

" did I just hear you well saying you have gone back to you ex ? " James asked surprisingly on the phone

" Yes. I have. Jealous ? " Sarah said to him on the phone

" No , why should I be jealous of that. We aren't even dating so there isn't any need " James replied her

" Good. I'm glad you don't have a problem with that " she replied trying to hide her bitterness

" Yeah. But I was just surprised. David ? Even if you wanna get into a relationship again it should be with someone else, someone who truly deserves you and not David. Have you forgotten how he almost made you lost your life ? What if you had died, wouldn't he have moved on ? Think about it Sarah " James said to her

" Hey no need for all these sermons. I have made my decisions and that's final. Just leave me to deal with it " Sarah said bitterly again, swallowing hard on the phone

" Ok no problem. It's your choice " James replied her simply

" Yeah it is. Now if you don't mind I will like to meet with him today because he's so desperate in seeing me. At least I have someone who has promised to be faithful to me and not a lier " she blurted out

" That doesn't mean he's good sarah, he fücked up and you know that" james said

" yeah he did and that was a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. What about you huh, tell me ; I and David have known each other for more than 2 years now and he only messed up a few times which is understandable because we are all humans that aren't expected to be perfect, but you, we barely know each other well and you have done even worst than him. I leaving him for you because of one mistake when you have done more is actually not fair and is making me feel so guilty already so Good bye now James. Have enough time with your lies and deceiving lifestyle " she said and ended the call angrily..... Then throw the phone in her hand bag weakly as she bows down her head

" Oh no ...no..no.. " Sarah exclaimed angrily as she hits her head on the car stearing and tears sadly rolled down her cheek. She was completely confused on what to do and really need someone who would be by her side to make her feel good but unfortunately, she just ended it on the phone with the one person. She sadly started her car and drove off to go see david and know how he was doing since he's the only one that can come to her mind at the point when she got no one else



James began pacing around in his chamber angrily as sarah hung up on him. He was so angry with it that he began blaming himself for being so soft because of a woman.

" Damn! What the hell just happened, did she just hung up on me ?! " He said in rage and seun who heard him came into his chamber to ask what happened ..

" Hey master , I heard your voice from outside. Hope everything is fine ? " Seun asked maintaining a safe distance from his angry master who wasn't looking like he was gonna calm down his rage in a sort time

" I just called Sarah now and she hung up on me. Since when did I became so soft that a lady ridicules in such manner ? It's an insult to my ego. I have been acting so soft lately since I met this Sarah of a girl and it pains me because it has never happened. She is just so different from other girls I have seen " he said angrily pacing around the chamber

" She hung up , why ? I thought you guys were having things going ? " Seun asked his master in surprised

" She's still angry about the last time we saw " James said to him

" About the ancient sign stuff, she's still holding that in her mind ? That's crazy " seen said 

" Yeah it is " he said as he walks back to his seat and sat down .  "But that isn't what is really bothering me now. She gave me a news thats really not good for my ears to hear " he said keeping a really straight face

" What news can so bad as that ? " Seun asked

" I called this morning only for her to tell me that she has gone back to her Ex ( david) which means she wouldn't have anything to do with me anymore " he bitterly said

" Oh mehn, now that's really bad " seun said 

" Yeah. And the coronation is now in a month time. How will I be able to get her to fall in love with me so badly so I can take her powers, how ! " He shouted angrily as he bitterly hit his hand on his chair, exactly expressing his rage

" Calm down sir. It's true the coronation is close and we don't have time but something can still be done " seun said to.him

" What can be done ? "  He asked him 

" Since there's only one person standing on the way between both of you, I think it will be right we take him outta the way " seun smartly said to James with a really naughty smile as he scratches his beard slowly..

" Wow, that is such a really nice idea. And I guess I know just the right thing to do. Hahahaha "James laughed as he already got an idea ringing on his head on how to go about it



I arrived Davids house with my new car and stepped out of it after looking at the car mirror and trying to act calm as the memories of what he did to me began flooding into my head so fast and it was almost getting out of control.

I walked to his door slowly after parking my car. When I got to his door, I stood for some seconds with my eyes closed as I breathed deeply before knocking gently...


" Yes , I'm coming, give me a sec " he replied from inside with a really excited tone ( it's like he saw me stepping outta the car through his window ) and in no time he quickly opened the door for me in extreme excitement. " OMG Sarah. I never thought you would come today because we never concluded " he looked me in the eyes and said with his good old smiles I missed so much

" Ok, so I'm I welcome ? " I asked calmly staring at his bare chest

" Oh sure of corse you are. I was just surprised " he said, immedietely ushering me in.  " it's such a pleasure seeing you again " he happily said and stared as I walked in gently with my bag and sat down on the sofa

" So what are you doing inside ? " I asked him as he was looking strange with a really red eye

" Well I was just watching TV " he replied and sat on a different chair which was strange to me but I knew the reason why. He is hiding something and that's exactly what I want to dig out now .

" Oh you were watching TV right ? " I asked then paused to look around the house before I continued,. 

