well, once me and Luz figure out how to make our own portal, we can go back and forth between the human realm and the Isles. Have adventures and explore the human world, with Luz of course teaching me everything she knows about human culture and-"

"You're really looking forward to marrying my daughter, are ya?" Eda teased, causing Amity to turn into a tomato as she blushed. "But what about school?"

"Well, earlier I told Luz that I still intended to graduate, but I don't honestly know," Amity admitted. "I mean, I know being a dropout isn't recommended, but once we get the portal open-" Amity stopped when she saw Eda's grip on the steering wheel tighten. "E-Eda, are you alright?"

Eda stared ahead for a few seconds before snapping out of it. "Y-Yeah, yeah what you said… look, Amity, I was never able to finish school. I ran away from home when I was your age, abandoning this world for the human realm. That is not the life I want for my daughter… or you. I know that the Boiling Isles operate on the principle that might makes right, that power is the one deciding factor in who rules. If you are unable to make the cut, you are labeled as a wild witch and a criminal. My generation was told to do whatever he had to in order to succeed, even if that meant… cursing your own family members. However, I believe that you kids can make a serious difference around here. I see that in Luz, in Willow, in Gus, and in you. I think that you can be better than me, Lilith, Odalia, Nicole, and the rest of the last generation. Maybe show the rest of the Isles that there is a better way than the system Belos has enforced."

Amity was surprised. "You… think I could make a change?"

"I think you are capable of amazing things, Amity. Things that not even your parents could have anticipated. If you want to drop out, then that will be your decision. But I don't want you to be like me, Amity. I want you to be more."

"I… wow…" Amity whispered, as Eda continued.

"I know you haven't spent as much time in the human realm as me or Luz, but in a lot of ways it is still no different than the Boiling Isles," Eda said with a sigh. "Remember when I told you that you got off easy when you were mugged, that they could have done something far worse than steal your stuff?" Amity nodded. "Well, I was speaking from experience."

Amity wanted to say something, but she was unable to find her words and she stayed silent.

"Luz already knows this, by the way," Eda said. "But I'm not telling you this to scare you, Amity. I'm glad that when you got mugged, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I'm glad that you haven't had the same experiences that I have had and I still don't want you to have those experiences. I learned the hard way that running away to the human world is not going to fix all of your problems and neither is dropping out, especially when you have a growing friend group here in the Isles who unconditionally care about and support you. Don't take that for granted and don't aspire to be like me. You are still young."

Amity nodded. "Thank you for telling me this, Eda. But, what am I going to do with myself now?"

"You still have time to figure stuff out," Eda advised. "Nobody is forcing you to make a decision yet. Just let your friends help you, let your teachers help you. You will find your way eventually and take comfort in knowing that you won't be alone."

Amity smiled, but then she noticed something from the car window. Something was running through the woods. "What is that?" she asked.

Eda turned and recognized the white eyeless creature heading for downtown. "That looks like… the Slitherbeast!"

"What!?" Amity exclaimed. "What's it doing here so far from the Knee!?"

"I don't know, but it's about to head straight into town!" Eda said before Amity leapt out of the car. "Hey, where are you going!?"

"To try and stop him before he hurts himself or someone else!" Amity responded as she started running in order to catch up to the Slitherbeast.

"Kid, wait!" Eda stepped out of the car, bringing out Owlbert. "It's always something!"

The Slitherbeast rampaged around town, causing the civilians to panic and get out of the way. Amity had to follow the Slitherbeast. She summoned her Abomination goo from its container and she shaped it into a whip before wrapping it around the Slitherbeast's back left leg, causing him to stop in his tracks.

The Slitherbeast turned to see who had caught his leg. When he saw Amity, he seemed to recognize her and calm her slightly. Amity still summoned more Abomination whips to keep him from doing anymore harm.

"Hey, hey!" Amity called out. "You can't just attack the town!"

In response the Slitherbeast started to whimper, much to Amity's confusion. She realized that he almost looked… scared. "Hey, hey it's… alright." She stepped closely to the beast, hesitantly patting his fur. The Slitherbeast leaned into her touch, calming down.

