



" Now walk up to your room " Eric said to me and I gently begang walking upstairs while they bit followed me naked. We get to the room and the door was locked by David. 

" Now sit on the bed and take off your clothes " David said to me and I obeyed what he said . I layed unclad on the bed and they both held me tight, romancing my body and took turns in having sex with me till they got to their satisfaction.

" So now that you guys are done can you go back to your houses please " I sadly said to them as I sat on the bed with both of them bedside me naked .

" Hmm you are so good Natasha " Eric said rubbing my boobs and I just hit his hands off immediately

" Why so angry Natasha ? Didn't you have fun " David said as he got off the bed and starts to dress up

" You guys shouldn't waive what is asked you . Are you guys gonna go to your house because I can't sleep having both of you share the bed with me. It's gonna be a terrible night mare. I said angrily and they both laughed so hard making me more upset

" Why the hell are you guys laughing ? " I asked them angrily

" Because we aren't gonna leave Natasha. we are both gonna spend the night with you here. Who knows if we would go for another round at night . Right David " Eric said to David who was already dressed up and sitting on the chair in the room comfortably 

" Right bro. thats the reason why we are gonna stay Hahahaha " David replied and they both laughed again

" Are you guys outta your mind ? Why would say such a thing. Just because I did something wrong doesn't mean you guys should treat me like this . I don't deserve what you guys are doing to me,I really don't " I angrily got off the bed immediately and said with tears rolling down my eyes and Eric just got up the bed gently as he smiled and began to put on his clothes too

" Hmm Natasha, seems you never learn right ? " David said getting up from the chair. " Why would you say you dont deserve all we are doing to you when you were that started it at first ehhh " he walked closed to me and said at my face looking so serious.

" But I said am sorry David, what do you want me to do. How many times do I have to tell you that ? " I soberly said to his face and he gave a fake smile

" As many times as you have to Natasha but no matter how many times you say it, it's not gonna solve anything . But the reason why we are passing the night here isn't really because if that ( he said as he turn back and walked to his seat ). You know Mr cross died recently and there's is tight security everywhere now so it's not advisable to move at night " he said and paused as he pours the bottle of drink I kept on the table earlier into a cup he saw close the drink and began to sip his drink. " Besides, it's already 1am so it's really late.

" Yes bro that's right. So guys I wanna sleep now , good night and please help put off the light. I don't  like sleeping with the lights on " Eric said and fell on the bed happily then slept of immediately and starts to snore

" Ok bro. I want to even come join you now, sarah let's get to bed " david walked up to me and said as he touches my cheeks softly." Why are you still naked. It you want some more " he said staring at my unclad body lustfully as he licks his lips

" Get your hands off my " I hit off his hand from my cheeks and picked up my clothes from the floor and put them on quickly before they both think of touching me again

" Where are you going Sarah " David asked as I walk towards the door. 

" I wanna go check out something ? " I replied still going

" Stop there at once ! " David shouted aggressively

" What, can't I move around freely in my own house again ? Want do you want from me again. Huh ! " I turned back and replied to him hastily

" I'm not saying that Natasha. Just wait a minute " he said and went to take the remaining drink from the table and gave it to me .  " Here Natasha, drink this " he stretched the cup of drink to me and I looked at his suspiciously

" What is this ? Why giving me to drink " I asked him

" Because I want you to drink it " he replied

" And why, or don't you understand my question ? " I said to him authoritativeness

" Well I met this drink in the room and started to drink but you didn't say anything, so I wanted to be sure the drink is not poisoned " he said looking into my eyes and I keep there was something he was plotting again but I couldn't tell what it is. 

" What do you mean by if I poisoned the drink. I never knew you were coming or even worst, you both following me Tomy room. Besides, I kept that drink there incase I wake up at midnight, so why would I poison it ? " I asked him innocently

" Well that's cool. So if you are so innocent of the allegationas you claim you be, then drink it and prove it to me. action speaks louder than voice so stop with the noise and drink " Jane said looking into.ny eyes and I forcefully took the drink From him and gulped down everything immedietly.

" You see, so have you proven my innocence " I asked and he nodded his head with a smile and I forced the tumbler into his hand and walked out of the room angrily.


I sit to the sitting room and feel tintgr couch sadly said I think about david and Eric and what I should do with them. I took my phone and truer calling Wendy so I could speak to her in a low voice but Wendy didn't pick.

" Oh gawd. She must be already asleep right now " I said to my shelf silently as igit if the couch and start pacing the whole sitting room and lamenting on what to do

" Oh mehn. Eric and david has really gotten to their limit  " I said as u was still pacing load down and my phone rang and I checked the I see who the caller was.

" Oh wendy. I said when I saw it was her and then I picked the call.

" Hello Wendy " I said in a low to as in placed to the phone on my ear 

" Natasha, what's up. Why is your voice so low like this. Is everything ok ? " Wendy asked as she yaens from the phone.

" No Wendy. Everything isn't ok. Those guys are here again ? " I said to her almost immediately

" Those guys. Who re the guys " Wendy asked

" David is here Wendy and time time around, he didn't just come alone. He came with Eric " I said on the phone and looked the same stairs to know if there was anyone standing there / listening to me.