 " why is the room smelling like smoke then ? " I bursted his bubbles and he was shocked

" The room, But I.... " David stuttered but I interrupted

" C'mon David don't lie to me. You were smoking inside and when I knocked, you immediately took everything away and sprayed a little air freshener in the room. That's the same reason you sat on a different chair because you don't want me to perceived the smell of smoke on you. Is that true ? " I went straight to the point 

" Well I ... " He stutters again and Interrupted quickly

" Is that true David. Remember, no lies " I warned him sternly as I look into his eyes with all seriousness

" Yes it's true " he admitted

" Good. But I thought I told you that I have forgiven you. why do you have to continue smoking again David ? " I asked emotional as I looked into his eyes in pity. He wasn't looking like the David I used to know him to be, he was now more of a rough guy instead of the calm and soft guy I know

" I'm sorry Sarah I... , I just couldn't live with the reality that you left me and it was really troubling my soul " he said and bursted into tears bitterly making me more uncomfortable

" No no no......David please stop crying, stop it please I don't like seeing this. Ok come come seat close to me, you really don't have to be far away. " I said as I try to call him down 

" Are you sure ? But I Still smell  like smoke and I know you don't like it " he asked weeping

" Don't worry I don't care about it, just come here " I said and he came to join me on the sofa which I was sitting 

" Thank you Sarah. After what I did to you, you still care for me. I appreciate " he looks into my eyes in tears and said

" Yeah david, Ofcorse I do care for you. Everyone makes mistakes " I said as I made him lay his head on my thighs while caress his face and beards softly

" But some mistakes are so great sarah. you don't understand. If only you Know what I did, you wouldn't even be with me I ........"  David tried to explain but I stopped him by pinning his lips with my finger

" Hey... Now listen. What ever happened is in the past now ok, and I have forgiven you for that. So don't worry about it anymore " I said to me

" Sarah and David hugged each other tightly again until her phone suddenly bleeped and she opens it to check but all she got was a message from a strange number that she couldn't tell about saying . 

The message was stating boldly. " After seeing this heart breaking message am about to send to you now, you would know who is truly with you " 

" This is crazy. Who the hell sent this and what is he trying to talk about " Sarah checked her phone and said while david tries to know what it is she was saying

" What's the problem sarah. Is there a problem ? " He asked looking at the phone she was holding

" I don't even know. Look at this " she said and handed the phone to him which he did read and never bothered about it.

" Woah.. I don't know about this Sarah, but whatever it is, it doesn't feel serious to me " David said to her

" Really , you think so " She asked him

" Yeah I think so " he replied

" Ok. Well whatever it is, the sender should stop playing games. I'm really not in the mood for it " sarah said as she picks her bag and getting ready to leave

" Where are you going ? " David asked

" Well I will be having so many things to do this evening and also errands to run so lemme go home and take a rest before then " she said as she stood up from the sofa

" Ok but we haven't spent much time together, I think you should stay a little longer " David said as he also stands up too, trying to persuade her into staying a bit more

" Nice try David but I just think I should leave now. It's been a really exciting short time with you. I will see you someother time alright ? " She said

" Alright " david replied

" Good." She said and they walked out of the house while david saw her off. She got into her new car ,put on the engine and was about driving off when David said to her ....

" Your new car looks so good I must say " he complimented with a smile

" Yeah thanks so much. its a gift from my mom by the way " she replied funnily

" Oh damn, that's so cool " david said with a smile and Sarah gave him one too before she zoomed off with her car which seems rather too fast because of its new engine. She was going smoothly and playing a song in her car radio while she vibes to it when he phone suddenly bleeped with a message again from her bag

" Oh shit, now who the hell was that " she asked herself still controlling the steering while her other hand was in the bag, trying to get the phone.    " Got ya you little piece of shit " she smiled and said when she got the phone then she discovered the message was from thesame strange number on WhatsApp which she doesn't know about it. She clicked on the message to know what it is then to her greatest surprise she saw what she had never expected to.  

   " OMG what the hell is this " she exclaimed outta shock and pulled the car over outta the road so she wouldn't losses concentration like she did before outta shock.

" What. You gotta be kidding me. This is so unbelievably " sarah said as she stares at the live video of David and natasha ( her best friend) having sex and even moaning like it was a normal thing for them. The part that got her even more surprise was how he licked Natasha's Honeypot and she was screaming his name and begging him for more.

" OMG this is so ridiculous . Who must have possibly sent this, I guess the person has succeeded in throwing me into a really bad mood " she said in tears as she checked the number on WhatsApp, trying to know who got the number but it was so private. She was still checking on other things to see if she could track the number down when another message came in again but this time, it was written. It says.  "Dear Sarah. I know you must be probably surprised on the video that was just sent to you now which everyone in your position right now would do, but I sent it for the greater purpose of your love life. This is pure betrayal, and it would let you know that not everyone one is meant to be trusted, not even your so called best friend "  the message said making her burst into tears in her car as I couldn't believe my eyes. There was nothing that was so painful as it since I was born and not only because the guy I thought of giving a second chance is the one on the video but the person who I have been calling my best friend all these while. I could never believe she could betray me like this and it was damn so painful.

I started my engine again and hit the road to home while I try so hard to control myself while driving so it's wouldn't get to my head and lead to another thing.

All my life I have thought break up was the most painful thing someone could experience on earth and never knew betrayal was even way more worst
