
Lunatic Dragon

(A/N: The original version of this book (Reborn as a Dragon) was contracted, but I realized it was a mistake when I made it privileged so early on since readers couldn't continue reading, and the pay was so small too. So I just copy pasted that book into this, and am hoping nothing will go wrong. Read this book instead, since I'm going to continue the story here instead and will be completely free. But if you want to read ahead by 5 chapters (10 and 50 in the future), check out my Patreon at That_One_Dead_Ali.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for this one particular boy, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali, another question would be more appropriate. What happens when a boy dies, meets an almighty and omnipotent Omniversal Being, and gets his wishes granted? When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B (Random Omniversal Being) casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him. One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an Dragon. What kind of a dragon? Well, one that could grow infinitely stronger by consuming other beings. Gain their physical capabilities, gain their abilities, gain their levels, you name it, he can Devour it. What happens when an SS-Class Dragon and one hell of an overpowered redhead team up? Guess the world has to experience the effects of this monstrous team for itself.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Action
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59 Chs

CH 018: 1st Evolution

"(Hmm hmm hmmm hmm. Hm hm hm, hm hm hm hm, hm hm hm hm, hmm hmm hmm hmmm. Hm hm hm, hm hm hm hm, hm hm hm hm, hmm hmm hmm hmmm!)" Walking back from the Monster Forest and into the city, Slathilia on Natasha's shoulder went light skin while she showed her Adventurer Card to enter the city. As she vibed to the song, she made her way to the Adventurer Guild. (A/N: Light skin mosquito by Nutshell Animations.)

"Hey, Thilia, want anything to eat?" She noticed a few food stands :"I don't think you're hungry, considering how many monster hearts you ate. But do you want to eat some snacks too?"

"(Hm? Sure, why not.)"

"*Chuckling* Alright, you glutton."

"(Hey, I'm not a glutton! fuck you!)"

"*Smirking* In your dreams."

"(I'm staying awake.)"

"Shit, nice comeback."

"(As nice as the cum on your back.)"

"Hey, fuck you!"

"(You wish.)"

"Damn, who said dragons are graceful creatures? They sure as hell haven't met you."

"(Yeah, yeah, whatever. So what are they selling anyway?)"

"Hopefully ice cream cause I need one."

'I-ice cream?! This world has ice cream?!' hearing her, his eyes shone with hope :'Please let it be true! Please let it be true! Please let it be true!' Seeing them, after the shock passed, the stand owner smiled quickly :"O-oh, hello, would you like some ice cream? I've got all kinds of flavors. Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and other flavors."

'Yes, it is ice cream!' As he opened the mini freezer, that Slathilia didn't pay attention to how it existed, he immediately grew excited at what was inside of it :'Crow, I fucking love you, my guy! This world has ice cream, it's already better than any other fantasy world I could ask for!'

Natasha, smiling :"You seem excited. What flavor do you want? I'm going to get the chocolate flavored."

Slathilia :"(Get me what you're having!)"

Natasha :"Two chocolate flavored ice creams please."

"Here you go. That will be 6 copper coins."

Natasha :"Thanks, here you go."

"Thank you. Please come again!"

"Here, Thilia. But can you hold it though? Or am I supposed to walk like this-" The redhead said while holding up his ice cream in front of him, but was interrupted by his long tail grabbing onto the cone of the ice cream and snatching it from her hand, where he happily began to lick and eat it :"Nevermind then."

"(Man, this is good!)"

"Right? Nothing beats ice cream after working hard. Except milkshakes of course."

'Oh my god, they have milkshakes too?!'

Suddenly grabbing her chin, he made her face him :"(You must definitely let me try that too!)"

"*Chuckling* Alright, alright. Sheesh. I guess even dragons love ice cream and milkshakes, huh?"

"(We love treasures. Those are treasures.)"

"Couldn't agree more, my guy."

Reaching the Adventurer Guild and having finished their ice cream, she walked in. The place had gotten a lot busier, considering it was around noon and the Adventurers were either taking quests or finishing them. As she made her way to Shyann's position, Slathilia's eyes moved towards the Quest Boards and the Adventurers in front of them.