Eda had seen the whole thing. "Huh, how did you manage that?" she asked.

"I… I'm not sure, I… felt him feeling scared," Amity responded. "I think someone or something drove him away from his home."

Hiding nearby was Mattholomule, who was shocked that Amity had stopped the Slitherbeast. 'Did she just… tame the Slitherbeast!?' he thought, but fortunately this worked in his favor since Amity was just who he was looking for. It seemed like wherever there was danger, Amity and Luz were never too far away. "Hey! Amity!"

"Huh?" Amity asked, turning her head. "Oh, you're Mattholomule, right? You're friends with Bo and Gus."

"That's me and I am so glad that I found you, because it's an emergency and something's wrong with Gus a-and I need you to talk to him out!" Mattholomule told her.

"What? Why me?" Amity asked him. "Shouldn't you be getting Luz?"

Mattholomule shook his head. "They talked earlier and it did not go well. I'm really worried about the dude, since he has not been himself lately. I think his anger toward you is at the root of the problem and if you two just talked maybe he would be able to work through his emotions."

Amity thought about it and nodded. "Alright, I can give that a try."

"You go on ahead, I'll take this big boy somewhere away from the public," Eda said, referring to the Slitherbeast.

"Lead me to him," Amity told Mattholomule, who motioned for Amity to follow him. But as he turned around, his expression turned from concern… to guilt.

A while later, Mattholomule led Amity to where Gus and the Glandus students went, including the pathway through the thorn bush. "So you said that he has been hanging out with Glandus students lately?" Amity asked him.

Matt nodded "Y-Yeah, they're my… you could say, old friends when I was there… come on, we're close."

"Oh Matty, you've finally brought her," said Bria's voice when Amity and Mattholomule entered the Looking Glass Ruins.

A stone wall rose up behind Amity, blocking the way she and Matt had come. Amity looked around the ruins, noticing that they were surrounded by large stone statues of hooded witches holding what appeared to be blue stones in their hands. Bria was holding one and with her were Gavin, Angmar and Gus.

"Amity?" Gus asked in surprise. Bria patted his shoulder.

"Thanks for bringing her here, Matty. I thought you couldn't, but you did," Bria said with a grin before turning to Gus. "Now you have a chance for payback, Gus!"

"P-Payback?" Gus asked her, taken aback.

"Angmar," Bria signaled. Angmar nodded and created a spell circle, causing roots to shoot up and grab Amity's wrists, bringing her to her knees.

"Ah! What's going on!?" Amity asked, looking worried.

"It's simple, Blight," Bria sneered. "Consider this retribution for hurting Gus's friends!"

"Retribution?" Gus questioned, still confused.

"Yes, Gus. This is the chance you've been wanting," Bria told him while handing him the blue stone. "You can even use this Galderstone to take out your anger on Amity and finally give her what she so rightfully deserves!"

"I… I…" Gus looked at Amity and saw her worried expression. Though she was not worried for herself… but for him.

"Gus, I'm sorry for hurting Willow, Luz… and you. I understand why you're mad. You don't have to forgive me. But please don't become a bully yourself," Amity told him.

"I… I don't want to hurt you," Gus admitted as he dropped the Galderstone. "I don't want to use this Galderstone."

"Galderstone?" Amity asked and her eyes widened. "Wait a second… I remember reading about this." She looked around and saw the names on the statues. "Galderstones were brought to a cemetery for Illusionists… where no one could find them!"

"Wait, you mean this is a… an Illusionist Graveyard?!" Gus realized where he was now.

"What!?" Matt cried out, just as surprised.

"Oh please, what could some dead Illusionists do?" Bria rolled her eyes while turning to Gus "I'm disappointed in you, Gus. I thought you could be like us but I guess you are a weakling after all." She grabbed Gus by surprise, throwing him down next to Amity.

"Hey!" Gus cried out as the vines trapped him as well.

"What's going on? Why are you doing this!?" Amity demanded to know.

