
Lustful Dominion: An Erotic Saga of World Conquest with My Harem

[Warning: Mature Content] == Just a quick heads up for those interested in this novel - there won't be any NTR (netorare) or Yuri (girl's love) present in the story. I want to clarify that when I say "no Yuri," I mean there won't be any girl's love relationships depicted. However, it's worth mentioning that there may be a few scenes that could be considered Yuri, but they'll only be part of an FFM setup to add some spice to the scene. == Tags: | An*l | Brainwashing | Clingy Lovers | C*nnilingus | Cunning Protagonist | Cruel Characters | Depiction of Cruelty | Devoted Love Interests | Enemies Become Lovers | F*rst Time Intercourse | F*llatio | Handj*b | Incest | Kingdom Building | Maids | Manipulative Characters| Masochistic Characters | Master-Servant Relationship | MILF | Netori | Organized Crime | O*gy | Outdoor Interc*urse | Polygamy | Popular Love Interests| Rape Victim Becomes Lover | Revenge | Sadistic Characters | S*x Slaves | Threesome | Twisted Personality | Yandere | Some of the tags listed here are not yet present in the story. Right now, I'm still in the process of building the initial plot, and as of Chapter 113, I'm still working on the second half of part 1. So, there's still a lot more to come, and I hope you all will stay patient and see how this story unfolds. Synopsis: In the crumbling Kingdom of Elesia, where corruption and abuse of power run rampant, a beacon of hope emerges in the form of Cian Lambhart. Armed with a devoted harem of capable and determined individuals, Cian sets out on a mission to restore the prosperity and justice that once defined his kingdom. With his strategic prowess, unwavering resolve, and the unwavering support of his harem, Cian embarks on a journey that will test his leadership and shape the destiny of Elesia. As he confronts the corrupt nobles and challenges the established order, Cian discovers the true extent of his power and the potential for something greater with his harem by his side. Will he succeed in his quest to bring about change and find love amidst the chaos, or will he succumb to the very darkness he seeks to vanquish? The fate of Elesia hangs in the balance as Cian and his harem navigate treacherous political waters, battle against formidable foes, and unlock the secrets of their intertwined destinies.

Lord_Nightingale · Fantasy
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153 Chs

Laugh At Me


After enjoying a foot massage from Maya, both of them decided to head downstairs. As they walked through the hallway, they were surprised to come across Sandra, who had a confused expression on her face.

"Oh, Sandra! I didn't see you around much yesterday. Is everything okay?" Maya asked with genuine concern.

Sandra looked bewildered as she responded, "I can't... remember? Why am I in this place? Why am I wearing a maid uniform? And what happened to my mom? And... Who are the two of you?"

Her words sounded sincere, making it hard to believe that she was making it all up. Maya was taken aback by Sandra's state and asked, "Did you hit your head or experience some kind of trauma that caused amnesia?"

Sandra seemed lost and replied, "I don't know... I... I can't remember anything... It's all blank..."

Maya exchanged a glance with Cian, and through their eye contact, he conveyed something to her. Maya's expression changed to one of realization as she silently said, "Oh?! I see now."

Turning back to Sandra, Maya lowered her head with a tinge of shame. "That's unfortunate, Sandra. I'm sorry, but I don't have much understanding of illnesses and medicine, so I'm afraid I can't help you."

Maya turned to Cian, her eyes filled with hope. "Young master, do you have any idea how we can help her regain her memories?"

Cian paused for a moment, his face reflecting a sense of conflict. "Unfortunately, I don't have a direct solution. While I possess some knowledge of medicine, treating amnesia is not within my expertise. However, given enough time, I might be able to find something. Would you be willing to wait until then, Sandra?"

Sandra's voice trembled with fear as she replied, "A-Are you really going to help me?" She seemed intimidated by Cian's elegant attire, sensing that he was of noble descent.

Cian reassured her, "There's no need to be scared of me. I promise you that I will do my best to help you recover your memories. And since it appears that you don't have a place to go back to, how about continuing your job here as a maid?"

Sandra's eyes widened in surprise. "Is that... Is that really okay?"

