
Where Did That Chainsaw Came From?!

Chaos erupted in the manor as the deafening sound of gunfire echoed through the halls. Splinters flew as furniture shattered, and the air filled with the acrid scent of gunpowder.

Lord Pigman, his once domineering presence reduced to a quivering mess, desperately attempted to crawl away, seeking refuge from the carnage.

"F-fuck! What's happening?!" he stammered, his voice filled with panic as he sought refuge behind a fallen table. The table, thick and sturdy, provided some shelter from the bullets, but it was only a matter of time before it would be riddled with holes.

One of his surviving subordinates crouched beside him, gripping a pistol tightly. With cautious peeks, he attempted to take shots at the masked woman, but her relentless barrage of gunfire made it clear that he hadn't landed a single hit.

"Damn it...! What the hell are you all doing?!" Pigman roared at his remaining subordinates. Most of them lay lifeless, their bodies pierced by bullet holes, pooling blood beneath them. The few who still fought back struggled to find a moment to retaliate amidst the unending onslaught. The moment they dared to expose themselves, they were met with a hail of bullets.

"You're all worthless! It's just one woman, damn it!" Pigman extended his trembling hand, reaching for a submachine gun lying near the lifeless body of his subordinate. Determination gleamed in his eyes. "I'll kill her myself!"

Raising the submachine gun above his head, he prepared to fire. But before he could even squeeze the trigger, a horrifying realization struck him. His hands... they were no longer attached to his arms. "Eh? Hiiiiiiiii!" Pigman let out a piercing scream, his gaze locked on the stumps where blood spurted forth like a macabre fountain. The bullets from the Gatling gun had possessed such devastating power that they effortlessly severed his hands, slicing through the flesh and bone as if they were mere playthings.

"Oh, my★!" the masked woman exclaimed amidst the continued onslaught of gunfire. "Did I happen to hit you there?"

Her voice reverberated with a chilling delight, unmistakably relishing the chaos and destruction she had unleashed. It became clear to Pigman that this woman was a sadist, finding pleasure in the suffering she caused.

"You bitch! How dare you do this to me? Do you not know who I am? I am an earl!" Pigman shouted, his subordinate frantically attempting to staunch the bleeding from his severed hands. "You will never get away with this! The royal family won't let you escape! You'll be beheaded, mark my words!"

A singsong tone colored the woman's response, devoid of any concern. "So what if you're an earl? It means nothing to me," she taunted. "As for the royal family, well, they wouldn't know a thing... if no one survives to tell the tale, would they?"

In other words, she planned to eliminate everyone in the manor, Pigman included. The realization shook him to his core, causing even some of his remaining subordinates to tremble. This woman was unhinged, and her words held an unsettling truth that chilled their very souls.

"Sh-Shut up! You're nothing more than a fucking whore! You don't have the power to kill us all!" Pigman lashed out in a fit of rage, his voice dripping with venomous hatred. "Do you not understand how many loyal subordinates I have in this manor? If they combine their strength and capture you, I will personally violate every inch of your body! And then, I'll order my subordinates to do the same! Every one of your holes will be filled with cocks! Once we're done, I'll parade you through the capital, where all the men will have their turn! You'll be devoured by every man in the city! Remember my words, you'll experience a torment deeper than hell itself!"

The woman abruptly ceased her relentless gunfire, causing Pigman's smirk to widen. "Hoh! Hoh! So you finally understand the predicament you're in," he taunted, emerging from his hiding spot. His yellowed teeth glistened as he relished the impending torment. "Prepare yourself for the taste of hell!"

"Fufu..." The woman chuckled, leaving Pigman perplexed. How could she find amusement in such a dire situation, faced with the looming threat of gang rape? "Earl Pigman, you truly live up to your swine-like nature. Your name suits you perfectly."

Enraged, Pigman clenched his teeth. "You dare mock me, woman?! Men, capture this bitch!" he bellowed, commanding his subordinates. But to his astonishment, none of them moved. Not that they refused to obey—rather, they were incapable. They lay lifeless, strewn amidst their own pools of blood.

