
Lustful Sun God

Vlad is born with supreme talent, numerous resources at his disposal and a powerful father to back him up, he had everything to ensure his path and stand on top of the divine plane without any difficulty. He is certainly enviable, but fate has a different life in store for him. He acquires a system by chance, something was not intended for him. Thanks to this system, he ends up stranded in an unknown celestial plane, in a distant star cluster. He will have to reach the top of the cultivation to be able to return to his family, on the way he will find more than one problem and enemies that he will have to face. Of course, he will also find many beauties to embrace. “I risked my life to kill a mighty Heavenly Beast and the system rewards me with 1,000 points. However, taking a girl's virginity grants me 10,000 points and an immortal sword. What the hell do you expect me to become? The first chapters are the story before the story, since it deals a little before the birth of the protagonist, but it is necessary. Keep in mind 1.- In the world of cultivation, interests come first and feelings come after. 2.- Vlad is not a hero who fights for justice and love. 3.- Not all the women that appear will be part of the harem. There are many stories about protagonists who are born trash, with no talent, and who on their way become strong and fight to change their destiny. I want to write the story of the young master, talented from his birth, with thousands of resources at his disposal. At the beginning of the story his life is easy, but easy is not fun, along the way he will encounter many setbacks. This is my first novel, I'm a novice. I hope you like it. I hope to improve as the story progresses, thanks to the people who read this. English is not my native language, so please excuse the grammar. I do not have rights to the cover, if you want me to delete it, write me!

RedSky_4561 · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Wang Feng

"Children, we will go to what will be your new salon from today. Follow me".

The children followed him and soon came to a room with long tables and strange stools.

On the tables were all kinds of herbs.

"For the next 6 months, you will receive your lectures in this room. Here, learn the basics about herbs," said Celio.

"Instructor, is this lecture only for those interested in alchemy?" asked a boy.

"This conference is for everyone. What happens if one day you buy a herb, and it's not the right one? What if you mistake a medicinal herb for a poisonous one? Does anyone here think that this conference is not important?"

"…" all the children fell silent.

"You have the opportunity to learn the basics here. A divine rank alchemist will teach you. She tries not to make her angry, she has a bad temper… "

A soft voice interrupted, "Really? I didn't know you thought that of me, little Celio..."

*cough* *cough* *cough*

"I have something to do. Good luck kids, see you in 6 months." Celio disappeared.

Everyone looked at the origin of that voice. A woman with brown hair, short in stature, a delicate face, and a voluptuous body.

Hello kids, my name is Bonnie Rurik. I will be the instructor in charge of teaching them about medicinal and poisonous herbs. Questions?".

One of Edek's sons asked. "Instructor Bonnie, we will learn alchemy."

"No, I won't teach you about alchemy, only about herbs. Uses of herbs and also how to grow them. They can learn alchemy or another profession when they turn 13."

After answering a few questions, Bonnie kicked off her lecture.

During the first 3 months, the children learned to sow, care for, and harvest medicinal and poisonous herbs.

In the last 3 months, Bonnie explained about the use of herbs and how to differentiate each medicine. They also learned about how to deal with a wound.

"Children, it's been a year since you came here. Today is the first rest period. Take advantage of this time to rest and visit your relatives. See you in 1 week. Take care."

Bonnie dismissed the children and left the room.

"We can finally get out of this damn prison. I was about to go crazy." Fredic said.

Vlad smiled and said. "I'll go pick up Feng Yao. See you guys in a week."

"See you".

"Take care of yourself".

After a brief farewell, Vlad went to the cabin assigned to him and let Yao out of the small world.

"It's time to go?"

Vlad nodded.

As they walked towards the exit of the artificial world, the couple struck up a conversation.

"Will you return to your clan or will you stay in my house?"

"Do you want me to return to my clan?" Yao looked at him in a daze.

"I don't want to, but if you want to visit your family, I won't stop you."

Yao smiled. "I'll stay with you".


When they came out of the artificial world they saw Marek, Celeste, Alicja and other gods who came to wait for their children.

Vlad walked over to them and hugged his mother.

Celeste sent him a voice transmission so as not to embarrass him. 'My baby, you miss mommy so much, hehe.

Vlad ignored her and greeted his father and grandmother.

"Son, we have prepared a small banquet to celebrate your return," Marek said.

"They shouldn't have bothered." Vlad just wanted to get to his room and sleep for days.

But he celeste had other plans.

"Don't worry son, we are also celebrating your birthday"

'My birthday was yesterday, but if I complain, mother will be angry.'


Marek's Palace.

Inside the main hall, Vlad and his family were dining together.

His mother, his father, grandmother, Feng Yao and some of his uncles ate and drank happily, it was a memorable image, a memory that Vlad kept for difficult times.

At that moment, Marek asked. "Son, your cultivation broke through to the middle stage of the Great Emperor Realm. Did you take any pills?"

