
Chapter 2

Still in Remy P.O.V

After that day, everything was fine as I always do, I slept again in class because I was always the first to arrive but when I turned my head I heard Rikka talking to a man,

“Ooh let's date later ahh?” Her boyfriend said,

“I am sorry babe, I have a practice today, I have a performance on Monday” Rikka said,

“I will just take you there,, huh?” Her boyfriend replied,

“What are you saying? You need to retake your failed exams?” She said,

“Ooh yeah I almost forgot that” He said,

“All right, go to your class” She sweetly said

When Rikka sat next to me, she handed me some brownies,

“ooh take it I know you are not asleep” She told me, so I took it and ate it,

“Did your boyfriend give it to you?” I ask,

“Yes, my ball pen?” She answered and asks,

I took the ball pen she lent me yesterday from the bag and gave it to her,

“It is ooh there is still ink ahh” I said after gave it,

She hid the ball pen and took a pink hello kitty design ball pen and handed it to me,

“Ooh, my babe gave me that ball pen, so this one is yours, huh?” She said,

“I love youuuuu Rikka!” I said and kissed her on the cheek,

to her, cute face and very sweet, Another favorite color of mine is pink, It was just one of the normal days that passed, four days later, I woke up to Mama loud noise,

“That is what I am telling you, ooh, your ten thousand are gone anywhere!” Mama said to Chelle

“I do not know that is stupid, and he will run away” Chelle reply,

“Now what?” Mama asks,

I went out of the room and just watched what was happening while scolding Chelle. I stood next to my eldest sister Rona who was silent in a corner and just watched Mama scold Chelle,

"What happened?” I ask her,

“Chelle was held by her stupid boyfriend for the ten thousand we worked so hard for, and ran away after they broke up” Rona simply explain,

When Chelle annoyed me, I stood up and grabbed the tweak and slapped her hard,

“You are a good-looking brainless, you are useless”

“WOW! The weight spoke” she said,

So, I could not stop myself, and I slapped her again that cause to make her sit down,

I looked at him from head to toe and said … “And at least I am not as STUPID AS YOU!”

I took my phone from the table and went out of the house first, When I entered the school many teachers were in front of our class and Tian pulled me and put me next to him,

“What is up here, Tian?”

“Your classmate named Rikka are missing for almost four days” He answered,

“WHAT!” I confusingly ask,

“How did that happen? Did she still come here with her boyfriend” I said again,

“Maybe she went home without him and got kidnap” Tian conclusion,

I immediately went to our classroom where I saw Rikka's mama that cannot even stand still because of stressed, our Class Present and Vice President held her and also crying.

There were policemen there, and they were taking statements from the teachers and my classmates. When everything calmed down, I talked to the police,

“Officer, do you have any clues where she is now?” I ask,

“Our suspicion is that it is included in the White Beauty case because according to her mother descriptions, Miss Espale entered the criteria of those they kidnapped” the officer explain,

“Please do everything to find her” I desperately said,

“Off course we will do everything” the officer said,

And left while Mrs. Espale was still crying holding her bally shoes, I sat in front of her and stared at her for reasons to make her cry,

“No matter what happens I will bring Rikka back to you” I seriously said,

I went to the grocery store to buy wine, but I remembered that I was in uniform, Fortunately, there was a tall man eating a lollipop who was casually atare outside the grocery store,

“Sir, can I ask for a favor?” I ask,

“I do not want” He told me while I wasn't looking,

He stared at me while I was thinking about how to buy wine there,, and I thought of a way while I was removing the button of my uniform,

the man took out the lollipop from his mouth and asked, “Why are you trying to remove your uniform?”

“I can buy wine at the grocery store since you do not want me to help” I sarcastically answered,

The man just sighed and entered the grocery store when I was able to put on the t-shirt. The man came out with five bottles of SanMig in a plastic bag and the other one he took, He handed me the plastic bag, so I stood up and smiled at what he did,

“I hope to not meet you again” He calmly said

“Thank you” I said,

When he was about to chase me, he stopped me,

“Miss something I forgot” He said,

“Ahh Yes of the fee” I said,

I was about to steal my wallet when he suddenly reached for the three pear lollipop cola flavor which is my favorite and I smiled at him,

“Take it now” He said,

“Thank you again, Ooh this is the payment” I said

“It is free for now”He told me and walked away, his cool,

I went to the apartment of my two best friends Genley and Rose Ann, they live in the same apartment,

“Hi guys” I happily said,

“Ooh why are you here?” Rose Ann told me and opened the door,

“It's a very stressful day for me, so I'll be here first ahh I'll just have a drink, come here with me” I said when I sat on the sofa,

Here I release stress well if there is another place, where I can drink in uniform and be able to laugh without being judged, well, for sure then I will release my stress, the wines I carried while Genley put three glasses and a bowl with only ice sitting next to me,

“What happened today?” Genley asks,

“Oh Genley for sure it's here because of the problem” Rose Ann said,

“That's true, I'm here because I'm getting tired with so many things bothering me now I don't know if I can continue” I said,

“Just keep going … that's what I'll say if I don't know you But you're Remy the strongest person I've ever met, so you'll keep going whether you like it or not because of us and other people you love” Genley says after drinking up,