
Lunatic Dragon

(A/N: The original version of this book (Reborn as a Dragon) was contracted, but I realized it was a mistake when I made it privileged so early on since readers couldn't continue reading, and the pay was so small too. So I just copy pasted that book into this, and am hoping nothing will go wrong. Read this book instead, since I'm going to continue the story here instead and will be completely free. But if you want to read ahead by 5 chapters (10 and 50 in the future), check out my Patreon at That_One_Dead_Ali.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for this one particular boy, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali, another question would be more appropriate. What happens when a boy dies, meets an almighty and omnipotent Omniversal Being, and gets his wishes granted? When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B (Random Omniversal Being) casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him. One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an Dragon. What kind of a dragon? Well, one that could grow infinitely stronger by consuming other beings. Gain their physical capabilities, gain their abilities, gain their levels, you name it, he can Devour it. What happens when an SS-Class Dragon and one hell of an overpowered redhead team up? Guess the world has to experience the effects of this monstrous team for itself.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Action
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59 Chs

CH 016: OP Sacred Skills

(A/N: Pics have been posted in auxiliary chapters, check them out. From now on, instead of writing Sprinting, Climbing and other useless and repetitive things, I'll write them as Physiology. For example, Slathilia has Rabbit Physiology, Wolf Physiology and Tiger Physiology. The only other Skills I'll write are special Skills that need to be there.)



As Slathilia finished eating the Saber Tigers, a sound akin to a notification sound popped in his head. He knew that sound, the sound of the Status Screen. 'Status Screen.' He thought, and the holographic screen showed up in front of him.


(Abyss Incarnate Existentiality Original & Sacred Skills)


F-Class Absorption EX (Overrank: F-Class Lv 1,000): allows Slathilia to absorb the max Level (Lv 25) of F-Class monsters he kills, eats, etc instead of what Level they were in. {New}


'Oh, this is convenient!' Reading the content, he was immediately excited :'This Skill is very useful. Now, even if I kill a simple Lv 5 F-Class monster, I can still get the full 25 Levels. This is really amazing, considering the Levels I gain get multiplied by 4. So a Lv 5 F-Class monster's Stats would actually fetch me 20 Levels, but now with this Skill, I'll get 100 Levels instead! *Smiling* Awesome!

Also, since this Skill is specifically for F-Class, that means I might get the Absorption EX of other Classes too. Wait, hold up, isn't this too overpowered? The ability to take Stats is already overpowered. But there was also the overpowered buff of getting it multiplied. But now there's a second overpowered buff?'

The more he thought about it, the happier he got. This Skill already showed great results for lower Classes, but he knew its brilliance would really shine for the higher Classes. If he got an S-Class version for Absorption EX, then that would mean instead of a random number between 1 to 750, he would get the full 750 Levels instead.

That would mean a total of 5,250,000 Stats from a single monster. So if he even killed an immature S-Class monster, he would still get the Level of an overpowered and fully grown S-Class monster instead. Thinking about the possibilities, he couldn't help smiling evilly to himself.

'But wait, will the condition to get them change? F-Class Absorption EX needed 1,000 Levels absorbed to be unlocked. Will that number change depending on the Class? Hmm, I guess I just need to find out. My E-Class Lv is already at 648 and my G-Class Lv is at 448, so it won't be long before I find out.'

"Alright, we're all finished now." Having stored the 16 long fangs of the 8 Saber Tigers, two earned from each, and done with putting the Curse Spell on Slathilia's Charisma, Natasha got up :"Ready to go?"

"(Yeah, I am. But why don't we go deeper?)"

"Go deeper? Ah, is it because of the E-Class monsters?"

"(Yeah, since I can get stronger faster by eating Mana Cores, I think it would be better to hunt more and better monsters while we're here. This is a long way away from the city, so it would be annoying to walk here and return multiple times a day.)"

"Good point. The deadline is also a full day, so we wouldn't need to worry about running out of time. But you don't need to worry about traveling. I have a very convenient way to come and go here in mere seconds."

"(Oh, what is it? Are you talking about teleportation?)"

"Exactly. Since we'll be coming to this Monster Forest for some time, I was planning to make a personal Portal here using Space Magic."

"(A portal? Wouldn't that cause trouble? I mean, the monsters could walk into it. On that matter, where would our entrance be?)"