Cian nodded affirmatively. "Absolutely. You're already one of our maids, so it's only natural for me to lend a hand, isn't it?" His gentle smile eased Sandra's worries, filling her with a sense of comfort and belonging.

"Th-Thank you..." Sandra managed to reply, her voice filled with gratitude.

Cian turned to Maya, his expression thoughtful. "Maya, please ensure that Sandra gets some rest in her room. Don't let her continue working for now. She'll have today and the day after tomorrow off. After that, you can begin teaching her the basics of being a maid. It seems her skills as a maid might have been erased along with her memories."

"I understand," Maya nodded, bowing respectfully. Sandra, observing the exchange, also bowed in response. "Very well, let's go, Sandra!"

"Yes!" Sandra replied with enthusiasm.

With that, Maya and Sandra left Cian's presence. Cian watched their retreating figures for a moment before making his way to the kitchen, where he encountered Vera. As their eyes met, Vera's cheeks flushed bright red, resembling a ripe tomato.

"Good morning, Vera," Cian greeted her.

"Good morning, young master..." Vera stammered, clearly flustered by his presence.

"It seems you managed to get the assassin to drink the elixir. As expected of my beloved sister," Cian remarked, moving closer to her. Due to her taller stature, Cian had to stand on his tiptoes to plant a gentle kiss on her lips.

Parting his lips, Cian whispered to Vera, "I will have a special reward for you tonight. Look forward to it," causing Vera's cheeks to deepen in red.

With that, Cian made his way to the dining table, ready to enjoy his breakfast. However, before he could take a bite...

"We are the Knight's Order. We have come to deliver unfortunate news to the Lambhart estate!" a voice exclaimed from outside their manor.

Cian's irritation was evident as he felt interrupted during his meal. He swiftly made his way to the source of the commotion, suspecting what was happening and a subtle smile forming on his lips.

"Has my father finally met his fate?" he muttered to himself, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

As he stepped outside, five knights clad in armor of different metals stood in a neat line, with a covered object placed before them. Cian knew all too well that a lifeless body lay beneath the white cloth. He hurried towards it, his eyes fixated on the covered figure.

"What is the meaning of this?" he demanded, his gaze unwavering from the covered corpse.

The knight in the golden armor lifted her helmet, revealing a cascade of golden hair that swayed as she shook her head from side to side. Her eyes met Cian's, and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks, though she couldn't quite understand why.

Clearing her throat, she composed herself and began, "I am Captain Celia Moonhill, leading the Knight's Order. I have arrived to deliver the body of Ciel Lambhart, the esteemed head and Earl of Lambhart."

Cian's heart skipped a beat, though he inwardly smiled at the news. Outwardly, tears welled up in his eyes as he asked, his voice trembling, "W-What did you say?" With a trembling hand, he reached out and slowly pulled back the cover, revealing the lifeless body of his own father. Ciel's eyes stared wide open, a twisted smirk frozen on his face. Blood stains marked his forehead, indicating a fatal gunshot wound. The body had already entered a state of rigor mortis.

Cian's body gave way, and he fell to his knees, his eyes filled with shock and disbelief. His voice trembled as he uttered the question that plagued his mind, "What... what happened?!"

"The body was discovered in a room within the palace. It appears he was assassinated by a sniper. We are currently investigating the incident, but as of now, we have no leads. I deeply apologize for delivering this unfortunate news... uhm..." The golden-haired woman turned to her companion for assistance.

"It's Lord Cian..." one of the knights whispered.

"I-I apologize for bringing you this tragic news, Lord Cian..."

Cian remained on his knees, his gaze fixed on his father's lifeless form. Tears streamed down his cheeks, yet deep within, a mixture of emotions churned. He couldn't help but think, 'You played with fire for far too long, and now you've been consumed by it. I'm disappointed in myself for not concocting a more elaborate plan, but in the end, your death is all that truly matters. I find solace in knowing that my mother, my siblings, and all the women you ensnared will no longer be under your control. May you rest in hell, father.'

In the midst of his thoughts, one of the knights approached Cian cautiously.

"We also have a letter for you, Lord Cian. It was written by your father," the knight explained.

"A letter?" Cian's confusion deepened as he tilted his head inquisitively.

