
Lunar Veil: A Tale of Untamed Shadows

"Wasn't I supposed to be a werewolf? WTH IS THIS THEN?" A realm whispers, a call to the soul, Mystic echoes bidding one to stroll. Answer it must, this ethereal plea, For in that realm, a destiny may be. Adrian, the werewolf supposedly endowed with power but cursed to be unable to harness the moon's abilities, couldn't help but lament the idea of putting an end to his own misery. Leading a normal life in the human world proved challenging for him. It wasn't going well until he encountered the dream diver, experiencing a newfound joy in life and gradually shedding the feeling of being cursed. If only that joy could last forever. Follow Adrian on his journey as he grapples with the fate of his curse and unlocks powers he never thought he possessed. “WHAT'S THE POINT OF THESE POWERS IF IM GOING TO BE PUT IN SUCH SITUATIONS!”

samandridaku · Fantasy
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123 Chs


"Why are you behaving like a child, Emilia? I mean, yes, you are a child, but usually you don't act so childish. What's brought this playful mood upon you?" Adrian asked, bemused by Emilia's skipping and cheerful demeanor, which almost gave him a scare.

"Why are you so composed? Have you ever been to a different city, apart from the one you've lived in for four years? Perhaps you should loosen up and have some fun," Emilia retorted, her voice carrying a clear undercurrent of discontent.

"She has a point, but I just can't seem to find enjoyment in everyday things anymore," Adrian thought with a hint of sadness.

"We're on a mission here; don't lose sight of that," Adrian reminded the group, hailing a cab and taking a seat. Being away from his home wasn't a novel experience for him. Thoughts of his old home left a bitter aftertaste, but he pushed them aside. Adrian glanced at Emilie, who was snoring soundly, and a sense of tranquility enveloped him.

'I've found a new home.' The thought crossed his mind, inadvertently drawing a smile across his face.


Seated in a modest two-story house, Alaya patiently awaited Adrian's arrival. Her mind remained consumed with thoughts on how to confront Kove, well aware of the formidable challenge he posed. He was a formidable opponent, but she had an advantage during the night, and she intended to exploit it fully.

As she mentally reviewed the entire plan, she identified various loopholes that could potentially disrupt their operation. However, Alaya maintained unwavering trust in her team, with one exception—Adrian. While her crew had accompanied her on previous heists, Adrian was a new addition, and she couldn't help but feel a tinge of uncertainty about him.

Her primary concern wasn't whether Adrian would abandon the plan, but rather the possibility of failing to secure the compass. The Compass of Findings was her coveted target, and its intricate properties were a closely guarded secret known to only a select few. As a wisdom path practitioner, she was among those in the know.

Identifying herself as a Moon Believer on the Wisdom Path didn't imply omniscience or serving as an encyclopedia; rather, it conveyed a distinct ability. Alaya possessed the capacity to perceive multiple dimensions and realities concurrently, affording her an expansive perspective on any given situation. This unique skill was precisely why she coveted the Compass of Findings, as it was instrumental in her discovery of a rift in reality within a Lockhaven home that led to another realm.

Regarding her knowledge of the Compass of Findings and its whereabouts, it was originally in her possession. She had lost it during a frantic escape from the House of the Gentle Tablet when she inadvertently stumbled upon them during one of her expeditions.

She recognized that this mission might be a trap, but its significance outweighed the risks, making it an endeavor she couldn't ignore.

As these contemplations occupied her mind, the doorbell chimed, confirming her expectation that it was Adrian, discernible through the unique aura she perceived around him. It was a distinct aura, one that indicated his lack of cores, a fact well-known to those in these realms. Being followers of the Mother Moon, they were considered creatures of the night yet nevertheless blessed by the moon's essence.

This underscored the notion that Mother Moon didn't discriminate based on outward appearances. Nevertheless, her own family had harbored a deep aversion toward these beings, resulting in a war against the werewolves that had significantly weakened both factions.

One day, the Moon Believers received news of a child who couldn't harness the moon's powers. Initially, they suspected the child might belong to their ranks, but upon conducting further investigations, a harrowing truth emerged: the child was incapable of possessing cores.

Her family spread this disgraceful revelation far and wide, tarnishing the reputation of werewolves. Such behavior was the norm among their kind, perceived as a form of amusement.


Alaya let out a weary sigh as she stood up from her seat. She was acutely aware that time was slipping away, so she made the decision to head downstairs and work on further refining their plan, ensuring it was as airtight as possible.

With everyone gathered around, Alaya meticulously reviewed the plan with the group. She then turned her gaze toward Adrian, a thought lingering on the tip of her tongue. However, she hesitated and instead inquired, "Where will Emilie stay? You're not intending to take her with you, are you? I'd recommend leaving her here, as this place is secure." Alaya suggested. 

Well aware of Adrian's strong attachment to Emilie. Having Emilie at this location would essentially serve as a tether for Adrian, and she was reluctant to let go of such an advantageous opportunity.

Receiving Alaya's considerate suggestion, Adrian couldn't help but smirk inwardly, his thoughts silently retorting, 'You truly believe I'll follow your advice?'

"You know, that's precisely what I had in mind all along. I'll feel much more at ease if you stay here," Adrian remarked, addressing Emilie directly. He patted her head affectionately and added, "Be a good kid, and make sure you enjoy those chips they have here."

"You were?" Both Emilie and Alaya asked simultaneously, their expressions revealing a shared sense of surprise.

'What's he plotting now?' Both of them wondered silently.

"That's a positive outlook, and I appreciate it. Now, if any of you require anything to make your tasks run more smoothly, please let me know," Alaya offered, her gaze sweeping over the assembled individuals. In response, no one spoke, silently concluding their brief meeting.

"Take some time to freshen up, as tonight we'll set our plan into motion," Alaya instructed the group before concluding her statement. With that, she made her way to the kitchen to prepare something to eat.

The bald man cast a sly grin in Adrian's direction. "Are you attempting to earn brownie points with Alaya?" he inquired with a devilish smile. "I'd kindly suggest you step back, my friend, because in this realm, it's a 'first come, first served' rule," he added, letting out a lewd chuckle that left everyone speculating about his intentions.

Slyness, a mirror to human wile,

A spark of mischief in life's grand aisle.

May this note remind, with words concise,

To tread the path of slyness, kind and wise.

samandridakucreators' thoughts