"There are two types of Portals. Portals with each entrance in a specific location, and portals with only one specific location while the other is portable. The first kind is always active, you're talking about that one when saying monsters may enter. The second one remains closed until activated. It will either be closed after a while, or the caster can close it himself. The only downside is that we need to fix the Portal from time to time. Otherwise, we'll need to make a new one."

"(Oh, that's interesting. So we're going with the second type?)"

"Yeah, that's right."

"(Then should we make it in the Core Layer? It won't take long to reach F-Class, and we'll save time on reaching the Core Layer if we do that.)"

"I was thinking that too. And since monsters are more likely to show up the closer we are to the Core Layer, we can find other monsters we'll need easier too."

"(Then let's do that! Let's go hunt some more, I'm still not satisfied!)" He shouted, running excitedly. Making Natasha chuckle :"Calm down, geez." As she followed after him. The deeper they went, the more denser the Mana became. And being a dragon, he was quite sensitive to Mana.

"Graaar!" A roar came, and a figure along with it. Looking at what had jumped towards them, Slathilia didn't even bother. "(Bro, piss off!" Reading his claws, he slashed with just enough power that the Saber Tiger's head was not only cut to pieces, but also blown to bits after contacting his palm.

Stats in the thousands weren't jokes. Looking at his hand, Slathilia was impressed. But as he had thought, even if s dragon with superb physiology, he still preferred using long range methods with extras. So when the others in the same group as the attacking Saber Revealed themselves, he simply wiped them out in seconds with his Majestic Fire Orbs.

'Man, I love these Orbs. They make hunting so freaking convenient!' Snickering to himself, the Majestic Fire Orbs took care of another small group of Saber Tigers. But he had to admit, Absorption EX was broken as hell. After only absorbing 10 Saber Tigers, his Stats had already skyrocketed.

[F-Class Lv: 1,260 -> 2,260 {+1,000}

Stats: 7,560 -> 21,120 {+13,560}]

He loved it.

Unfortunately, it seemed like the Abyss Incarnate Existentiality's Sacred Skills didn't increase with its Level after Lv 800. He only got 10 F-Class Sacred Skills from his own F-Class Lv.

After running for some time, killing some more Saber Tigers, they finally arrived at the Core Layer. "Alright, let's be careful from here on out. Your Stats are similar to an high-Level E-Class monster, so you should be careful." Natasha reminded, he nodded. But they didn't even walk far before already facing a monster.

"A Devil Ram, huh?" Looking at the monster with ominous black eyeballs and red rectangular pupils, Natasha informed :"They're E-Class monsters that normally stay alone or few in number. Wanna go at it?"

"(Yeah, sure.)"

"Then be careful when it charges. That deals some nasty damage apparently."

"(Alright, got it.)" Flapping his wings, he descended to the ground. 'Hm, this is a good chance to use a Skill I've wanted to test.' Remembering a certain Racial Skill, Slathilia smirked :'Do your magic, Appraisal!' On top of the Devil Ram, a Status Screen showed up.

(A/N: Changed from Analysis to Appraisal.)

[E-Class Devil Ram]

'... That's it? Sigh, oh well, it is only Lv 1, so I should have expected that.' He sighed internally :'But it's alright, Appraisal has never been a bad Skill. Even if it's weak now, it will definitely be extremely useful in the future. After all, information is very important. I did expect it to be awesome since it's an SS-Class though. Gotta ask Natasha later.'

The Devil Ram started stomping its feet and lowering its head, getting ready to charge with its powerful, long and curved horns. "Beeeh!" With a war cry, it charged. Slathilia didn't falter, but looked excited instead. He wanted to try something, so he did. Clenching his fist, he jumped towards the charging ram.

[Abyss Incarnate's Annoyance (G): 10% x 10 (100% = x2) {Solo Mode: Strengthening}

Abyss Incarnate's Irritation (F): 50% x 80 (4,000% = x41) {Solo Mode: Strengthening}

Abyss Incarnate's Displeasure (E): 100% x 24 (2,400% = x25) {Solo Mode: Strengthening}

100% + 4,000% + 2,400% = 6,500% (x66)

1,040 Stats x 66 = 68,640 Stats]

When the punch landed, the Devil Ram's blew up. It completely exploded, its blood and guts bursting around as the trees and area of several miles behind it blew away completely, creating an ominous and huge line of clearance with nothing. No trees, no rocks, just the ground that seemed to have something enormous dragged on.

