
Lustful Dominion: An Erotic Saga of World Conquest with My Harem

[Warning: Mature Content] == Just a quick heads up for those interested in this novel - there won't be any NTR (netorare) or Yuri (girl's love) present in the story. I want to clarify that when I say "no Yuri," I mean there won't be any girl's love relationships depicted. However, it's worth mentioning that there may be a few scenes that could be considered Yuri, but they'll only be part of an FFM setup to add some spice to the scene. == Tags: | An*l | Brainwashing | Clingy Lovers | C*nnilingus | Cunning Protagonist | Cruel Characters | Depiction of Cruelty | Devoted Love Interests | Enemies Become Lovers | F*rst Time Intercourse | F*llatio | Handj*b | Incest | Kingdom Building | Maids | Manipulative Characters| Masochistic Characters | Master-Servant Relationship | MILF | Netori | Organized Crime | O*gy | Outdoor Interc*urse | Polygamy | Popular Love Interests| Rape Victim Becomes Lover | Revenge | Sadistic Characters | S*x Slaves | Threesome | Twisted Personality | Yandere | Some of the tags listed here are not yet present in the story. Right now, I'm still in the process of building the initial plot, and as of Chapter 113, I'm still working on the second half of part 1. So, there's still a lot more to come, and I hope you all will stay patient and see how this story unfolds. Synopsis: In the crumbling Kingdom of Elesia, where corruption and abuse of power run rampant, a beacon of hope emerges in the form of Cian Lambhart. Armed with a devoted harem of capable and determined individuals, Cian sets out on a mission to restore the prosperity and justice that once defined his kingdom. With his strategic prowess, unwavering resolve, and the unwavering support of his harem, Cian embarks on a journey that will test his leadership and shape the destiny of Elesia. As he confronts the corrupt nobles and challenges the established order, Cian discovers the true extent of his power and the potential for something greater with his harem by his side. Will he succeed in his quest to bring about change and find love amidst the chaos, or will he succumb to the very darkness he seeks to vanquish? The fate of Elesia hangs in the balance as Cian and his harem navigate treacherous political waters, battle against formidable foes, and unlock the secrets of their intertwined destinies.

Lord_Nightingale · Fantasy
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153 Chs

Catch It With Your Mouth

As soon as Vera and Cian entered Cian's room, a surge of desire overtook them. Cian pushed Vera onto the bed, their lips colliding in a passionate, heated kiss.


Their tongues intertwined, dancing in a passionate rhythm. Cian's expertise in the art of kissing was evident as he skillfully explored every corner of Vera's mouth, his movements sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body.

Vera couldn't help but be captivated by the intensity of the moment. She opened her eyes briefly, only to find Cian's eyes closed, lost in the sensation of their passionate exchange. The way his tongue ravished hers left her breathless, her moans escaping into their intoxicating kiss.

"...Nff...Chuu...Fuuu...Mff...Chu... Fuwaahhh~... Haa~ Haa~"

Cian pulled back, a thin strand of saliva connecting their lips. His voice dripped with desire as he expressed his longing. "I want to kiss you while you pleasure me. Would you be okay with that?"

Vera nodded, her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, her consent evident in her eyes.

With a silent understanding between them, they both rose from the bed. Without uttering a word, Vera gracefully sank down to her knees and deftly pulled down Cian's trousers.

As his hardened member sprang free, Vera's eyes widened in surprise. "Eh? It's... it's so big," she exclaimed, her astonishment palpable. She had seen Cian's penis once before, when they were younger, and it was nowhere near as imposing as it appeared now. The sheer size of it made her tremble with a mixture of excitement and apprehension, realizing that it could be a challenge to accommodate.

Cian gently urged her forward, breaking her out of her thoughts. "What are you doing, Vera? Touch it," he requested, his voice filled with desire.

"Eh... O-Okay," Vera responded, her voice slightly shaky. She reached out hesitantly, her hand slowly encircling his throbbing shaft.


As Vera's hands embraced his pulsating length, Cian couldn't help but involuntarily thrust his hips forward, eliciting a gasp from Vera. Concerned, she asked, "Did I hurt you?"

Cian shook his head, a breathless chuckle escaping his lips. "No, Vera. Your touch feels incredible. It's just so good."

Vera's heart swelled with joy and satisfaction, knowing that she was able to bring him pleasure. A smile adorned her face as she continued to stroke him gently.

