
Luna Ivy Rose

My mate is Jackson Thorne of the Black Moon Pack. He has gorgeous blue eyes, brown hair stands about 6'6" tall, and has a tattoo of a wolf on his back. Ivy could have any mate that she wanted, but the moon goddess mated her with Jackson Thorne of the Black Moon Pack. He could have chosen a mate if he wanted, but she his. However, the Blood Moon Pack wants to go to war with the Black Moon Pack and then tragedy strikes. Alpha Thorne must find a way to cure his precious mate. Join Alpha Jackson Thorn and Ivy Rose on their journey to becoming the most powerful Alpha and Luna.

Mara_5559 · Fantasy
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14 Chs


They are mated now and have been all over each other ever since the party ended.

After everything was packed, all I had to do was wait for mate Jackson to arrive, then leave with him to the pack house. I still couldn't believe that Steve had mated with my best friend. It completely threw me for a loop. I am happy for both of them and Stephanie couldn't be a better mate to have.

The doorbell rang, I already knew who it was because I could smell the lovely scent of the ocean breeze. My dad opened the door to let Jackson in. I stood there looking at his psyche. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, showing his forearms, he had a few buttons undone on his shirt where I could see his chest. I look at him from head to toe and back up again into deep ice-blue eyes. I can feel myself getting wet.

Jackson grabs me, inhales, and says to me, I can smell your arousal. Alright, you two get out of here before you end up mating in my living room. Jackson grabs my hand, and then we leave. Where is the car, I asked him. Oh, you and I will not be taking a car. The driver has already been instructed to take your luggage to the pack house and the housekeeper will put them in our room.

We are taking this horse to a romantic and secluded location. You're not afraid of horses, are you? No, I'm not, I've always wanted to ride a horse. This is a fantasy come true for me. My man whisked me away to some romantic and secluded spot. Tell me where are we going? I'm not telling because it is a surprise.

Great, what is the fun in that if I don't know where we're going? That is why they call it a surprise, my lovely mate. Believe me, you will love it, even if you do hate surprises. Fine, I suppose that I will have to wait to be surprised. Yes, you will, and you will love it too.

Ooh, Jackson is behind us Ivy, can't you feel his chest on your back? Yes, I can feel it, Snow, his chest is hard as a rock. What I wouldn't give to rub myself all over him. Seriously, Snow, you are such a h**y wolf. What do you expect, I'm an animal and just like humans, we have needs as well? At least I can control myself. Are you certain about that? I saw the way you looked at him earlier. You know what, be quiet. Haha, what is the matter Wolf got your tongue?

Can't speak now can you because you know that you want him just as much as I do? Why the moon goddess put me with a wolf such as you, I will never know. It is because you are strong, Ivy. You are the seventh descendant of the moon goddess. Come again, you mean to tell me that I am related to the moon goddess? Yes, you most certainly are.

Does Jackson know about this? Or does Blade know? Blade knows, but I asked him to keep it from Jackson until it is time for you to show who you are. How can this be? I thought I was just a regular white wolf. Ivy, how many white wolves have you seen? To be honest, I haven't. Exactly, it is because we are rare, and when a human gets a white wolf that means she is special.

We're special, but how? That is because we are blessed by the Moon Goddess herself. The Moon Goddess gave us certain abilities to help our mate when the time comes. Jackson will need our help when it comes to fighting with the Blood Moon Pack. Do you mean to tell me that there will be a war between the two packs? Yes, there will be, and all this over a piece of land that both packs want.

That is just ridiculous, what is so important about that land is that two packs are willing to go over it. There has to be something special about that land, but what is it, though? We will just have to find out, I said to Snow. However, meanwhile, we need to remember that Jackson has a surprise for us. That's right, I almost forgot about that.

Is your wolf bothering you right now? Yes, she is, how did you know? Blade is bothering me now as well, they both want to mate. That is just great. I bet Snow was sending all sorts of images to him. Yes, she was, and she even sent images of us in various positions. What! If it wasn't for the fact she was a part of me, I would strangle her myself. Ha, ha, don't get mad at her, she is a primal animal.

I know she is, and it is in their nature to want to mate with the other animals. Exactly, so can you blame her for that, he says? No, I cannot blame her.

We're still following Jackson on horseback. How long before we get to the surprise, I asked him. We will be there soon, don't you worry your pretty head about it. "Ooh, he thinks we're pretty." Snow is jumping up and down inside my head. "Will you calm down, it is just a compliment?" Yes, a compliment that I would like to ensure. Oh my goddess, what is wrong with you? Sorry, I haven't been mated for several hundred years. Excuse me for being excited about our mate. I don't even know what I am going to do with you.

It just feels as if we are taking a long time to get to the surprise. Don't worry, we're almost there anyway. Just another mile and we will be there. Another mile, I don't know if I can last that long. Come on, you can last a little while longer, Snow says to me. Just think of all the fun we will have when we're alone with our mates. Then Snow once again starts sending me images of us in intimate positions as my cheeks turn red.

Seriously, Snow, will you stop it already with the dirty images? Wow, someone is a little uptight. I just thought this might help you, since he is not telling, you where we are going. Just you, so now I am not one for surprises, I told Snow. Oh, believe me, you're going to like this one, she says. How do you know, I asked her? Do you know what it is? I am not saying anything, just know that you will love it.

Alright, we are here, Jackson says, as he gets off his horse and then ties him up. Then he comes over to the horse that I am on and picks me up. I have to say, this man has strong arms. It is no wonder the females are always ogling him. Jackson ties my horse up right next to his, once that is done. He tells me to close my eyes, and he leads me by the hand to our destination.

I am trying to keep my eyes closed, so I don't peek. However, he turns around and says keep them closed there will be no peeking. Fine, I say, so I just let him keep leading me to wherever we're going. Okay, we stop for a minute, and then I hear the jingling of keys as he opens the door. I could tell he opened the door, it squeaked a little while my eyes were still closed.

Once again, I feel him pick me up bridal style, and then he puts me down. You can open your eyes now, Jackson says. I open my eyes, then I see the most beautiful sight before me. There was a fire going in the fireplace with a wonderful picnic spread out in front of it. Oh, this is lovely, I told him. How did you know that I loved things such as this? A little bird told me he said.

Come sit and let us get to know each other well. He asked me to sit down, on the blanket that was spread out. Then he sat down right behind me and started to feed me some grapes, then cheese, and I drank some wine. Mm mm, this is delicious, I said. Snow is loving the closeness of being with our mate while purring in my head. I started to feed him too, looking into his deep hazel eyes, which I could get lost in.

I don't know what happened, but all I know is that we kissed. Let me just tell you he can kiss too, making my senses go haywire. We lay down in front of the fireplace, kissing for a while. Jackson and I both stopped, my heart was beating fast. What is he thinking of me right now?

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