"It was a natural progression, father. I've been training a lot."

Yao also intervened. "That's true. He trained daily, never skipped a training day."

"Oh, now I see. If little Yao says so, it must be true."

"The wife defends her husband…"

"It's nice to have such a dedicated wife…"

A series of comments from Vlad's relatives made the young woman embarrassed and her face flushed intensely.

"Stop bothering her. Yao is a good girl." Vlad smiled.

"Son, tell us, how did she do in your first year...?"

"I met Uncle Edek's children…"

Vlad talked to his family for hours. He told them everything he did during the year he was in the artificial world or, well, almost everything, he said nothing about what he did with Yao at night.

Midnight, Vlad and Yao were lying on the bed.


The redhead squeezed Feng Yao's soft tits. Over time it became a habit before sleeping.

Yao's resistance had relaxed quite a bit. She already didn't get angry every time Vlad touched her occasionally. It can be said that she started to enjoy those little touches.

Feng Yao complained. "Vlad, you said you were sleepy"

Vlad slid his hand down between Yao's legs. "You're soaked down here." An evil smile spread across his face.

"Don't overdo it, not yet…" Yao spoke with a pleading voice.

"Sorry." Vlad frowned. Sometimes his body moves on instinct.

Seeing Vlad frown, Yao thought that he was upset.

"If you want, you can play more…"

Vlad smiled. "Don't worry, little. It's time to sleep."

The next morning, Vlad didn't get out of bed and slept until noon, also refusing to let go of Feng Yao from his embrace.

At noon, he ate with his parents, and at night, he dined with his grandmother.

A week passed quickly, and Vlad had to return to the artificial world.

Inside the conference room, a middle-aged man stood in front of a group of children.

"Hello children, my name's Wang Feng, I will be in charge of your conferences this year. This part of the training is the easiest. It consists of listening to a story."

"Will you tell us stories every day?" one of the children asked.

"No, I'll tell you a story. Its a very long history. So I'll tell you a little bit of that story every day." The man replied.

The children began to murmur.

"I could stay at home. My grandmother is very good at telling stories"

"Haha, a story? Why are we wasting time?"

"This is good. I like to laze around."

Wang Feng smiled at the children's comments, particularly he did not care. He told this story to thousands of children from this clan and they all reacted in the same way at first. Of course, some remained calm. They thought that things were not so simple.

"Get ready because you will not only hear this story, you will also see it with your own eyes" the man smiled mysteriously.

Before any of the children could ask a question, they all fell into an illusion.

At the beginning the story was great, it was about a boy who was born in a moderately powerful clan, something caught the attention of the children, the story took place on the mortal plane.

The boy was the only son of the clan patriarch, so his life was easy. His talent was mediocre, but his father gave him the best resources and the best techniques so he could make some progress in his cultivation. His mother and his two sisters always supported him and encouraged him to work hard in cultivate.

That was the first day of the story. The kids found it funny and wanted to know more about the story.

"Instructor, that was great. I've never seen a story through an illusion."

"Yes we are lucky to attend this conference"

Wang Feng turned serious and told them. "Prepare yourself mentally. The story is very tragic. Do you think clan training is a game? You don't come here to waste time. We are the ones in charge of teaching you to survive".

The man left these words and disappeared from the room.

The children's countenance changed after hearing those words.

The next day the story continued and so for a week.

The following week, the story progressed, and the boy became a young man. His cultivation progressed very slowly, and the other clansmen mocked him, even his father began to distance himself from him. The pressure and pain he felt led him to form bad habits.

He started drinking and then raped one servant of the Wang Clan mansion. Yes, coincidentally the clan name was Wang and the young protagonist of the illusion was very similar to the middle-aged man who told the story, Wang Feng. .

This fact was very shocking to the children. Even if Wang Feng did not show them the entire content of the violation, he showed them the beginning and the end.

This affected the boys a lot and especially the girls. The words at the end of the day were the icing on the cake.

"You can leave if you want, you are not obliged to come tomorrow. Just let me remind you of something. If you are so weak you do not serve the clan, you better return home."

The next day, the children did not look as lively as they had at first.

Something that should be noted is that no one left.

The story picked up where it had left off yesterday. The young master of the Wang clan had tasted a new sensation. He had found an outlet for his frustration, so he didn't stop there and continued to rape all the clan servants, even the women who were married.

The other members of the clan began to avoid him, they looked at him with disgust and hatred.

He didn't stop and started dirtying the weaker clanswomen. His father tried to stop him, but young Wang's mother intervened. She loved her son and defended his atrocities.

The weeks passed, and the children felt more and more exhausted from witnessing this story.


Don't think of these "kids" as normal kids. They are cultivators and their consciousness has been developed for over 80 years. This part of the training is difficult. But this helps to understand the role that the clan plays in the divine world.

Please send your power stones so that this novel reaches more people!

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