"Huh?" Pigman muttered, his confusion mounting. Even the subordinate who had been tending to his wounds was now motionless, a lifeless corpse. "W-What the hell happened?"

"Oh? Did you not realize that your subordinates are all dead already? It seems your plan to unleash them upon me has gone up in smoke," she replied mischievously, her words laced with a hint of amusement.

Pigman collapsed onto his rear once more. "Impossible... I thought when you stopped firing, it was out of fear, that you had given up..."

"Hehe♪! No, I wasn't scared at all. Your threats were nothing more than shallow words. In fact, they only fueled my anger towards you. The only one who will ever enter me is my master and no one else. Do you understand?" she declared, setting her gatling gun aside before retrieving two pistols from holsters on her hips. "As for why I stopped shooting, it was simply because I ran out of ammunition for my gatling gun. Now that there's no one left here but you, it seems I won't also need to use these pistols anymore... And since you no longer have any hands, you won't be able to struggle... Hmmm? Oh, hehe, I have an even better idea. How about I try this instead?" In an instant, she produced a chainsaw seemingly out of thin air.

'Where did that chainsaw came from?!' thought Pigman.

With a sinister chuckle, the masked woman pulled the switch, causing the chainsaw to roar to life. "Hehe♪ Time to have some fun!" she exclaimed, her voice dripping with sadistic delight.

Pigman's terror reached new heights as she approached him slowly. "Hiiii! No, don't come any closer! Bitch! I told you not to come closer!"

Ignoring his pleas, she brought the chainsaw down upon his legs, severing them in a gruesome display. "Arghhh! Noooooooo!" Pigman's agonized screams filled the air, mingling with the sickening sound of flesh being torn apart.

Throughout the ordeal, the three captive women watched in horror, their eyes widened in disbelief. The echoes of pain and the revolting noise of the chainsaw slicing through flesh were like a nightmare come to life. But for the masked woman, it was pure ecstasy. She reveled in the brutality, laughing maniacally as she dismembered Pigman.

Finally, she paused, wiping an imaginary sweat from the forehead portion of her mask. "Phew. Now this is more like it."

Pigman lay before her, reduced to a limbless wreck. His arms and legs had been mercilessly cut away, leaving him a bloody and broken figure. Yet, against all odds, he still clung to life, his rasping breaths evidence of his resilience. Losing copious amounts of blood and robbed of his limbs, it was a wonder he had survived at all.

"...F-fuck you, bitch. You won't get away with this," Pigman spat defiantly, his voice filled with hatred.

"Sure, sure," she responded dismissively. "But what can you do when you don't have any limbs to move with, hmm?" She chuckled, reveling in the utter helplessness of her prey. As Pigman lay there, his body broken and his spirit crushed, the masked woman leaned in closer, her voice dripping with a chilling mix of satisfaction and contempt. "You know, Pigman, all of this... it's just you reaping what you've sown," she sneered.

"What... what are you talking about?" Pigman managed to gasp, his voice weak and filled with pain.

The woman's masked face loomed over him, her eyes burning with an intense fire. "Oh, don't play dumb. You've committed unspeakable acts throughout your wretched existence. Raping, kidnapping, and human trafficking, to name just a few. Your hands are stained with the blood of innocent lives."

Pigman's eyes widened in a mix of fear and realization. How could she know? Those were secrets he thought were buried deep within the shadows. He had believed himself untouchable, protected by the corrupt system of the kingdom and his noble status. Pardoned for his heinous crimes, he had walked free while his victims suffered.

"But... but I was pardoned! The system... the system allowed it," he stammered, a feeble attempt to defend himself.

A cruel smile twisted the woman's lips. "Ah, yes. The system. A system that turns a blind eye to the atrocities committed by the privileged few. A system that shields monsters like you from the consequences of your actions. But you see, Earl Pigman, my organization, the Scarlet Lotus, has taken it upon ourselves to be the purveyors of justice. We do what the system fails to do. You thought you could hide, that your power and influence would shield you forever. But justice has a way of finding its target, no matter how well hidden they may be."