" There in your house, what are the both doing with you there by thus time if did night. Or did you invite them over " we said to me on the phone 

" Don't be stupid Wendy. How can you asked if I invited them over "

" Well take it easy girl I only asked ok. So what are they doing ? " She asked me.

" Well they came to have sex with me which they decided to spend the night over"

" What ? You had sex with both of them at the same time ? was that what you wanted ? " She asked me in surprise.

" No dear i never planned for any of that. I wasn't even expecting that any of her would even show up but they did and force their way in when I tried to lock them outside " I explained to her in the phone

" Ok Natasha you know what. That might just be an opportunity to free yourself and end this issue once and for all " Wendy said to me on the phone optimistic

" What do you mean ? " I asked curiously

" You remember the idea of killing them right ? I guess this the right time to do that " she said to me

" What, how can I kill both if them " I asked curiously

" Why sounding like you are new to this Natasha or have you suddenly grown soft. They wanna pass the night in your room right? Well that's fine. Allow them to sleep of then you quickly take a knife and stab both of them to death and you would be free " she explained

" hmm understand you but what am I gonna do with their body ? " I asked in concern

" Did anyone see them coming into your house " she asked me in the phone

" No I dont think so. They arrived here late and no one in the neighborhood even knows them " I replied smartly

" Good ! Then just stab them and when you are done, call me. Am gonna come help you dispose them with my car. But this must be done before 4 am this morning because of road block by the police " she replied

" Ok then understood. I will do that right away " I replied as I gathered the courage and strength to what she said

" Good girl, now go do that and be smart baby. Am expecting your call. Bye ....." She said and ended the call

Call ended ******* ☎️☎️☎️

I took the advice from Wendy and sneaked to the kitchen and got a knife and then I gently went upstairs, counting my foot steps 

I opened ended the door slowly to see what happening and to my surprise, david and Eric were already fast asleep. " This is my time to end this " I smile and lowly said and tip toes into the room. I lifted the knife up and contemplating in who to kill first but all of a suddenly I began to feel dizzy and my head ached do badly. I struggled to stay concious but never knew when I fell on the floor with the knife in my hand and passed out suddenly...



I woke up with a sharp headache and I sat I the bed placing my hand on my head as I felt the sharp pain severely. " Ohh " I groan ** " I turned by my side and saw the life with Chris I was supposed to use in killing Eric and David by my side. " Oh damn ! " I said as I turned around and scanned the room but couldn't see david or Eric. I quickly jumped of the bed and ran downstairs so I could know if they were there but couldn't find anyone when I got to the sitting room.

I checked the couch and saw my phone on it. " Oh my goodness. I just have left it her and went in last night " I said and picked it up just for me tochec and saw that the time was already 10 oclock and Wendy has already given me 5 missed calls straight.

" Oh fuck it " I was about calling her when I heard know on my door 

" Whos is there ? " I asked

" It's me Wendy " I quickly opened the door and Wendy entered worriedly..

" What happened Natasha, I have been calling your line and you have not been picking up . I waited for your call all through the night but didn't hear from you. What happened ?" She asked me

" I don't know. All I can remember was that I tried to stab both of them but I got dizzy and passed out only to find myself on bed this morning with the onite beside me " I replied her

" Oh shit. You fucked up " she said feeling disappointed

" I fucked up ?  I just told you that I don't know what happened to me and all you could say is that I fucked up ? " I asked her 

" Well that's by the way, I thank God you are okay. I thought they must have harmed you and that's why I rushed down here, since I tried your number and couldn't get you. As you can see I just came all the way from work to check up on you here. I will see you later. Bye babe " Wendy said and we both bid each other good bye and she quickly rushed out of the house.

I fell on the couch trying to reminiscent what happened when my phone rang and I quickly checked it just to see that it was david 

I picked the phone immedietely and placed on my ear

" Hello " I said in the phone anxious

" Hmm Natasha... Well I guess you can never change " David said to me and my heart gripped immediately

" What do you mean by that David ? " I asked him

" So after everything you still planned to kill both of us last night right ? Well I guess you planned have failed

" I don't know what you are talking about " I pretended in guilt

" Well that is because you never succeeded with your company plans yesterday. Thanks to.ke and my intellect. Hahahahaha " he sis and laughed out loud on the phone

" What do you mean by that David, what are you trying to say ? " I also him curiously

" Well I drugged the drink I gave you yesterday " he said

" You did what ? How ? That was my drink and how were you able to do that " I asked in surprise

" Hahahaha. I always seems to surprise you right ? I knew you would come up with such stupid idea of killing us yesterday and that's why when you got up from the bed, walking to the door,I quickly poured a substance into the drink that will make you sleep off so you wouldn't harm us. I mean... C'mon. You never thought I would just leave you like that as we planned on spending the night in your house right ? No. " He said and hearing this made me so upset like I should tear him off to pieces from the phone.

" You are a monster david. I swear you are gonna pay for all this shit you are doing to me and I promise you that " I angrily said

" Hey babe. No need to swear now you know. Because am not done with you yet . You bloody murder . Have a nice day bitch. " He said and ended the call at me

" Oh my gawd. Am fucking gonna kill this guy I swear ! " I screamed and fell to the floor holding my hair so tight in frustration. " This must stop. It is too much " I said and started to weep profusely