"It's simple, Blight," Bria replied. "I thought I would avenge my friends by using Gus. You probably know them, Bangles and Zephyr, and also Brian."

Amity recognized those names, much to her horror. "No… no, it… you mean-"

"Yeah, your muggers. I helped them out a few times. Unfortunately I missed out when they encountered you and as a result you got off easy, unlike that Hexside fishboy…"

Amity felt her anger rise as she remembered Levi mentioning that a blue-haired girl had been with her muggers. It all clicked into place. "No… no it… it was you!?"

"You got that right, you little snob," Bria grinned. "But you two aren't even my main targets. On no, you're just bait for the real big fish: Luz Clawthorne!"

"Wait, this was really about Luz this whole time!?" Gus demanded to know.

"Uh-doi, Porter, she's the one responsible for Bangles and co's arrest, and the Boss would give us a huge reward if we take her down or bring her in! And as a bonus, these Galderstones would fetch a fine penny as well!" Bria declared.

"Matt… were you in on this plan?" Gus questioned, turning to Mattholomule who looked down in shame, causing Gus to feel betrayed. "How could you?!"

"I didn't have a choice, alright?" Matt responded while Bria walked up to her prisoners.

"I'll be taking this," Bria said as she grabbed Amity's scroll from her pocket, opening it and starting to text Luz. "Matty, be a dear and take Gus and the Blight somewhere they can't be seen. We'll be setting up an ambush for Clawthorne."

Mattholomule didn't say anything as he grabbed Gus and Amity by their root bonds and dragged them off. The two struggled furiously while Gus begged Mattholomule to stop what he was doing. "Matt! Come on, you don't have to do this!"

"You sure this is the place?" Lilith asked while she and Luz walked through the thorn bush.

"This is where Amity texted saying she and Gus need help," Luz responded while Lilith looked around the area.

"This place… it couldn't be…" Lilith commented and Luz noticed a large carnivorous plant about to eat her.

"Look out!" Luz used a fire glyph to shoot a fireball at the plant, incinerating it.

"We finally got you now, Clawthorne," Angmar said as Luz and Lilith turned to see the Glandus trio making their appearances.

"You assholes!" Luz shouted, switching into her cambion form. "Where's Amity and Gus!?"

"Oh somewhere, but you won't be conscious long enough to see them again!" Bria shouted, using a Galderstone as she stomped on the ground, bringing out spikes to impale them. Both Luz and Lilith dodged the spikes as Lilith held up her staff in defense.

"Hey, bonus!" Gavin shouted while summoning his Abomination. "You know who will love us if we bring in Lilith as well?"

"That should be simple enough, since she has no magic anymore!" Angmar added as Gavin used his Galderstone to enlarge his Abomination, turning its fists into hammers and launching it towards Lilith, who dodged out of the way before bringing out both fire and ice glyphs, burning the plants summoned by Angmar and freezing Gavin's Abomination.

"Don't underestimate me, boys," Lilith said before dodging an Abomination spike.

Luz charged towards Bria, who brought out pillars from the ground to block her path. Luz flew around them but was hit by another pillar springing from the side. Luz was knocked into a tree, but quickly bounced back on her feet. "You three want trouble… I'll show you trouble!" Her eyes flashed blue as she extended her claws and bared her fangs, letting out a shriek as she charged.

Meanwhile, Amity and Gus were both tied behind a statue with Mattholomule put in charge of watching over them.

"How can you let this happen, Matt?" Gus called him out. "With those Galderstones, there's no way Luz can take all three of them on!"

"I'm sorry, alright? I guess I'm too much of a jerk to be your friend anyway," Matt told him while crossing his arms, not facing Gus.

But Amity sensed there was more to this and she heard the discomfort in his voice. "How did you get roped in with her?"

"Matt said that he and Bria were friends," Gus explained.

