
Lustful Encounters: Becoming the Goddess' Futanari Vessel

Life has been hard for Kyah Open-Cloud. As the only Native American woman in her all-girl Christian academy, she’s had her share of troubles. However, that all changes when she has a fateful encounter with the new history teacher, Calypso. Kyah’s world is broken open and the vixen that’s been sleeping underneath will finally be unleashed. But in the end, Kyah may get more than she bargained for.

T_L_Tate · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Death Flags Are A Serious No-No!

I wasn't actually sweating, but I felt like I was. My heart was racing. I was trying to come up with a response. What would be their first question? Would I end up on 60-Minutes or something? Will they run away screaming? Oh, Goddess! What if Rhea never wants to see me again?

That would seriously suck!

It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop from a mile away. Then…

"Pfft! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

They were laughing. They were both laughing hysterically. What in the actual hell?

"You're hilarious Calypso. Could you imagine if that were true? You've got a great sense of humor. I look forward to working with you in the fall."

Simone and Rhea seemed to think that Calypso was just pulling their legs. Neither could imagine that what Calypso was saying was real.

⎡Can you blame them? Would you believe it if you hadn't experienced it yourself?⎦

⎡I guess that's true. But why do I feel slightly irritated?⎦

⎡I don't know. Probably because, no matter how minuscule, they more or less negated your very existence as a vessel.⎦

⎡I didn't realize my ego was so fragile.⎦

⎡Are you serious? You're as fragile as a glass dropped from a 10-story building.⎦

⎡Well…that hurt.⎦

⎡Heh! I'm just messing with you.⎦

⎡I know. I'm not upset.⎦

"So, do either of you know what happened?" Rhea's voice was filled with an incredible amount of innocence. Too much if you ask me.

"Are you serious, Rhea? We just talked about this before we left. They had a freaking news conference. You were standing here with me. Did you really not pay any attention?"

She shook her head. "Nope. All of that stuff gives me a headache. I sort of checked out."

Slap! Slap! Slap!

It's like you could hear the mental facepalms from the three of us strike at the same time.

This girl…she's a handful.

Calypso, the oldest…okay! I get it. Stop glaring at me! Geez!

Ahem! Calypso, the wisest of us (There! Happy, you narcissistic goddess?) explained the situation to the floundering Rhea.

"There was a news story that aired at a local station last night about one of our students. The story reported that this student assaulted numerous girls. The story picked up a lot of traction in a short amount of time. The results were what you saw. That is also the reason the lecture was canceled. When the wolves are circling the wagons, some people choose to hunker down. That's what we're doing. Classes are probably going to be canceled for a few days until all of this blows over."

Simone looked over her shoulder. "Will it though? That story is everywhere."

Calypso shrugged. "All things pass. This will be no different."

I don't know if Simone believed her, but she nodded anyway.

"Who was the student?" Rhea, who was now interested in the story asked Calypso.

"Celeste VanWalters."

Rhea froze. She glanced at me. Then at the floor. At me. Floor. Me. Floor. Me. Floor.

"Dear, Lord! You're giving me whiplash, Rhea. What's going on?" Simone was quick to reprimand Rhea.

"Umm. I can't say. It's just…" Rhea's eyes landed on me. I didn't need to read her mind to know what she was thinking.

"Well, since the lecture was canceled, would you mind if I picked your brain for a little while, Calypso?" Simone looked like she was raring to go.

"Sure. That's fine." Calypso turned, "I'll see you later, Kyah."

"No problem."

The two of them headed towards the lecture hall, leaving Rhea and myself alone.

"Want to come over to my room?" Rhea looked nervous for some reason.

"Can't. I still have classes after this."

"Oh! I keep forgetting that you are still a student. Of course, you have classes."

"True. How about you come over tonight. We can have a sleepover. You bring the popcorn. I'll pick the movie."

"Sounds great! Let's do that."


Right when Rhea and I were forming our plans, Calypso reached out to me.


⎡Listen. There is something important that I need to tell you.⎦

⎡Okay. What is it?⎦

There was a pause and then…

⎡Whatever you do, do not die. Do you understand? You cannot die.⎦

I was walking with Rhea towards the exit when I tripped. What in the world?!

⎡What the hell are you talking about? Why would I die?⎦

⎡I know. I know. I shouldn't be raising a Death Flag like that, but it's important. Okay? I still need to figure out what's going on with you. If you die then I'm worried it will have disastrous consequences.⎦

⎡Worse than being dead?⎦

⎡Way worse. Trust me. Stay safe and don't do anything reckless.⎦

⎡Well, it's not like I planned on dying anytime soon. So, I'll be fine.⎦

⎡Sheesh! Now you're doing it! Kyah! Death Flags are a serious no-no!⎦

⎡But you just did it.⎦

⎡Sh-shut up! I'm a goddess. I can do what I want.⎦

⎡Way to be hypocritical there oh mighty Goddess of Love.⎦

⎡Oh! Why am I even trying to help you? You're so mean!⎦

⎡Maybe it's because I'm still so YOUNG and inexperienced.⎦

⎡Are you calling me old again?! You're so mean!⎦

⎡Heh! You said that already. But seriously, I'll be careful.⎦


⎡Yeah. Promise.⎦

⎡Okay. Good. Listen, there's something important we need to talk about.⎦


⎡Well…just a little cautionary tale. It can wait though. For now, why don't you spend some time with that pretty little girl next to you? I've got to do some research. I might be M.I.A for a little while⎦

⎡Sure. No problem.⎦

⎡Oh. And Kyah? Watch your temper. Kay?⎦

⎡I know. I'll be careful from now on.⎦

⎡Good. I don't want my first vessel in 3,000-years to be some mindless murdering machine.⎦

⎡Did you say, 3,000-years? Man…you're…⎦

⎡Don't you finish that thought, young lady!⎦

⎡Heh! See ya, Calypso.⎦

⎡Stay angelic, cher!⎦

When she needs to be, Calypso can be as strict as a wizened nun. She can also be incredibly childish. She was also sensual and can be friendly, too. She is sexy. She is mature. She is fun. She is different. I had a feeling that not all the Goddesses and Gods are like her. She really is one of a kind.

