
Luna: The Cursed Eclipse

"Help me..." "If you want my help…" Domhall, in his demonic form, squatted in front of Louisanna as his long, dirty nails lightly caressed her neck, creating a shallow wound in it. "Beg for it." Domhall Palmer was living his life to the fullest as a multi-billionaire CEO, not until something strange happened after the last eclipse of the year. In the middle of the night, when everyone was intoxicated and insane, he suddenly vanished into the world… and without his consent and consciousness, he became the demon king. When he found out that Luna, the one he had the last connection with can bring his old life back, he forced her to bound a contract with him as he wanted to make his plans achievable by keeping his prey closer… not knowing that he was the one being trapped. Would he fall in love with her for another time? Or decide to end all his suffering by killing the woman who started it all?

iwaswiththestars · Fantasy
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85 Chs

I Can't Remember Anything

It wasn't dark, or light. It wasn't neutral either.

It was something she couldn't explain… something she had experienced for the first time despite being with her for so many lifetimes she needed to monitor her.

"W-What?" Gianna, although she doesn't want to, was forced to let go of Louisanna's shoulder as she couldn't bear the coldness on her skin.

At that time, she felt like she was holding onto a cube of ice.

"What are you talking about?" Gianna asked for the second time as she tried to maintain her composure, but Louisanna only answered her with a smirk.

'Did she know what I did?' she asked at the back of her mind, confused. 'But, how?'

In just a second, Gianna couldn't recognize Louisanna anymore. Her intense stares with anger in her eyes, her cold movements, and her attitude… it wasn't something that Louisanna was capable of doing.