Slathilia's eyes were wide open, so we're Natasha's. He expected something awesome to happen, but he didn't expect something this dramatic. He should have predicted it though, considering how messed up his Abyssal Incarnate Existentiality's Sacred Skills were.

(A/N: Just a reminder of the Stats Power Scale


10: average physics

100: tree destroyers

1,000: village destroyers

10,000: city destroyers

100,000: capital city destroyers

1,000,000: country destroyers

10,000,000: island destroyers

50,000,000: continental


So yeah, those Scared Skills are overpowered as heck. And that's why I like pure percentage increase a lot more than fancy things. Like, oh, you've got fancy Skills, well I've got these hands, fool! Simplicity is always the best.)

"Gauw... (Holy fuck on a fucking sandwich with fuck on top...)"

"Thilia, what the fuck...?" Natasha turned to him, confused :"I know your Stats are high, but they're not supposed to be able to do this." He looked away, he felt like he had been caught doing something bad.

Honestly, he didn't want to tell her yet. He didn't trust her with that. Logic prevented him. But he didn't want to completely hide everything either. He had to use them eventually, and wanted to gain proficiency in handling his own power.

Since he was always with her, doing it alone wouldn't be possible for a long time. Or at least until he was an adult. Until then, who knows what could happen and what dangers he could suddenly come across when not ready? So for future safety, he had to show some things.

Looking at his face, mixed with seriousness and some guilt, she seemed to understand what he was thinking. Chuckling, she patted his head :"Don't worry, I understand if you want to keep some secrets. Everybody is like that, everybody has secrets. Myself included, I have my own secrets. I won't pry into them, so don't worry."

"(Thanks, Nat.)" He liked it. He liked how his partner was an understanding person and not a hypocrite. She smiled, squeezing his cheek :"Why thank me? I'm just not being a nosy person." Rising to her feet, she looked impressed :"Seriously though, this is impressive. Only two days old, and can do shit like this. You're really something, Thilia."

"(Heh, of course.)" He replied smugly, but sensed monsters approaching. Moments later, two more Devil Rams showed up. "Do you want to leave these two to me? You must be tired after that move." Natasha hummed, but he refused :"(Nah, let me solve it. I wanna test out how much stronger my Majestic Fire has gotten after getting my Sacred Ring. You said that the elements will improve with Sacred Rings, so I want to see.)"

'E-Class Lv is nearly Lv 1,000 after absorbing that first Devil Ram. It should reach it after completely absorbing these two, so I can't waste this chance.'

"Beeeh!" Roaring, they charged immediately. Slamming his paw on the ground for extra drama, fire escaped from in-between Slathilia's teeth. Throwing his head back, the fire intensified further before he brought it down :"Graaar!!"

With a war cry, an enormous wave of ominous fire was breathed out, engulfing the charging rams and burning them into charcoal. Dead in moments, the burnt corpses dragged on the ground before stopping in front of him. With a smug scoff, he dispelled his fire.

He had learned his lesson, no way was he going to go all out with his fire and waste their corpses. And he definitely didn't use his Abyss Incarnate Existentiality's Sacred Skills. They were E-Class monsters for crying out loud. Ones he didn't waste time eating.


He smiled evilly.

[E-Class Absorption EX (Overrank: E-Class Lv 1,000): allows Slathilia to absorb the max Level (Lv 50) of E-Class monsters he kills, eats, etc instead of what Level they were in. {New}]

'Now THIS is what I'm talking about.'




F-Class Saber Tigers x25

E-Class Devil Rams x3


F-Class Lv: 1,260 -> 3,760 {+2,500}

Stats: 7,560 -> 22,560 {+15,000}


E-Class Lv: 648 -> 1,150 {+502}

Stats: 12,960 -> 23,000 {+10,040}


(Abyss Incarnate Sacred Skills)


F: Abyss Incarnate's Irritation x20 -> x70

E: Abyss Incarnate's Displeasure x15 -> x24


(Absorbed Skills)


Ram Physiology Lv 2 (E: Devil Ram)

Curved Horn Generation Lv 3 (E: Devil Ram)

Charge Lv 2 (E: Devil Ram)

Stubborn Lv 1 (E: Devil Ram)

Fearless Lv 2 (E: Devil Ram)