"Emphasis on 'were'," Matt corrected with a sigh. "Me and Bria used to be friends. Back when we were in the fifth grade. Once we enrolled into Glandus High, we struggled because in Glandus the strong rule over the weak, but eventually… Bria decided to make herself look good for the school's top students, so she threw me under the bus." He rubbed his arm. "Literally. She literally threw me under the bus. Thankfully I only got a broken arm, but that was what caused my mom to pull me out of that school."

"What? Didn't the Glandus principal do anything about it?" Amity asked.

Mattolomule just scoffed. "He encourages it. Only the strong are allowed to thrive at Glandus, the rest of us are just lucky if we survive. And everyone's competing to be at the top of the food chain, which is made up by the highest ranking students in their classes. Besides Illusionists, of course."

The two look shocked and they couldn't help but feel bad for Mattholomule. "So why did you go along with Bria's plan?" Amity asked him.

"Do you think I wanted to? I'm doing this because she threatened to hurt Bo if I don't do as I was told," Matt answered. "And I know what Bria is capable of! You can never really escape Glandus. Even if you leave, they will keep you wrapped around their fingers. Once you're Glandus trash, you're always Glandus trash." He looked down sadly.

"Mattholomule, you can't let Bria or Glandus control your life like this," Amity told him. "You're a Hexsidian now, and unlike Glandus, we look out for each other. Glandus has embraced the belief in survival of the fittest that is enforced by the coven system, the idea that we have to do whatever we can to get ahead even if it means sacrificing those we care about. But we don't have to follow that example. A great witch told me that we can show the Isles that there is a better way. That all of us can be better."

"I'm not brave enough," Matt admitted. "Not like you guys."

"I think you're a lot braver than you realize, Matt," Gus told him. "After all, you gave the H.A.S. a chance. You gave Bo a chance. Opening yourself up again after getting hurt like you did… that takes bravery." He sighed, looking at Amity. "Moving on is brave." He then turned back to Mattholomule. "I promise you that we won't let them hurt Bo, because she's our friend. But we gotta stick together and help each other out or nothing will change."

Matt looked at the two and finally came to a decision. He used his construction magic to summon a saw and cut through their binds. "Come on, let's go help Luz out."

Meanwhile, Luz blocked Bria's punches as the Glandus student summoned large rock fists while Luz used her scale arms. "Come on, you human trash! At least fight!"

"I would if you drop those Galderstones, then we'd have a fair fight," Luz snapped back.

"Better stop now," Angmar told her, as he and Gavin had managed to apprehend Lilith by tying her down with vines.

"Aunt Lilith!" Luz cried out before being punched hard by Bria's fists, knocking her to the side.

"Oh I'm going to enjoy this." Bria raised her rock fists up, ready to make the final blow. Until suddenly she was hit by a crooked pillar that sent her flying. "AAAAH!" she cried out, rolling over the ground. She got up and was surprised to see who her attacker was. "MATTY!? What the hell do you think you're doing!?"

"What I should've done a long time ago!" Mattholomule stated while Gavin and Angmar attacked him with their own spells. However, Mattholomule was revealed to be an illusion once their spells hit.

"What?" Gavin said in shock, before he felt someone tap on his shoulder. When he turned around he was sucker-punched by Amity's fists. Angmar was then taken by surprise as Amity used Gavin's Abomination to swat Angmar away from Lilith. Gus then ran up to untie Lilith.

"You… you dare go up against me!?" Bria shouted as she stomped on the ground, using the Galderstone she was holding to form more rock fists. "Do you have any idea who I am? Who I work for!?"

"Yeah, you are nothing but a pathetic bully," Luz said as she was joined by Lilith, Amity, Gus and Mattholomule. "One who is about to be taken down hard."

Bria glared at Luz while Gavin and Angmar recovered, the three Glandus students charging together.

However, Lilith held up a glyph card and slapped it on the ground, spreading a fog that covered the entire area and surrounded Bria.

"Hey, where did you go!?" Bria shouted before spotting Gus. "Aha!" She smashed him with one of her rock fists, then she spotted Luz who looked around in confusion. "There you are!"

"No wait, I-" But Luz was also knocked down by Bria, getting beaten into the ground.

