
Chapter 3: The concert 'Part two'

(Y/N)'s POV

When I saw Luna and James kissing, I could feel my heart breaking into two. I was so upset that I ran outside the concert and went outside and sat on a nearby bench. All I could do is just cry and cry knowing that I don't have a chance with her and that she got a boyfriend. As I was crying my eyes out, I heard a familiar voice calling my name.

Luna:(Y/N), is there's something wrong?

Luna POV, {15 minutes ago}

As I was rocking out to the music, I heard James called me.

James: Luna!?!?


James: I need to tell you something 

Before I knew it,they start playing a Thousand Years.

James: I like you Luna, your one of the coolest people I ever met and I want to go out with you.

Before I could say anything, James started kissing me and I try to get him off of me, until I heard someone running off. Once I got him off, I saw who was running, it was (Y/N).

Luna: What the heck bro, why would you do that?!

James: Because I like you and I want to get to know you.

I wanted I say something but I need to find (Y/N) and see what's wrong. I looked everywhere for (Y/N) and couldn't find her. I checked outside and heard someone sobbing nearby, and saw the (H/l)(h/c) hair girl.

Luna:(Y/N), is there something wrong.

No one POV 

(Y/N) turn around and saw the short brown-haired girl behind her.

(Y/N): Luna what are you doing here?

Luna: I saw you crying and came to check on you to see if you're okay.

(Y/N): Oh, well I'm fine. You should go back to inside.

Luna: I'm not going back inside until you tell me what's wrong.

(Y/N): Look I'm fine okay!

Before (Y/N) could leave Luna, Luna grab her wrist and turn her around and looked straight into her (e/c) eyes that was meeting brown ones.

Luna: (Y/N), I know when you're lying. Now tell me ,what's the matter?

Realized that she don't have much of a choice she decide to spill.

(Y/N): You want to know, fine! I like you Luna Loud since the 6th grade! I was too scared to tell you because I though you would think I was weird that I like you. Today I wanted to tell you how I feel, but when I saw you with James, I was heart broken and thought that you would never go out with someone like me.

Soon after confessing, (Y/N) dropped on the ground and started crying again. But this time Luna was there to confront her.

Luna: (Y/N), I didn't know that how you felt like that. If we being honest with each other there's something you need to know,

(Y/N): what is it?

Luna: I like you too since the 5th grade and me and James will never bea thing. Plus, I heard he just use girls just one time and that's it.

(Y/N): You just saying that!?

Luna:Oh really, then explain this.

Before she knew it, (Y/N) and Luna was kissing each other. Hesitated at first, (Y/N) kissed back. After a couple of minutes, the two girls needed some air.

(Y/N): Wow that was um...



Luna: Let's go back in, it's getting cold 

(Y/N):  Okay 

As the two went back to the concert (Y/N) question if she and Luna was in a relationship.

(Y/N): Hey Luma are we together?

Luna: What do you think.

After that, the two girls enjoyed the night away and decided to sleepover at (Y/N)'s house for the night. When they arrived, all they do is cuddle and went to sleep.


That was part two. I hope you enjoyed it.