The knight in silver armor handed him the letter, and Cian took it, unfolding the paper with trembling hands. As his eyes scanned the words written on the page, his expression shifted from shock to disbelief.

"...Why?" he whispered to himself, his gaze locked on the letter, his body motionless.

The other knights stood nearby, perplexed by Cian's reaction. As time passed, thunder rumbled in the distance, and dark clouds gathered overhead, foretelling an imminent downpour. However, Cian remained unmoved, still kneeling on the ground, repeatedly reading the letter, hoping to find a different message within its contents. But no matter how many times he read it, the words remained the same.


He couldn't comprehend what was happening anymore. In that moment, Cian realized that the revenge he believed had concluded hadn't even begun.


Three days had passed since then, and Cian found himself walking alongside his father's hearse. A somber procession followed, with attendees dressed in black attire, each clutching an umbrella to shield themselves from the continuous rain. Thankfully, the rainfall was gentle enough that the umbrellas offered sufficient protection.

Cian, sheltered from the rain by the umbrella held by Vera, continued to stare ahead, his expression one of shock. Sympathetic gazes from the onlookers were directed his way, assuming he was devastated by the loss of his father. However, Vera and Maya understood the turmoil that churned within him.

As the hearse arrived at the graveyard, a figure approached Cian. "It has been seven years since we last met, my dear little brother," spoke his other elder sister, Claire. Unlike Vera, who was his half-sister, Claire shared the same bloodline as Cian.

"It appears you have finally succeeded in bringing our father down. But why wear such a troubled expression? Wasn't this what you desired all along?"

Cian remained silent, his gaze fixed ahead, lost in his thoughts.

"...It seems you have finally realized that no matter how intelligent you are, you cannot overpower our father. All your efforts, all your strategies, all your sacrifices, they were all in vain. Do you honestly believe that this will liberate us from his grasp?"

Once again, Cian remained silent, his lack of response speaking volumes. Unable to bear the criticism aimed at her beloved brother, Vera interjected.

"Little brother did his best," she defended, her voice filled with unwavering support.

Claire turned to Vera, her eyes filled with cold disdain. "Do you not understand that this conversation is meant for us, the full-blooded siblings? You, with your mixed blood, have no place interfering. In fact, I would prefer it if you kept your distance entirely. You sicken me."

Vera flinched at Claire's harsh words, realizing that Claire's animosity towards her had not wavered. Claire then directed her attention back to Cian, her voice laced with a warning and advice. "As your older sister, I offer you this cautionary advice. Intelligence alone does not make you invincible. If you rely too heavily on your intellect, you, too, will be consumed by the flames. Remember that."

With those final words, Claire departed, leaving Cian without so much as a glance. He continued to stare ahead, his eyes wide with shock and confusion.

Finally, the procession came to a halt, and they reached the final resting place for Ciel. Other noble families who had a close relationship with the Lambhart family offered their condolences, but their words seemed to fall on deaf ears for Cian. Even when Erica came forward to express her sympathies, Cian remained unresponsive.

As the coffin was lowered into the ground and the burial took place, Cian stood there, fixated on the spot where his father now lay. The crowd dispersed, leaving only Maya and Vera by his side.

And then, Cian began to laugh. His laughter started as a low chuckle, gradually escalating into full-blown, maniacal laughter. The sound echoed through the empty graveyard.

"Fufufufufu! Hahahaha! Hahahahaha!" he laughed, staring at the ground before him.

Maya and Vera were taken aback by his sudden outburst, but they remained silent, watching and listening to him.

"I finally understand! I see it all now! You were truly despicable, father! You led me to believe that I had you under control, when all along, I was the one dancing in the palm of your hand!"

The letter he had read had revealed the truth. It shattered his illusions, forcing him to accept the reality that he had been manipulated and deceived by Ciel. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but there was no denying it any longer.

All this time, he had been a mere puppet, dancing at the whim of his father.

The crumpled letter, which had remained in his pocket throughout the entire ordeal, was now tossed onto the grave, and Cian stomped on it with a mix of anger and resignation.

"...Laugh at me, Father! Laugh at me from beyond the grave, for my failure to defeat you!"