"Yes! I did it! I beat Luz!" Bria declared.

"Not quite," said the voice of Gus.

Bria looked down and saw the 'Luz' that she had attacked was actually a now knocked out Angmar. "What the…" She turned to the 'Gus' that she had also hit and was now revealed to actually be Gavin, who was also knocked out thanks to Bria. "But I thought-"

"It's called illusion magic," Gus said as he and Amity uncloaked themselves behind Bria. "Not as useless as you thought, right?"

As Bria turned around, Amity formed her Abomination bat and swung it at Bria's face. Bria was knocked over, dropping the Galderstone. Her stone fists crumbled. "This is for Levi, you bitch!" Amity shouted in anger, grabbing Bria's head and kneeing it, causing blood to run down her face.

"Fuck! You broke my nose!" Bria shouted before Amity threw her on the ground and stomped on her back.

Amity glared down at Bria, her pink eyes glowing brightly. Bria looked up at Amity, now terrified. "P-Please, d-d-don't hurt me…"

"Like how you and your friends hurt Levi and so many others?!" Amity snapped at Bria, who flinched and shut her eyes. "But now that I got a good look at you, now that I can see that you're nothing but a pathetic coward… you're not worth it." Amity stepped off of Bria's back and walked back up to Luz, who looked proud of Amity.

Bria was shaken, but her expression quickly changed to anger. "Coward!? I'll show you who's a coward!" She got up and was about to try to attack them again, but a pillar hit her across the face, knocking her out.

Everyone turned to see that it was Matt who had summoned the pillar. "Been wanting to do that for a long time," he said.

"Come on, we should tie them up and take them to the nearest coven station," Lilith told the others, using a plant glyph to summon vines that wrapped around Bria, Gavin and Angmar.

"I'll help you," Matt offered, leaving Luz, Gus and Amity alone.

"Are you guys okay?" Luz asked the two and they both nodded.

"Yeah, shaken but… I think we'll be fine," Amity replied.

"Yeah, and…" Gus sighed, rubbing his own arm. "Luz, Amity, I'm… sorry, I'm really sorry for giving you guys the cold shoulder and how I've been behaving lately. I was acting like a real ungrateful stick in the ass. I'm sorry for the things I said and only now have I realized that Amity wasn't the one hurting you anymore, Luz. It was me. I don't think I want to be mad anymore. I don't want that to be who I am, especially if it puts me on the path to becoming more like Bria."

The two girls looked at each other, then Luz sighed and put her hand on his shoulder. "Gus, I am honestly still mad at you for what you said today… but I also don't want to lose a friend again like I did with Puck."

"Puck?" Gus asked.

"He was a friend of mine, and Amity's," Luz explained. "In fact, he was a Fae. A Fae that meant well, even if his actions could sometimes go too far." She looked down sadly. "Eventually he did something bad and I couldn't forgive him for it. But he still helped save me and my family and because of that...he died."

Gus remembered the Fae that fought Belos. "You mean, he's that Fae?"

Luz nodded. "I never got the chance to forgive him before he died and I don't want to make that same mistake ever again, because life's too short to be holding grudges like this." She patted Gus on the back. "So I do forgive you."

Gus felt teary eyed. "And I… I forgive Amity. I feel like I should explain why I was mad for so long and why I acted out like I did. It involves this… talk with my dad."

Luz had Gus sit down on a rock as she sat beside him. "What did you and your dad talk about?"

Gus looked down. "It was about mom and why she left," he admitted. "It turns out that mom did something that would get her arrested by the Emperor's Coven, so she ran away in order to escape the consequences of her actions."

"What did she do?" Luz asked him.

"My mom… had been spiking my dad's food and drink with love potions."

Luz and Amity were shocked by this. "When did this happen?" Luz asked.