Indeed, she is…eccentric.

"Kyah? Hey. Do you have a moment?"

My day was going pretty well. I'd just finished 6th period and was on my way to my final class of the day. Calypso's lecture was canceled, but she was wrong about the other classes. Although the professors seemed a bit preoccupied, the classes still continued.

I was leaving the Science Building when a girl with long brown hair that went down to the middle of her back. Her body was quite thin. Not to the point of wasting away. She was just a thin person.


It was the girl that I helped when she foolishly followed the little devil into the woods. Maria was trying to get a trucking job for her father's flailing company. She was willing to go to any lengths to do it—even sleep with Satan.

"Hey. Sorry. I saw you and just thought we could chat for a while. Are you free?"

I know I helped her before. But that was a one-off. I wasn't looking to become friends.

"I'm not really free right now. I've got to run."

"Oh. Okay. It'll just take a second. Is it okay if I walk with you for a little bit?"

I wanted to roll my eyes but abstained. Something told me that if I didn't give in to her request, I'd be haunted by her until I gave her the time of day.

"Sure. That's fine. What did you need?"

I turned towards the quad. My biology lab was meeting there this afternoon. She followed me as she promised.

"About Celeste. Was it you who let everyone know?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just wondering if it was you. It's the only thing that makes sense. Everyone else is too afraid to talk. They were terrified of what she and her family would do. You're the only one that doesn't seem afraid of her. Besides, after what happened, she didn't try to silence you or anything."

"What if it was me?"

"If that is the case then I just want to know if you told them about me?"

"I didn't say a thing. Don't worry."

"Okay. Thanks. That's all I wanted to know."

She turned and started walking in the opposite direction only to stop and rush back towards me.

"Hang on real quick. Umm, I still haven't thanked you for what you did. If it's alright with you, I'd like to repay that favor sometime soon."

"Listen. I told you before that we're square. You don't owe me anything."

"And I told you that I'd repay you. You might as well just accept it. I'm not going to leave you alone until you do."

Something told me that she wasn't kidding around. "Fine. I'll think of something. Happy?"

She nodded. "Yeah. Give me your phone."

"Huh? Are you trying to rob me?"

"What? No. I want to add my number to it."

"Oh. Okay." I handed her my phone after I unlocked it. She dialed her number and then called herself. After hanging up, she handed the phone back to me.

"There. Now you have my number. Text me anytime."

"Sure. Okay. I've got to go now."

"All right. See you."

She practically skipped away. That girl was like a bad penny. Every time I wanted to throw her away, she just kept coming back.

After classes were done, Rhea came over. Rhea's beautiful body was draped in a lovely ivory romper with flowing fringes. Her gold sandals matched the shiny golden belt she wore as an accent. She wore the bracelet on her wrist with pride. It was the memento of our first date. I was glad she liked it.

When she stepped inside, she first kissed my lips.

"Mmmm. I've missed that." She smelled so nice that I hated to separate from her.

"I'm glad you're here."

"Yeah? Me too. Thanks for inviting me."

"Of course. So, are you ready?"

She hesitated. "Yeah. But first, there's something that I wanted to ask you."

"It's not about that dildo is it?"

She blushed. "No! Well…I do want to know about it. But there is something else that's been bugging me."

"Is it about Celeste?"

"Mmhm. Yeah. Did you…?"

"Yeah. I'm the one that leaked the story to the press."


"Why? Are you worried?"

"Yeah. A little. Leinani said that Celeste's family is super-rich. Like…they aren't 1-percenters. They're more like the .01-percent."

"I'm sure Leinani was exaggerating. Besides, it doesn't matter how rich they are. She's going to have to pay for her crimes."

"I know. I just don't want you to get caught up in this nonsense. You're important to me. I worry about you."

I couldn't help but smile. "You're so sweet, Rhea. You're important to me, too."

I kissed her softly. Then less softly. Then hard. Then very hard.

By this point, I was practically holding her in the air with my lips. She tasted so good. So much for our movie night.

"Kyah!" Rhea's voice was music to my ears.

"Rhea! I want you."

"I'm all yours. Do whatever you want to me."

Now that was something I could get behind.

I lifted her by her ass and carried her towards the bed.

〖Fuck! She's so strong. I love her muscles.〗

There goes Rhea with that unfiltered little mind of hers. But it didn't bother me. Why would it?

〖God! I can't wait to fuck the living daylights out of her.〗

I liked where this was going. I reached down, ready to unbutton her romper and pounce on her. I wanted to lick, suck, and fuck all of the cum out of that loli [future] teacher.

Right when we were about to go at it hard…

〖Goddess! My Goddess! I really love my Goddess!〗

Oh, fuck no!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Goddess? Are you in there?"

Right at that moment, Celeste appeared. I heard her thoughts as they assaulted my brain in a singsong voice.

Rhea looked towards the door.

"Who is that?" Her voice was light. At that point, she was only a little frustrated. Of course, I knew that was about to change for the worst.

I sighed as I glanced at the door.

Fuck my life.