"Then, what should I do next? I apologize for my lack of experience in this matter," Vera confessed, her voice tinged with a hint of embarrassment. "Even though I promised to pleasure you with my hands..."

Cian reassured her, his voice filled with tenderness. "It's alright, Vera. You don't need to worry about experience. Just do what feels natural to you, and it will be more than enough. However, standing here might be a challenge for both of us. How about we go back to the bed? You can sit and lean against the headboard, and I'll rest my head on your lap. That way, you can continue pleasuring me while we share passionate kisses."

"O-Okay. That sounds like a better idea."

Silently, they rose from their previous position and Vera settled herself on the bed. Cian positioned himself, resting his head comfortably on her lap, his arousal pointing towards the ceiling. Vera's gaze was drawn to the sight, her mouth slightly agape, as she swallowed nervously. With a resolute determination, she extended her hand, her fingers wrapping around his throbbing shaft.

Leaning in closer, their lips mere inches apart, Vera's heart raced with a mixture of anticipation and excitement. Cian's voice, filled with desire, broke the silence. "Now, come. Masturbate me while I ravish your mouth."

Vera complied, her hand beginning to move up and down Cian's length, providing a steady rhythm. At the same time, their lips melded together in a passionate kiss.

"Nffuuu... Chuu... Nff... Mmm... Nfff..." Soft moans and gasps escaped their lips as their tongues danced in a passionate embrace, matching the rhythm set by Vera's hand.

As their passionate encounter intensified, Cian's hands ventured further, reaching out to caress Vera's ample breasts. The sensation of his skilled touch on her sensitive mounds sent shivers of pleasure coursing through her body. Beneath the fabric of her maid uniform, her nipples responded, hardening in response to his teasing fingers.

"Nff~...Mff.... Chuu... Mffuu... Nff..." Vera's moans mixed with their shared kisses as Cian's relentless assault on her mouth continued. His hand manipulated her sensitive peaks, heightening her arousal with each flick and pinch.

Driven by a growing desire, Vera reciprocated with an increasing fervor. Her hand moved faster along Cian's length, gripping him firmly, feeling him throb with each stroke. She toyed with the tip of his penis, gently tickling it with her fingertips, further fueling their shared pleasure.

As their actions intensified, their bodies seemed to move in sync. Vera quickened the pace of her hand, her movements becoming more urgent and deliberate, while Cian ravished her mouth with a passion that seemed to know no bounds.

Lost in the passionate haze, Vera's thoughts echoed with the overwhelming pleasure she felt. 'It's so good... I love you, little brother,' she whispered silently in her mind as her hand continued to glide along his length.

After a while, Cian finally reached his climax, his release erupting from his throbbing member. His warm semen spurted forth, landing on Vera's hand, marking her as his own in a way that stirred a primal satisfaction within her.

But even after his release, Cian showed no signs of stopping. He continued to ravish Vera's mouth with fervor, simultaneously pinching her nipples, eliciting a mix of pleasure and sensations that sent shivers down her spine.

Sensing Vera's hand pause momentarily, Cian parted his lips from hers, his voice laced with desire. "Continue moving your hand, Vera. I want to cum on you and cover you with my semen tonight."

His words sent a rush of excitement coursing through her veins. Vera nodded, her cheeks flushed with anticipation, and resumed the rhythmic motion of her hand along his still sensitive length.

Cian, driven by his insatiable desire, began to unbutton Vera's maid uniform, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of her black bra. With a swift motion, he released her ample breasts from their confines, watching them jiggle momentarily before coming to rest.

"...Masturbate me while I enjoy sucking your breasts," he commanded, his voice filled with a mix of desire and longing.

Vera felt a surge of heat rush to her core, the tingling sensation in her most intimate area intensifying. With a deep breath, she nodded in agreement, her hand resuming its steady movements.

Cian, drawn to her enticing breasts, brought her budding nipple to his mouth, his lips engulfing it as he began to suckle with fervent passion.

"Ahn... Hmm... Ahnn... Little...brother..."

As she continued to masturbate Cian, her hand moving with a purposeful rhythm, Cian indulged in the taste and sensation of her succulent breast in his mouth. His lips explored every inch of her sensitive flesh, suckling and nibbling with an intoxicating blend of passion and desire.

