
Luna: The Cursed Eclipse

"Help me..." "If you want my help…" Domhall, in his demonic form, squatted in front of Louisanna as his long, dirty nails lightly caressed her neck, creating a shallow wound in it. "Beg for it." Domhall Palmer was living his life to the fullest as a multi-billionaire CEO, not until something strange happened after the last eclipse of the year. In the middle of the night, when everyone was intoxicated and insane, he suddenly vanished into the world… and without his consent and consciousness, he became the demon king. When he found out that Luna, the one he had the last connection with can bring his old life back, he forced her to bound a contract with him as he wanted to make his plans achievable by keeping his prey closer… not knowing that he was the one being trapped. Would he fall in love with her for another time? Or decide to end all his suffering by killing the woman who started it all?

iwaswiththestars · Fantasy
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85 Chs

You're The One Who Brought Me Here

"Give me your soul, little child," Tolgrath smirked as he stared at Louisanna who couldn't grasp the situation for a while, "Or I'll kill myself using this."

Tolgrath opened his palm and he released a black small ball on it. Louisanna didn't know what it was, but she felt shivers down her spine as she sensed how powerful the released energy was.

"Kill yourself! It would be better if you do!" she shouted back, causing Tolgrath to laugh so loud that it echoed throughout the whole place.

"You don't know the rules here, aren't you?" Tolgrath sarcastically asked her. "If I killed myself and your mother is inside a dead body, she will be good as dead."

Louisanna felt like a bucket full of ice was poured onto her at that time.

"You won't be able to see her anymore..." In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of her, whispering in her ear. "Would you love that?"