
Chapter 32

"Still the one and only," she embraced me as her tears were falling on my shoulder and a soft cry escaped her throat. "Jennifer, I t-thought you were dead. Heck, everybody still thinks you are. We didn´t hear a word from you after you left for that boarding school." More tears were falling and Rosaline choked, "You never came back and I thought you were dead." Rosaline began to shake and you could tell she was trying to keep all her emotions at bay but they were flooding out of her uncontrollably, "I can’t believe it you are here! Oh, sis thank God you are back! You wouldn’t believe what we went through! It wasn´t the same without you, I still can´t believe that you’re here." She held on harder afraid to let go in case I disappeared again. I could tell she was now sobbing and could no longer talk.