The room was filled with their mingled moans and gasps, a symphony of pleasure that enveloped them both. Vera's own arousal grew with each stroke of her hand, feeling the warmth and hardness of Cian's member beneath her touch. The tingling sensation between her legs intensified, urging her on to seek her own release.

Caught in the throes of their intimate exchange, time seemed to stand still. Their connection deepened, the boundaries between them blurring as they explored the depths of their desires. Vera's movements became more fervent, her hand gliding along Cian's shaft with an eagerness born out of love and longing.

"Ahnn....What is this? It feels like I'm about to float..."

Meanwhile, Cian's ministrations on her breast grew more intense, his tongue swirling and teasing, sending waves of pleasure radiating throughout Vera's body. She arched her back in response, aching for more of his touch, her fingers intertwining with his hair as if to anchor herself in the whirlwind of sensations.

"Ahnn... Hold me tight, little brother. I feel like I'm going to fly...♡"

The pleasure built within them, spiraling higher and higher, until it became impossible to hold back any longer. Vera could feel her own arousal reaching its peak, aching to be released. With one final stroke, she felt Cian's lips tighten around her nipple, sending her over the edge.

"I'm going to fly! Ahn... What is this feeling? Ahn... I'm... Ahnnnn~~~~~~~~♡" Vera cried out as her orgasm cascaded through her body, causing her to arch her back in sheer delight.

As her climax subsided, Cian released her nipple from his mouth, his gaze fixated on her with a primal hunger.

"I'm going to cum, Vera. Catch it with your mouth," he commanded, his voice laced with urgency.

Vera's eyes widened with surprise. "Eh? With my mouth?"

"Hurry up. It's going to happen soon," Cian urged, his desire growing more insistent.

Responding to his request, Vera positioned herself, her lips parting as she prepared to receive him. With a mix of apprehension and eagerness, she took his throbbing member into her mouth. As she did, Cian couldn't help but lose himself in the raw intensity of the moment.

The warmth of Vera's mouth enveloped him, intensifying the pleasure that surged through his body. Unconsciously, he gripped her head, guiding her movements as he thrust deeper. Vera, though filled with a mix of sensations and emotions, willingly surrendered herself to him.

"I'm cumming...!"

As Cian's release approached, he let out a groan of pleasure, his seed erupting from him and staining Vera's untainted mouth with his essence.

*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp*

With each spurt, she swallowed obediently, allowing him to claim her completely.

"Is it okay for me to use your mouth?" Cian asked, his voice filled with a hint of vulnerability.

Through watery eyes, Vera, with his penis still nestled in her throat, nodded, her trust and devotion shining through.

As Cian felt Vera's nod of consent, a surge of desire coursed through his veins. With his hands still gripping her head, he began to move his hips in a rhythm that matched the intensity of his pleasure. Vera's throat tightened around him as she accommodated his every movement, deep-throating him with unwavering dedication.

The sensation of her warm, wet mouth engulfing him sent waves of ecstasy coursing through Cian's body. He lost himself in the sensations, the tightness of her throat embracing him with an intoxicating grip. The primal instinct to claim and dominate consumed him, and he let out a low growl of pleasure.

Vera, aware of his mounting climax, maintained her steady rhythm. She relished the way he filled her mouth, the taste of his desire mingling with her own overwhelming arousal. Her eyes met his, filled with a mixture of adoration and submission, as she continued to pleasure him with a fervent dedication.

"Kuh... It's coming, Vera. Be careful not to spill it."

The moment of release finally arrived, and Cian's body tensed.


A low, guttural moan escaped his lips as he reached the peak of pleasure, his essence flooding Vera's mouth.

*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp*

The pulsating sensation and the lingering taste overwhelmed her senses, a delicious reminder of their intimate connection. As Cian's breathing gradually steadied, he withdrew himself from Vera's mouth.

"Haa~ Haa~ Haa~ With this, you're mine, Vera," he said, his voice filled with possessiveness, his hand gently stroking her head.

Vera, still trying to clear her throat and catch her breath, managed a smile. "From the moment I was born, I've always been yours," she replied.

Unable to resist the pull between them, they pressed their lips together once more, savoring the taste of their shared passion. In that intimate embrace, they found solace and fulfillment, knowing that their forbidden love would continue to ignite a flame that could not be extinguished.