
Lunatic Dragon

(A/N: The original version of this book (Reborn as a Dragon) was contracted, but I realized it was a mistake when I made it privileged so early on since readers couldn't continue reading, and the pay was so small too. So I just copy pasted that book into this, and am hoping nothing will go wrong. Read this book instead, since I'm going to continue the story here instead and will be completely free. But if you want to read ahead by 5 chapters (10 and 50 in the future), check out my Patreon at That_One_Dead_Ali.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for this one particular boy, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali, another question would be more appropriate. What happens when a boy dies, meets an almighty and omnipotent Omniversal Being, and gets his wishes granted? When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B (Random Omniversal Being) casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him. One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an Dragon. What kind of a dragon? Well, one that could grow infinitely stronger by consuming other beings. Gain their physical capabilities, gain their abilities, gain their levels, you name it, he can Devour it. What happens when an SS-Class Dragon and one hell of an overpowered redhead team up? Guess the world has to experience the effects of this monstrous team for itself.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Action
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59 Chs

CH 032: Natasha is OP, Again

With their fun finished, Natasha pulled down her shirt, covering her gorgeous breasts. But amazingly to Slathilia, she just stored away her bra. Looking at the shape of the nipples that were completely visible through the shirt, giving a clear outline of their shape, the dragon couldn't help but gulp at how the sinfully perky and large nipples held up the black shirt.

"(Aren't people going to see them like this?)" He asked :"(I don't think they're really covered like this.)" But she smirked :"Don't worry, as I've said, my Illusion Spell is always active. To tell you the truth, I've made it so my figure would also appear to be more... normal."


"As you would have figured until now, my body is a lot more... developed than your average woman. Because of that, ever since I was young and my body began to grow, I've gotten weird looks. It was since then that I started training my Illusion Spell. So the figure that you see is completely different from what others can see."

Smirking seductively, she grabbed a nipple, bouncing it up and down and moaning a bit :"And well, these huge nipples that you seem to love so much also are completely hidden. Nobody can see them."

"(I see...)" His hard dick twitched, cruelly reminding him that it was in pain :"(But wait, now that I think about it, what if someone stronger than you in Illusions appeared? Wouldn't they be able to see through your Illusions easily.)"

"Nope, because there is no one stronger than me in Illusions." She replied confidently :"You know why? It's because of this. Status Screen Open." In front of him, the familiar holographic screen appeared, with only a few words visible. He looked at it curiously.


(Titles & Blessings)


Illusion Master (R5: Illusion Spell Lv 10): The success rate of any illusion or Mind-based ability is increased to 100%, guaranteed to succeed and cannot be deactivated, negated or broken through unless the user herself wills it.


Mind Master Lv 10 (R5: Perception Manipulation Lv 10): The power to manipulate the minds and mental functions of oneself or others. The user can manipulate the mind, the mechanism of proceeding information and set of immaterial facilities that are linked to it. They can create, control, customize, negate and otherwise fashion parts and functions of mind as perception, desires, thoughts, beliefs, memories, emotions, attention, personality, behavior, psychologic and intelligence in a variety of ways.

Beneficially, this ability can be used to unlock one's inner potential, bestow talents and skills, and improve mental capacity. Destructively, this power may shatter minds, grant diversity of mental disorders and take over others. Either way, users possess outstanding power that makes them a force to be reckoned with.

Additionally, this Title grants the user all the Mind-based Abilities and Skills, including but not limited to Mind Control, Subconsciousness Manipulation, Consciousness Manipulation, and Superconsciousness Manipulation, allowing them to manipulate any being's mentality.

The Level of this Title equals what Sacred Level the user's Mind-based Skills can work on, and completely works on them and makes them absolutely unable to resist. Lv 1, affects people in the 1st Sacred Level. Lv 2, affects people in the 2nd Sacred Level. Lv 3, affects people in the 3rd Sacred Level. Lv 4, affects people in the 4th Sacred Level. Lv 5, affects people in the 5th Sacred Level. Lv 6, affects people in the 6th Sacred Level. Lv 7, affects people in the 7th Sacred Level. Lv 8, affects people in the 8th Sacred Level. Lv 9, affects people in the 9th Sacred Level. Lv 10, affects people in the 10th Sacred Level.


(Obtained Skills)


Illusion Spell Lv 10 (R5): The power to manipulate illusions. Grants 100% success rate in affecting anybody equal or below the user in Sacred Level. Users can manipulate illusions/hallucinations, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell or taste things differently from what they truly are. At its base, users can distort the shape and size of an object or area. More complex applications include causing targets to misinterpret the distance or number of an object, causing objects or entire landscapes to appear or disappear, distorting the sensory experiences of targets etc.

Additionally, every Lv in this Skill makes it so the user can affect people of higher Sacred Levels equal to the Lv of this Skill. Lv 1, people 1 Sacred Level higher. Lv 2, people 2 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 3, people 3 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 4, people 4 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 5, people 5 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 6, people 6 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 7, people 7 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 8, people 8 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 9, people 9 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 10, people 10 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 3, people 3 Sacred Levels higher.


Perception Manipulation Lv 10 (R5: Illusion Master): The ability to manipulate perception. Grants 100% success rate in affecting anybody equal or below the user in Sacred Level. The user can manipulate perception, which is the mind processing of sensory information to organize and interpret it. Forms of sensory information include visual (sight), haptic (touch), temporal (time) information.