"It started when they were in Hexside together," Gus revealed. "She was obsessed with my dad, but he never saw her that way so while she was in Potions she learned how to make them. Love potions were made illegal by Belos for a reason, but that didn't stop my mom." Gus sniffed. "Apparently she was doing this for years before my dad finally caught on and by then I had already been born. I honestly don't think that my mom even loved me… she just saw me as a means to keep my dad with her." He wiped away his tears. "And when she was finally exposed, she abandoned me and my dad. Honestly, after learning all of this I hope to never see her again. But I was afraid that what happened with my parents could happen with you and Amity."

"So that's why… Gus, I'm sorry about what your mother did." Luz went to hug him. "And you don't have to worry about me and Ams. Do I look like I'm under influence?"

"N-No," Gus responded. "Dad explained to me that those under the effects are only able to focus on the person they're forced to love and nobody else."

"Right, and Luz cares about you and I care about you as well," Amity pointed out. "You're important to the both of us."

Gus smiled and wiped away his tears. "You know, after all of this, maybe I should go see Ms. Traveler."

Luz nodded. "I think that would be a good idea."

Suddenly, an old witch man with a long white spiky beard, blue eyes, pale skin, and a long light blue jacket with the Illusionist Coven emblem appeared. "What's going on here… oh dang it! I had one job in guarding this place a secret as Keeper of the Ruins and I couldn't even do that right! I try to get some sleep for a few hours and this is how the Titan punishes me!"

While he continued to rant, Luz and her friends exchanged confused looks.

After taking Gus and Mattholomule off, as well as dropping those Glandus students off at the Emperor's Coven station, Luz, Amity and Lilith finally made it back to the Owl House. Eda, King and Camila were waiting for them.

"Welcome home, mija!" Camila called out.

"Woah, what happened to you guys?" Eda asked them.

"The short version is that we kicked some Glandus butt and I am finally cool with Gus again," Luz explained..

"And I definitely need a nap," Lilith groaned as she went inside.

"Did you find what you were looking for at the library?" King asked.

This made Luz remember something. "Oh, right! Here you go." Luz pulled out an employee ID for the Bonesborough library, handing it to Amity.

"You… got my job back?" Amity asked.

"Yeah, Malphas said that you are welcome to come back anytime you want," Luz explained.

"Oh thank you, Luz!" Amity shouted, hugging her girlfriend and kissing her on the cheek. "But what about the clue?"

"Yeah… I wasn't able to get it," Luz admitted with a sigh. "There is a diary, but Malphas wasn't able to get it for me because it turns out someone else already has it…"

"Hey Eve, what you got there?" Linkin asked during a meeting of the Shadowy Secrets Exposerz.

"You know how Malphas owes us a solid for solving the case of that Taxidermy Beast that was scaring readers at the Bonesborough Library? Well he allowed me to check out this diary." Eve showed the diary to the rest of the Exposerz. "And I just have this feeling that I am close to uncovering something huge…"

Elsewhere in the Boiling Isles…

"So not only did you three let Luz Clawthorne slip away, but you also lost Lilith as well," said a figure who loomed over Bria, Gavin, and Angmar, terrifying the trio.

"B-But sir, it was-"

"I don't need to hear your excuses!" He smacked Gavin across the face and then turned to Bria. "I'm most mad at you, Bria. You three are lucky that I was able to use my remaining connections with the Emperor's Coven to bail you three out, but that doesn't mean that your failure will go unpunished." He turned around. "Tito!"

Stepping into view was someone wearing tap shoes who made Bria turn pale. He was very tall and slim, had light blue skin with dark blue hair and a curl sticking out, and was wearing a top black hat and a Glandus uniform with Bard Track sleeves. He also wore a red jacket over his uniform, a snake tie, and a single glove.

Bria backed away. "No… no please, give me another chance!"

"Too late." Tito said as he instantly slid over to where Bria was, bringing his knee up to hit her in the stomach. This caused Bria to cough as she fell over.

"Bria!" Gavin and Angmar cried out.

"Don't go easy on her," the figure told him and Tito nodded as he raised his left leg up. His tap shoes started to glow crimson red while the figure turned around. "You may have escaped this time, Lilith, but soon… I will have the last laugh."

Then Tito brought his foot down, causing Bria to scream.