He wanted to test the subtlety of his SS-Class Appraisal. Since Natasha said it's almost impossible to notice it unless it's a very powerful individual, he wanted to see how true that was. There were multiple Quest Boards, ranging from G-Class to S-Class, so he knew the Adventurers standing in front of each Quest Board must have a Level around that Class.

Mostly, at least. There could also be those that wanted to take quests below their own Classes. But he didn't care. Potato potato, he was going to get to them anyway. Though he had just noticed, there wasn't anyone in front of the B-Class and A-Class Quest Boards. And thinking about it now, there wasn't any SS-Class Quest Board.

'Probably because there isn't a Class above S-Class to reach. Or maybe because SS-Class are national level threats? Or would they be continental? I should get a hang of the power scale of this world.'

[Appraisal Lv 3 (SS) [26/100]

[Human: ...]

No reaction from the G-Class.

[Human: ...]

None from the F-Class either.

[Human: ...]

E-Class, none.

[Human: ...]

D-Class, nope.

[Human: ...]

C-Class, nuh uh.

'Alright, this is good. The sneakier Appraisal is, the better it is.' He grew satisfied. There wasn't anyone in front of the B-Class or A-Class Quest Boards, so he couldn't test any further.

Natasha :"Hey, Shyann."

Slathilia :"Gauw."

Shyann, smiling :"Oh, hey, you two. Welcome back. So did you finish the quest?"

Natasha :"Sure did. Here's the 10 fangs needed as proof."

She swiped her hand on the desk, and the long fangs appeared out of her Storage Ring.

Shyann :"Alright, congratulations on completing your quest. By the way, did you finish any more Saber Tigers than necessary?"

Natasha :"Yeah, we did. Why?"

Shyann :"Then you'll get paid for those as well. You simply need to show the proof."

Natasha :"We will? I thought we would only get paid for the 5 we needed to hunt."

Shyann :"That's the minimum number needed to be subjugated. As long as you've accepted a subjugation quest, you will be paid for every kill as long as it's the targeted monster. The quest is simply completed when the minimum number is achieved, but you can still kill more. But your quest rewards won't change or get raised though, keep that in mind."

Natasha :"Oh, alright then. Here, 33 Saber Tigers' fangs. 66 in total."

Moving her hand again, the rest of the fangs appeared on the desk as well.

Shyann :"Oh. Wow, this is a lot for your first quest. But I guess it's not a surprise since you beat the asses of those jerks in the Shining Stars."

Natasha :"Yeah, we came across a lot of them when we ventured deeper into the Monster Forest."

Shyann :"Huh, you went deeper? Natasha, it's not my place to say this, but keep this advice in mind, always be careful in Monster Forests. Sigh, I've seen a lot of people die because they underestimated the dangers of being Adventurers. I wouldn't want something happening to you two."

Natasha, smiling :"Hm, thanks. But don't worry, I never do something I'm not confident about. You've seen me in action too, haven't you? Thanks for worrying though."

Slathilia, smiling :"Gauw. (Thanks, Shyann.)"

Natasha :"Thilia says thanks too."

Shyann, chuckling :"Alright, you're welcome. By the way, be careful of not venturing too deep. If you do, you might come across one of the monster kings. Or worst case scenario, the King of the Forest."

Slathilia :"(Kings? King of the Forest? What's the difference?)"

Natasha :"There are the kings of each monster race, like the Saber Tiger King or Goblin King, and there's the King of the Forest, the strongest monster in the Monster Forest. Right?"

Shyann :"That's right. The King of the Forest in each Monster Forest will always be one Class above even those monsters that appear in the Core Layer. In the case of the Monster Forest you two went to, it would be D-Class. And being the King of the Forest, they will be even stronger than the monsters in their own Class. There also won't be a single King of the Forest. If the current one dies, another will appear and take its place. You should definitely be careful, alright? Run if you're not confident in not facing those."

Natasha :"Alright, alright. Understood."

Slathilia :'Can't make any promises. That sounds like some juicy Stats.'

Shyann :"Good. Now, let's see."

She took out a pair of glasses from the drawers of the desk and put them on.

Shyann :"Alright, all of them are the teeth of genuine F-Class Saber Tigers."

Slathilia :"(Huh? Oh, is that like a tool for using Appraisal?)"

Natasha :"Yup, it's a Magic Item they use for studying monsters and items."

Shyann :"Excuse me?"

