

I'm Lupe. The only female daughter and only child of my parents

My mother wanted just one cub and not much, that is because she wasn't even a fan of having Cubs or kids,it was my father who convinced her into it and now they have both agreed that only one cub will be born whether Male or female,so I have no simblings, I am the only child of my mother but not my father but I do have step brothers and sisters,all are way older than me and a few cousins to fill that gap

I am breed from a Beta father and an omaga mother

I know you might be wondering why an Omega mate when he is a Beta wolf, my Dad is a kind man and doesn't descreminate any one alive, but he once had a beta mate as him too but him and her wasn't for each other, she left him for another,he then had a second beta mate but unfortunately with the course of time, she died due to illness

But now my Dad and mum leave happy together, they are Truly made for each other

My father is the right hand man of the top Alpha of the entire pack 'Alpha King Adolphus' And that happen by a faithful day when my father save the life of the king.

And he did so by leading the pack worriors towards the Alpha king at danger,it was an ambush on him, the King went out far away on his own without any one else with him and out of the blue tens of rivals pack werewolves came charging at him like they were expecting him there and ready for what ever he had to throw, it could be someone in the pack or someone close to him gave the information of his location to the enemy pack

They had way.. more number than him,he was only one of him and there were up to their fifties in number all charging at his direction at the same time. The Alpha knew they are coming for him and there was no way that he can fen that off all by himself.

He had given up and surrender because all hopes seemed lost for him.

Until he wolf ears hears other sounds with greater volume than that of the rival pack who were coming ever close to him, the sound became louder and louder until he could see the source of the sound,he looked closely and saw familiar faces with my Dad leading them, towards him.

He didn't know how but his wolves came to rescue their Alpha king, and they come with great number of hundred just to save him from death or captivity.

Hope began to form within the mind of the king, and he quickly began ran towards the direction of his men.

Now the king is at the safety of his pack now,in their hundreds.

Pack against pack now, about a hundred plus wolves vs just fifty,they were twice in number to the rival pack but they were to battle anyways to eliminate the treat.


Now after about thirty minute the battle had ended and all the rival pack were dead on the ground and some of their wolves also went down too sadly.


And that was how my father lead to the saving of the Alpha King's life

My father always tell me the story as a tale when I was little and I never knew it was for real but over the course of time I realized my Dad was a hero, and am so proud to be his daughter.


As once the Alpha king and his surviving pack had returned to the pack house, the king had asked "Who is the mastermind of this brave rescue?" The Alpha king shouts out while turning around 360° to see everyone clearly face to face"Because if not for him, I wouldn't be here alive and standing to make this statement.

"It was I" My Dad stood forward as he said " I had info from an unexpected source,it was an ambush on you, they knew you were heading there, someone inside from this pack give them the info" My dad said " So as soon as I knew what was going to go down,I gathered the wolves ready to fight and we came as quickly as we could"

" For this act of bravy,"The Alpha said while moving closer to my Dad" You and your family will not be considered or treated as ordinary Betas, but shall be regarded as an Alpha family and you shall be regarded as an Alpha eventhoug you are not" He said " With the power invested in me, you are now an Alpha not by birth, not by heritidage but by Acquirement',"


And that was the day, I remember it as a story tale told to me at night before I go to sleep when I was still a kid.

My Dad never told anyone who was the real mastermind on the attack on the Alpha,dou he knows, he said it was someone very close to the Alpha, and because of that he didn't tell anyone to retain the peace of the kingdom.


Years has past since that tractic event

But that's was decades ago before I was born

Now am 17, and completing my 18th birthday next month ending,am mateless for now, but I know my mate is in this pack but can't quite pinpoint who he is, but the more I age the more my ability of detecting who's my mate increases.

My Dad and mum are still together and we are living happy ever after, but something tells me we are just in the beginning times and nothing has really happened

I sense war coming,a very great war that will bring this entire pack to it's knees

I have a special ability of detecting danger or when something bad or negative is about to occur and I usually get that feeling nowadays,by everyday I wake up the feeling grows ever stronger than the last

But I am also glad and happy to the goddess that everything is at peace now,or should I say for now.