Pigman felt a surge of anger mixed with a profound sense of helplessness. He had never expected this reckoning, this vengeful force that had come to claim him for his sins. In that moment, he knew there was no escape, no reprieve from the punishment he deserved.

The masked woman leaned in even closer, her eyes boring into his soul. "You took pleasure in the suffering of others, reveling in their pain and despair. Now, it's your turn to experience the same torment, the same fear that you inflicted upon them."

As she looked down at him with a mixture of triumph and determination, she spoke with a voice that brooked no argument.

"But our mission doesn't end here, Earl Pigman. You see, our mission goes far beyond just punishing individuals like you. We aim to cleanse this kingdom of its corruption, to rid it of those who abuse their power and exploit the innocent. And once we have achieved that, we will ascend to the throne ourselves."

Pigman's eyes widened in a mix of terror and disbelief. The realization of the masked woman's true intentions struck him with a force more devastating than any physical pain he had endured. He had been nothing more than a pawn in a grand scheme, a means to an end for this organization called the Scarlet Lotus.

"You... you won't get away with this! My family... the royal family will hunt you down!" Pigman spat, his voice filled with defiance even in the face of imminent death.

The woman's laughter echoed through the desolate halls, an eerie melody that chilled the very air. "Your family, the royal family... they are no match for the power we possess. They too will be swept away in the storm of change, leaving only my master to take the throne."

With those words, she raised the chainsaw high above her head, its serrated blade glinting in the dim light. A maniacal gleam danced in her eyes as she approached Pigman's vulnerable form.

"No... no, please!" Pigman pleaded, his voice reduced to a desperate whimper.

But his pleas fell on deaf ears. The masked woman brought the chainsaw closer, its teeth tearing through the air with a bone-chilling sound. In one swift and brutal motion, she severed his head from his body.

Silence descended upon the manor, broken only by the sound of blood dripping from the chainsaw onto the cold, unforgiving floor. The masked woman stood there, her work complete, as she surveyed the scene with a sense of grim satisfaction.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps reached her ears, causing her to instinctively turn around. With a gasp, she dropped the chainsaw she had been carrying. She couldn't contain her excitement as she recognized the owner of the footsteps.

Without hesitation, she swiftly removed her mask, revealing her delicate features and wide, brown eyes. She took a step forward, her arms opening wide, a radiant smile spreading across her face. "Master!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a combination of joy and longing.

In response, the newcomer, a mysterious man, maintained his enigmatic demeanor beneath his featureless mask. It lacked any discernible design, not even holes for the eyes. Yet, his imposing stature and aura exuded an undeniable sense of masculinity.

"Maya, why did you remove your mask?" he questioned. "Someone might see your face."

Her gaze unwavering, the brown-haired woman shook her head, her brown locks cascading around her shoulders. "But everyone is already dead, Master," she replied softly. "There's no need to hide anymore. So, please, remove your mask as well. I want to see your face. I want my reward."

A smirk played upon the man's lips as he listened to her words. "You truly are an incorrigible pervert, Maya," he remarked, his tone filled with amusement. "Even after I thoroughly ravished you before coming here, you still have energy to ask me for a kiss."

A blush spread across the brown-haired woman's cheeks as she averted her gaze for a moment, her mind reliving their passionate encounter. "Seeing that man's face disgusted me to the core," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want to erase his image from my mind completely. Only your kiss and your touch can make me forget his face."

The man let out a resigned sigh, acknowledging Maya's unwavering desire. "You are a selfish maid indeed," he remarked, his voice tinged with amusement. "Very well, let it be as you wish."

With a swift motion, he removed his mask, revealing a young man with black hair and piercing blue eyes. Locking eyes with the brown-haired woman, he leaned in, capturing her lips with his own.

Give me power stones >_<

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