I hadn’t been able to think about anything but Raven. I was worried sick about her. What if I never saw her again? What if I was too late like I was with Moxi? What if I screwed this up?
I would never forgive myself if I lost her because I didn’t make a fast enough move. Losing Moxi was enough as it was. Losing my dad was hard too. Losing everyone I had, leaving tattoos on my skin as a memory and logbook of sorts to try and cope with it and pay homage to them in an unconventional way, was all I could do. Speaking of which, I needed to get one for Moxi.
Sighing, I called the Viper Bar, requesting for it to stay closed this morning a little longer. It didn’t open until around noon, anyway. I didn’t want people getting in the way of us tearing the place apart looking for answers. Too many hands would mean too many variables to mess up the evidence.