With a sufficient deal of control over this ability, it becomes possible to quickly and easily shape even complex "illusions" for others - to the point where even those who are aware of what is happening begin to doubt their own senses. Manipulating perception is more than simply creating illusions.

Rather, it is the act of directly changing an individual's ability to experience the world. From the basic senses such as sight and hearing, to those lesser known, such as proprioception or nociception, to abilities that allow one to sense auras and Mana - all of these senses together make up an individual's perception of the world, and manipulating it entails nothing less than restructuring the world as they are able to sense it.

Additionally, every Lv in this Skill makes it so the user can affect people of higher Sacred Levels equal to the Lv of this Skill. Lv 1, people 1 Sacred Level higher. Lv 2, people 2 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 3, people 3 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 4, people 4 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 5, people 5 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 6, people 6 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 7, people 7 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 8, people 8 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 9, people 9 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 10, people 10 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 3, people 3 Sacred Levels higher.


Ultimate Illusion Lv 10 (R5: Illusion Master): Allows the user to be able to create illusions that nobody equal or below them in Sacred Level can see through or break through. Additionally, every Lv in this Skill makes it so the user can affect people of higher Sacred Levels equal to the Lv of this Skill. Lv 1, people 1 Sacred Level higher. Lv 2, people 2 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 3, people 3 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 4, people 4 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 5, people 5 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 6, people 6 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 7, people 7 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 8, people 8 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 9, people 9 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 10, people 10 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 3, people 3 Sacred Levels higher.


Psychosomatic Illusion Lv 10 (R5: Illusion Master): The power to create illusions capable of causing physical effects on the target. The user can create illusions powerful enough to cause physical effects (cuts, bruises, burns, etc.) to appear on the target. Such illusions can even be realistic enough to interact physically with and affect the surrounding environment as well as their target.

Additionally, every Lv in this Skill makes it so the user can affect people of higher Sacred Levels equal to the Lv of this Skill. Lv 1, people 1 Sacred Level higher. Lv 2, people 2 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 3, people 3 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 4, people 4 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 5, people 5 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 6, people 6 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 7, people 7 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 8, people 8 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 9, people 9 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 10, people 10 Sacred Levels higher. Lv 3, people 3 Sacred Levels higher.


The more he read, the more shocked he grew. These were only a few Skills she showed him, and he knew she had more according to her Title's Description. More accurately, all of them. But even these few were already overpowered as heck. The ability to manipulate the mind was extremely powerful, and almost everybody was vulnerable to it.

To say that he was amazed was underestimating it. It was a gross comparison, but she was like Charles Xavier (Marvel) on steroids. If he didn't have his immunities that were granted by Crow himself, he would definitely be nervous around her.

After all, according to the Skills' descriptions, the targets wouldn't even notice they were being manipulated. And even if they did, they would doubt themselves instead. What he found particularly interesting was her Psychosomatic Illusion Skill, which could just turn illusions into reality.

'Bro, what in the fuck... who's the MC here, me or her?! This girl is deadass overpowered... nerf please! Nah, scratch that, having a female partner that isn't a damsel in distress and doesn't need rescuing every five minutes sounds a lot more fun.'

"(Geez, you're amazing.)" He looked up in genuine amazement :"(Why do you even bother with growing physically stronger when you can just target the minds of others, which I don't think most people have defenses against?)"

"Because I don't like to rely on just one strategy." She made her Status Screen disappear before smirking :"And beating the shit out of people with my fists is a lot more fun."

'... Yeah, this bitch would definitely be someone who would put multiple archetypes in a single deck when playing Yu-Gi-Oh...'

"(Then I guess you don't need to worry about your illusions being seen through then.)"

"Of course. Have you seen me acting confident when I'm not sure about something?"

"(Well, to be fair, we've only known each other for, like, three days. I'm not going to know much about you.)"

"*Smirking* Yet you're already sucking on my breasts, when some people have been dying to even touch my hands."

"(I guess I'm lucky then.)"

"Hahahaha, hell yeah, you are. Anyway, now that the fun time's finished, I think it's about time we filled our stomachs. Waiter!"

Putting aside the subject, as if she wasn't getting her nipples sucked just a moment ago she called out for the waiter. Moments later, a pretty lady with brown hair and one hell of a figure showed up with a notepad in hand. If her appearance didn't reveal her age of somewhere in her 30th, then the ring in her ring finger definitely gave out the fact that she was old enough to be married.

But Slathilia noticed that even that wasn't enough to stop the men in the restaurant from staring at her. He couldn't blame them, she was an actual milf with big tits and a huge ass, but still lean like a young girl somehow. (A/N: Just a reminder, this is NOT a harem story. Don't think every girl that gets even remotely introduced will be a lover like in other books.)

But honestly, he couldn't really share their feelings either. After all, even if he was an absolute milf lover, the girl he was just sucking the tits of was worlds above her. Seriously, he was curious as hell if her figure would grow even sexier and more lustful when she became a milf. And besides, she was already someone's wife. He wasn't going to steal away someone's lover when they were a happy couple. He was an asshole, not a monster.

"Welcome to our store, what would you like to order?" She asked gently, just as you'd expect from a woman of her age, who had developed her motherly nature :"Oh, I haven't seen you two around. And such a special guest..." She looked at Slathilia in wonder. And even if he didn't like too much attention, the baby dragon would never, EVER deny the attention of a milf.