Natasha :"Oh, it's nothing. I was just explaining to Slathilia what those glasses were."

Shyann :"Oh, okay. Now let's see how much your reward is."

She took out another thing, an abacus used for counting.

Shyann :"33 Saber Tigers, 50 copper coins each. Your reward will be 5 AP and 1,650 copper coins. 16 silver coins and 50 copper coins. Please give me a moment to bring your reward."

Shortly after walking to a room, she came back with two pouches on a tray, one big and one small. Natasha stored them with a smile.

Shyann :"Thank you for your hard work."

Natasha :"Thank you as well."

Shyann :"So are you planning to leave it at that for today, or do you plan on taking another quest?"

Natasha :"Hmm... what do you think, Thilia? Do you want to go on another quest?"

Slathilia :"(Sure, why not. It's still noon, and with the Portals, we could finish some subjugation quests pretty fast.)"

Natasha :"Then we'll do that. We'll be looking for a quest, Shyann."

Shyann :"Hope you find a good one."

The voluptuous redhead walked towards the Quest Board, and started checking the available quests.

"Hey, Thilia."

"(What's up?)"

"*Smirking* Wanna try speedrunning Classing up our Adventurer Class?"

"(*Smirking* Thought you would never ask. Let's do this!)"

"Glad we're on the same page. Let's take this one."

Quest: Hunt down 5 Brown Boars and bring evidence of subjugation.

Time Limit: 1 day

Reward(s): 50 copper coins each, 5 AP

As they walked back, she handed over the quest paper to Shyann.

Natasha :"We'll be taking this one."

Shyann :"Alright then, let me write it down. There. Be careful though. Bear race monsters are powerful creatures."

Natasha :"Understood. Alright, goodbye for now."

Slathilia :"(Goodbye.)"

She walked out of the building. Keeping an eye out on the surroundings, Natasha walked into an empty alley :"Alright, nobody is suspicious around. Let's go." She took out a blue, lightly glowing stone. As she poured her Mana into it, a blue gateway opened in front of them, with the view of the cave they had made the Portal in.

Natasha didn't waste time. She stepped in and the Portal closer behind them moments later. Stretching, she groaned softly :"Now this is what I'm talking about. Portals are awesome."

"(They sure are. But enough chit chat, let's start hunting!)" Showing his impatience, he flew down and immediately started running, searching for monsters. "Wait up!" As Natasha laughed, she ran after him.

- (Hours later)

Having Classed up in Adventurer Class to F-Class, and having hunted down quite a lot of monsters, the two, specially Slathilia, were pretty happy. He got so many Stats in a single day, of course he would be happy. And not just that, he had Leveled up as well.

[Lv: 16 -> 20 {+4}

Stats: 1,280 -> 1,600 {+320}]

He was pretty excited about Evolving, but it didn't come. He was worried it was because of his seals, But Natasha calmed him down. According to her, monsters don't immediately Evolve. They begin Evolving after being unconscious. Slathilia was happy his chances weren't blown because of some fucked up seals he didn't know how he got, but he was still a bit nervous.

Evolving meant growing up. He didn't want to stay a kitten-sized dragon forever. He wanted to be a gigantic beast that needed a single swipe of his claws to wipe out a freaking city. He could do that easily with Stats, but just out of body size was cooler.

After going back to the inn, they went back to their room after a meal. Natasha wanted to take a bath, since she had finally found a place to stay. But seeing her partner anxious, she stayed patient. The fastest way for him to calm down was to see that there wasn't anything wrong. She would rather help comfort her partner.

"Alright, goodnight." Instead of cultivating, they decided to sleep instead. Letting the body shutdown instead of putting it in automatic cultivation was still more relaxing.

"(Hm, goodnight.)" Slathilia took a deep breath, trying to calm down his beating heart. Seeing him nervous, the redhead smiled gently. She picked him up, and after laying down, placed him on her huge breasts.

The baby dragon's body froze, his thoughts shutting down from the softness his whole body sank into. Forget about sinking your fingers into boobs, he himself was sinking into them. When he got himself together, he let himself sink even further :'Oh my power, this is absolute heaven...' He moaned in his head.

They were the most perfect breasts he had ever seen and touched. Sinking his entire body into them, and being enveloped by the big tits on both sides, was the best sensation he had ever felt in both lives.

