
Chapter 2

My life has been not so good considering my own parents really hated me.

They were not happy to have a girl. As the society shames you for having a girl, my parents tried to have another child but failed miserably. They think it's my fault for some reason. They think I am cursed and were gonna abandon me.

But when they heard that the Don wanted me to marry his son, soon to be next Don. They took that opportunity and taught me from the time I started to walk to be a sophisticated Royal lady.

I was only allowed to use English language and not my mother tongue, Italian.

I was send to America for studying till my graduation.

People say that my surname and my personality doesn't give away my mother land.

What can I say, I myself don't understand some things sometimes.

I didn't really have any friends growing up as everyone knew about my engagement when I went back to Italy at the age of 11 for the ceremony. I came back to America and everything changed.

No guy would look at me in romantic way or even would talk to me . Not even girls would want be my friend .

I only had my Nanny's daughter and my maid Natasha. Nat is my only true friend who has been with me from the time her mom was appointed as my nanny.

She is a couple of years older than me. She has been there with me when I had no one to talk to .

I was blessed to have her. She kept me sane. I would usually take advantage of that and be reckless. I would sneak out of the church were I lived as they didn't really allow me to do anything and had me locked inside the room.

I was going to a church school which was even worse then normal school as now I am terrified of Nuns. Let's just say that there are some evil sisters out there.

I was usually in my room locked and bored to hell.

That's when Nat came in handy and helped me escape the toxic room.

I would go and watch movies, have some junk food and look at regular school students.

Watching the students longingly was usually our last stop of every day before I returned to the church.

I did get caught many a times but they didn't really do much as everyone was afraid of the consequences of punishing the Don's fiance.

But they did make sure to make me feel guilty and would tell me how I was lucky to be engaged to the Don.

If only they knew.

Males are more dominant in the underworld so it gave them every right to do anything.

They would usually kill and rapped women.

I have watched my own cousins getting rapped or brutally murdered. Their screams scared the hell out of me and gave me nightmares. But no one even glanced at me or touched me as they valued their lives more than being killed by the Don.

My cousins usually said that I was lucky and blessed to be Don's bride. I was so tired of hearing those words.

My parents made sure to teach me to be a good Donna.

I was many a times beaten by my father as he was not fully satisfied by me being the lady they wanted me to be.

I would usually help him in some paperwork and some other stuff as well.

He wasn't scared about being caught as he knew very well that I won't say anything to anyone. That's not how they grew me up. They didn't grew me to be a complainer . They made sure for me to be on point and to never complain or be a bother to anyone.

And here I am The Don's Wife, standing confidently and head high, pretty and perfect, smart and sweet, I was what they made me.

I am The Donna. I am The Luna Xavier Valentine now .

Sorry for the short chapters

I am working on it.

I will be better next time I promise

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so pls do comment and like for more chapters update.



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