
Luna pequena

What happens when the hunter falls in love with her Target? Electra Valentina is a hunter ,that is promised to a werewolf by the moon godess herself.   Will they accept there fate or write there own destiny?

Brittney_Flint · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 6. Something about Kai

The male and I held eye contact. The thing is, I wasn't attracted to this man. He was an attractive guy, sure, but I wasn't paying attention to his charm. What stood out was the feeling as if I had found something I had been missing my entire life. Something I hadn't known I was missing. It wasn't until a loud growl was heard that the two of us snapped out of our state of shock. I cleared my throat. "Welcome to La Luna, Um. What can I get started on for you?" I stuttered the words out. "First of all, you can stop drooling all over my mate before I rip your eyes out!" The female replied. I shook my head. "That is not what was happening; I am truly sorry it seemed that way." I said. I did not miss the fact that the others were gauging my reaction to her use of words, more like my lack thereof. "Whatever, just two bacon croissants and two coffees," she spat out. The male's coa coa orbs followed my every move. But there was curiosity in them—not anything heated. I am trying my best to ignore the need to talk to the man. Silently, I gathered their order. I look to the girl to avoid more issues. It will be 6.85. The male handed me a 20. Briefly, I glanced at him as I took the money from him. Our hands touched, causing a light blue light to erupt from our hands. A jolt ran through my hand. With a gasp, I pulled my hand back, as if I had been burned. Accidentally dropping the money on the counter. "Uh, sorry," I muttered. Picking up the money. Quickly tapping the buttons. "What the fuck was that?" The male asked, looking at me. "I don't know," I responded as I grabbed his change. "Let's go, Kai." The blond growled, pulling him along. "Wait, what about, your change?" I called after them. "It's alright. Kai is my brother. I'll just give it to him later. Mayson informed me. I nodded, handing him the money. "I have no idea what that was, but I know it wasn't what it looked like." I told him. He nodded and looked at my wrist as I handed him the change. Which made me cover my scars. He then looked at the scar on my head. I could literally see the gears turning in his head. "Um, well, anyway, the eggs aren't going to cook themselves." I prompted gently. Everyone was just staring back at me. "Right on it." He answered, then moved to the kitchen as I moved to straighten up the dining area. The rest of the day was uneventful. Honestly, I was going out of my skin when Kai left. Feeling like I should defend him against the girl, but defend him from what exactly? I don't even know what I would be defending him from. After cleaning up with the second crew, I locked the doors and headed up the stairs. After tossing and turning for so long, I decided to give up on sleep all together and just head over to the pack lands to check on Kai. Putting on black pants, combat boots, and a trench coat-style jacket. with a plain black top under it. And a masquerade mask to hide my face. The night seemed pretty quiet as I walked along the coal-black asphalt. Then I heard a howl that made my blood run cold. My heart took permanent residence in my throat. My feet were heard against the asphalt as I slid into the property through the side. Too pregnant to jump over the fence anymore. I did visit over the past few months. Though once I got too pregnant to run and jump, I didn't want to risk getting caught. Something drew me to this place, like a moth to a flame. Though I never knew what it was, could it be Kai? A beautiful white wolf was surrounded by ,12 mangy-looking wolves with bright red eyes. The wolf growled, not looking away from his enemies. His milk chocolate eyes. It gave me a sense of peace. This has to be Kai. I only ever felt like that with him. Rage and pure protective need boiled inside my veins as the closest wolves lunged at him. "No !" I screamed. Reaching into my jacket with both hands, I pulled out six throwing stars in fast succession. Embedding a star in the skulls of the wolves closest to him, just before I rushed one of the wolves. closest to me, as two wolves surrounded him quickly. I slit the nearest one to me throat before attempting to move as I could. Four wolves came rushing toward us. My arm flashed blue four times to indicate they were there for him, not to hurt him. A wolf bit down on Kai's paw, causing him to yip. "Fury shot through me, honing in on that wolf a growl; that was purely something spine-chilling as I moved in a blur met my ears . Ripping the wolf's head from its body. As its body fell to the ground, I dropped the head in pure confusion, disgust, and horror. Five wolves stood frozen, staring at me. It was only then that I noticed the wolves took care of the others. I wanted to run to get away. But the need to check on Kai overrode everything else I dropped to my knees near him. The four wolves growled at me, and I looked dead into their eyes. "Back off!" I growled. suddenly they bowed, As if things could not get weirder, I looked to Kai. "Let me see it." He looked at me. "It's you." He muttered. Guess the disguise couldn't , hide this odd feeling. He let me get close enough to see a bite on his ankle. "Shift back, and I'll help you to the infirmary." I instructed He shifted human. After helping him into a chair, I found my way back out of the land. My ankle throbbed the entire way back. I didn't notice until I got inside, but I left a trail of blood. "What the hell?"" I checked out my ankle only to see an identical mark to Kais. "What the hell is going on?"