
Luna Ivy Rose

My mate is Jackson Thorne of the Black Moon Pack. He has gorgeous blue eyes, brown hair stands about 6'6" tall, and has a tattoo of a wolf on his back. Ivy could have any mate that she wanted, but the moon goddess mated her with Jackson Thorne of the Black Moon Pack. He could have chosen a mate if he wanted, but she his. However, the Blood Moon Pack wants to go to war with the Black Moon Pack and then tragedy strikes. Alpha Thorne must find a way to cure his precious mate. Join Alpha Jackson Thorn and Ivy Rose on their journey to becoming the most powerful Alpha and Luna.

Mara_5559 · Fantasy
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14 Chs


I raised her chin and gave her the slenderest smooch on her mouth. Hmm, Ivy tasted like vanilla and strawberries, and to savor her here and now.

That got interrupted, however, when I smelled the foul stench in the air. She must have smelt it too, because Ivy was on the verge of shifting again. When I turned around there they were rogues. Rogues those foul beasts are wolves that want to cause trouble in every territory they pass through. Rogues are lonely creatures who have been banished by their pack for being a traitor. Or some go wild because they have lost or were rejected by their mate.

My question is though how did they get past the border patrol? Weren't there any wolves protecting the borders? One of my guards mind-linked me and said that there were attacked by rogues and that is how they got onto my territory. Now we have to fight the rogues and get them off my land. That will not be easy to do since there are eight against two, however, I am an Alpha wolf and I can take at least two or three own easily. However, I am hoping that Ivy's wolf can hold her own as well.

I ask Ivy if this will be her first rogue fight, and she tells me yes. As she is listening to me about strategy when dealing with rogues. Then she tells me to watch out via mind-link, that is when I see snow jump over me and attack the rogue. I have never seen her wolf be so amazing when it came t dealing with rogues. As she was attacking one another was sneaking up behind her, so I jumped and attacked the one that was trying to sneak up on her. We both sustained injuries while we were fighting and there was blood everywhere body parts torn apart. We did spare one though after Snow injured the rogue wolf.

Then my Beta and Gamma came at that exact moment. Take this rogue to the dungeon and leave him there until I am ready to interrogate him. Yes, Alpha. You may give him food and water I said. I want him alive when I do interrogate him.

Wow, that was some pretty skilled fighting you have there Ivy. I know I surprised you with that, but my dad insisted that I train in cases of being attacked by rogues. Well, your dad was smart to train you. You know that you're going to have to tell your parents that I'm your mate.

Oh my goodness, we were busy with the rogues that I had lost track of time. I was supposed to be home before the sun went down, but then you came along as my mate. They're going to kill me and I was supposed to be home for dinner a while ago. That will not be a problem we will just go and explain everything to your parents. My parents are going to flip out when I tell them that you are my mate. They will flip out even more when we tell them rogues tried to attack us. We better get going then if you don't want to be in any more trouble. As long as they know that I was with you it should be fine.

We ran through the forest toward my home. Once there we shifted into our human forms and I found my clothes and put them on. I wasn't sure if there would be any clothes on the line to fit my mate Jackson. Then I remembered that he had gotten his clothes and ran with them in his mouth until we reached my home. He had already put them on, then we went inside.

Mom, and Dad, I'm so sorry that I wasn't back in time for dinner. Where have you been young lady? Her dad asked. Don't you know that it is dangerous to be out in the forest by yourself, especially when there are rogues out there? I was on my way back home, but then I found my mate. What you found your mate? My dad said. Yes, I did find my mate. My parents had no idea that my mate Alpha Jackson Thorne was waiting outside. Oh, and we were attacked by rogues as well.

You were attacked by rogues, where is this mate I will give him a piece of my mind for putting you in danger. Uh, you may come in now I said to my mate. My dad was about to give my mate a piece of his mind until he saw who my mate was. Wait, your Ivy's mate? You're the one that helped Ivy with the rogues. Yes, I am the one that defeated most of the rogues. We had captured one and now that rogue is in the dungeon at the pack house. He will stay there too until I am ready to interrogate him.

That means Ivy you are going to be Luna of the Black Moon Pack. I can't believe this my daughter is going to be Luna of the pack. Hold on now my dad said, what about you going to college to follow your dream of becoming a world Famous Fashion Designer? We were in the middle of that discussion when the rogues attacked us. We can discuss that later in detail. In the meantime since you're here Jackson, would you like to stay for dinner?

Oh, I don't want to impose on your family time. Nonsense you are our daughter's mate and we will be family soon. "I'm not quite sure about that happening anytime too soon." Ivy, what did you do or say to your mate? My mother asked me. I told him that I was still going to school whether he like it or not. That is when I suggested that she could do school online. There was no way I was going to allow her to go to school unmarked when there are unmated males and humans of the male species at the school.

Alright, Ivy still has until graduation to make up her mind as to how she wants to handle this delicate subject. Did you tell Jackson that you already got your Acceptance letter to the Art Institute of Fashion and Design? No, I did not get a chance to tell him that Dad, thank you very much. Well, I am just saying that you should have. It is hard to do that when you're being attacked. Anyway, yes it is true Jackson I got my acceptance letter a few days ago to attend their college in the fall.

Ivy will be moving into the pack house with me and will stay in the guest room until she graduates. Then you will be moving into our room. You know she can not be marked until she turns eighteen Jackson. Yes, James, I know that but it will calm my wolf knowing that she is nearby. Remember that she still wants to go to school in the fall and experience college life. Well, once we are mated and marked then she can attend classes.

However, you have to promise that you will be home during breaks and holidays. Our wolves will go crazy if we are far apart for too long. Do you mean that my Jackson you will allow me to go if we are mated and marked? Yes, I do mean that and you will be taking the private plane to bring you back and forth home and school.

Then I can't wait to move into the pack house with you and kissed Jackson. Oops, sorry I just got a little excited there about being able to go to school. Oh, I need to go call Stephanie to tell her that I found my mate. May I be excused, of course, you can honey. Thanks, Mom. I kissed Jackson one more time before going into my room.

Then I dialed Stephanie's number.


Stephanie, I found my mate. What you found your mate already. I thought that you wouldn't get your mate until wolves turned eighteen. So did I, it turns out though that Snow is a special wolf so we were able to detect our mate. "Who is your mate?" My mate is Alpha Jackson Thorne. "Your mate is Alpha Jackson Thorne, but his mate just died last year." No, silly I am talking about the next Alpha to take the throne his son Alpha Jackson Thorne Jr.

You're mated to that hunk of flesh, you lucky girl. There will be a lot of disappointed she-wolves at school Monday. I know that one of them was hoping to be mated to him. "Who would that be?" I'm sure you have heard that Samantha Clark wanted to be mated to the Alpha. That is too bad for her because I am mated to him now. If she even thinks of trying to go after my mate she has another thing coming.

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