
Lunette : Moon's beloved daughter !!

My name is Lunette, "daughter of the Moon Goddess". The fire that was burning inside me is still ignited. the anger I have tried so hard to subsidize is coming out more profoundly. Only their demise will bring comfort to my heart... ~Aurley Hernandez *** My parents were killed in front of my eyes and I could do nothing. Their horrifying scream and the burning embers are still vivid in front of my eyes. My parents were deceased not for even two days but my brother decided to betray me. he sold me as a slave in the dark world. where seeing the light of day was a luxury only a few people got and surviving was way more difficult. The life was a pure nightmare there. Every day I was brutally battered, humiliated and mentally abused. I lived every day hiding my presence from them, hoping to survive one more day. But the real twist came in When fate decided to play it's game. I got to know about their existance. which was hidden from the entire human race except one. and the unfortunate human was me, but there existance cannot divert me from achieving my goal. Even when they are hot on my tail. Even If die in their hands I will make sure to drag all of them to hell with me. ********* ~excerpt~ Something unexpected occurred on her 21st birthday. The pain she was feeling can't be described in words. like every muscle was tearing apart itself from her bones. The excruciating agony, she never felt in her entire life. Not when She worked as a slave and not when she had gone through intense training. The maddening pain was so intense that she lost count of how many times she came back from her unconscious state. The night was dark If not for the moon that was brightening the dark paths of forest. It would probably look like a strange creatures dwelling. The atmosphere inside the forest was eerily quiet. The branches of trees make strange shadows on the ground that look like they will come alive at any moment. Ahhhh! An intense pain torn from the depths of the forest. all the residing creatures hesitate to even a lift foot in that direction. The aura was too intense, and terrifying at the same time but all of them, it made them kneel on the muddy soil and kowtow on the ground. the presence of itself was extremely powerful they had never seen something like this in centuries.

Violet_Melody99 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

The Call

In the quiet solitude of her home, Leigh found herself wrestling with her emotions in the aftermath of the Miller Corporation's collapse.

The once bustling empire had crumbled, its assets seized by authorities, its dark dealings exposed to public. And yet, amidst the chaos and confusion, Leigh couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that gripped her heart.

From her cozy living room, Leigh surveyed the remnants of her opponent's empire.

Government seizures had left a void where once there had been lavishness and extravagance. The once bustling auction houses stood silent, their halls devoid of the whispers of illicit transactions. The luxurious hotels and real estate ventures, once symbols of wealth and power, now lay slumbering, their doors closed to the world.

But it wasn't the empty buildings or the seized assets that troubled Leigh the most. It was the absence of Arthur Miller, the President who had once been her greatest rival. Despite the chaos surrounding the collapse of his corporation, Arthur Miller's whereabouts remained a mystery, a puzzle Leigh couldn't solve.

As she sat alone in her home, Leigh couldn't help but wonder about the man who had once stood at the helm of the Miller Corporation. Why he was so quiet? What secrets did he carry with him into the shadows? And most importantly, where had he gone?

In the quiet moments between phone calls and emails, Leigh found herself haunted by memories of her encounters with Arthur Miller. His cold nature, inhuman feelings and most importantly his arrogance, he will never sit quietly. then why he was quiet this time?

With his sudden disappearance, Leigh couldn't shake the feeling that their story was far from over.

She paced the familiar space of her home, her mind racing with unanswered questions. Had Arthur fled in fear of prosecution, or was there something more sinister at play?

Leigh couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his disappearance than met the eye, that beneath the surface lay a truth waiting to be uncovered.

But as the hours turned into days, Leigh's search for answers yielded nothing but frustration. Arthur remained hidden, his whereabouts unknown, his motives shrouded in mystery.

And though Leigh had emerged victorious in the battle for corporate dominance, she couldn't escape the feeling that the game has just begun.


Leigh sat in her apartment, the glow of the streetlights filtering through the curtains. Her phone buzzed, interrupting the quiet evening. With a sigh, she glanced at the caller ID—Diamond.

"Hey, what's up?" Leigh answered, her voice tinged with curiosity.

"Leigh, it's Diamond. You won't believe what I just heard," Diamond's voice crackled with urgency.

"What's going on?" Leigh leaned in, sensing the gravity of the situation.

"Asher Miller escaped. From the government's clutches," Diamond blurted out.

Leigh's heart skipped a beat. Asher Miller—the name resonated with significance.

So finally, The old man had decided to play. With a resolute mind she decided to interfere in this.

"I'm going to check it out," Leigh declared, her mind already racing with possibilities.

The night air was thick with tension as Leigh embarked on her journey.

As Leigh neared the outskirts of town where he was last seen, a sense of foreboding washed over her.

Shadows danced in the moonlight, whispers of danger in the wind. Ignoring the ominous signs, Leigh pressed on, her determination unwavering.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the darkness—a group of shadowy figures blocking her path. Leigh's instincts kicked into overdrive as she assessed the situation. These were no ordinary thugs; they were trained, organized.

Leigh's pulse quickened as she faced off against her assailants. Adrenaline surged through her veins, fueling her resolve. With calculated precision, she launched into action, her fists a blur of motion. Blow for blow, she fought with everything she had, each strike a testament to her unwavering determination.

But the odds were against her. The kidnappers were relentless, their tactics ruthless. Despite her best efforts, Leigh found herself outnumbered, outmatched. Desperation clawed at her as she struggled to break free, to overcome the insurmountable odds.

Then, it happened—a sharp prick at her neck, a surge of dizziness. Leigh staggered, her vision blurring, darkness closing in. The world spun, slipping away as consciousness faded into oblivion.

When Leigh regained consciousness, she found herself in a dimly lit room, the air heavy with the scent of sweat and fear. Her head throbbed, her body heavy with exhaustion. Panic gripped her as she realized the gravity of her situation.

Bound and helpless, Leigh's mind raced with possibilities. How had she ended up here?

They were no ordinary mens, realization dawn upon her. She was trained well in close combat. But still she couldn't handle so many once. And then they use it on her...She was unprepared for it.

Leigh's heart pounded in her chest as she heard footsteps approaching—a slow, deliberate rhythm that sent shivers down her spine. Her senses sharpened, every nerve on edge as she braced herself for whatever came next.

The door creaked open, revealing a silhouette in the darkness. Leigh squinted, trying to make out the figure's features. And then, recognition dawned—a chill and anger swept through her veins as she realized who stood before her.

"Arthur Miller," Leigh breathed, her voice barely a whisper.

The man before her was none other than the mighty president of Miller Corporation.

But there was something different about him, he doesn't look like a civilized man he shows himself in the office. Now—a darkness that lurked behind his eyes, a coldness that sent a shiver down Leigh's spine.

"You shouldn't have taken this path, Leigh Smith," Arthur's voice was like ice, his gaze piercing through the shadows.

Leigh's mind raced as she tried to make sense of the situation. How had Arthur Miller found her?Did he know about her involvement or about her identity? And what did he want with her now?

"It's over, Leigh Smith," Arthur's words hung heavy in the air. "You've caused enough trouble for me. It's time to put an end to this once and for all."

Leigh's heart sank as Arthur's words washed over her.

"You can't silence the truth, Mr. Miller," Leigh's voice was steady, her resolve unyielding. "I won't let you get away with this."

" She tried to gauge out what his intention is? And how much he knew? "

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