"Don't be so nervous, okay?" The owner of the amazing tits woke him up from his trance, stroking him gently :"Just go to sleep, and it will be all over tomorrow." His eyes slowly fluttered close. The tiredness of a full day of hunting sinking in, and his immature body unable to handle it completely. The gently soothing voice of Natasha making him relax even further, letting him slowly fall into the embrace of sleep.

Listening to his slow and steady breathings, and looking at his adorable sleeping face, Natasha smiled fondly. Scratching his scales lightly to not wake him up. She herself didn't sleep immediately. Waiting for the Evolution to begin. Once it had, and his body lightly glowed a dark purple light, she smiled.

- (???)

"Huh?" In a certain place, a man opened his eyes. Raising his head from his fist he was leaning on, as if he sensed something. "Sir, is something the matter?" Someone else asked, but the man simply laughed lightly :"It's nothing." 'So he has finally come, huh? Heh, that guy's going to be so happy now.'

- (???)

"Huh?" In another place, another man's eyes lit up with happiness and excitement. A fond smile stretched across his face as he looked out of the window :'I see, so he has finally come. We had missed him. Hahaha, especially him. He's definitely excited now.'

- (???)

"Huh?" In yet another place, another man's eyes widened. But this time, not with happiness or excitement, not even with curiosity. But with worry and seriousness :'Damn it, it's him! It's subtle, but I can definitely sense him. It's definitely him. I have to find him before he does anything dangerous!'

- (???)

"Who is it?" And in yet another place, a woman calmly reading a book asked as she heard a knock :"It's me, miss. May I come in? I have news of the young lady." A smile formed on the beautiful woman's gorgeous face :"I see, come in."

Walking in, the man immediately knelt down :"Miss, we've found out where the young lady is. She's in Crussas, a city in the kingdom of Edostin. It's a city where Adventurers mostly gather for the Monster Forests near the city."

"I see. Well, it's to be expected since she wanted to be an Adventurer. Anything else? Is she safe and healthy?" She flipped through a page :"She's safe and sound, miss. She isn't in any danger either. It's just that... the young miss seems to have found a dragon egg and has hatched it. Now it's her partner."

"A dragon?" The lady's eyes went wide open. Closing the book, memories seemed to go behind her pretty eyes, words from long ago resurfacing before she laughed out loud :"I see, I see. Thanks for your hard work, you can leave now. Keep an eye out on her, and protect them at all costs if anything that threatens them happens."

"As you wish, miss." Bowing, the man left. Leaning against her fist, she smiled fondly :"So he has finally come back, huh?"


(Slathilia's Stats)


Lv: 16 -> 20 {+4}

Stats: 1,280 -> 1,600 {+320}




F-Class Brown Boars x18

E-Class Stone Apes x20

E-Class Rock Golems x32

E-Class Mountain Bears x12


F-Class Lv: 448 -> 2,248 {+1,800}

Stats: 1,344 -> 13,488 {+10,800}


E-Class Lv: 11,150 -> 23,950 {+12,800}

Stats: 223,000 -> 479,000 {+256,000}


(Abyss Incarnate Sacred Skills)


F: Abyss Incarnate's Irritation x70 -> x106 {+36}

E: Abyss Incarnate's Displeasure x174 -> x366 {+192}


(Absorbed Skills)


Bear Physiology Lv 2 (F: Brown Bear)

Mighty Claw Lv 2 (F: Brown Bear)

Intimidating Roar Lv 2 (F: Brown Bear)

Herculean Strength Lv 2 (F: Brown Bear)


Rock Physiology Lv 3 (E: Rock Golem)

Core Physiology Lv 3 (E: Rock Golem)

Unbreakable Defense Lv 2 (E: Rock Golem)

Body Reattachment Lv 2 (E: Rock Golem)

Pain Resistance Lv 2 (E: Rock Golem)

Slash Resistance Lv 2 (E: Rock Golem)


Mighty Claw Lv 3 (E: Mountain Bear)

Intimidating Roar Lv 3 (E: Mountain Bear)

Dominating Aura Lv 3 (E: Mountain Bear)

Hardened Hide Lv 2 (E: Mountain Bear)

Apex Predator Lv 2 (E: Mountain Bear)