
Luna Ivy Rose

My mate is Jackson Thorne of the Black Moon Pack. He has gorgeous blue eyes, brown hair stands about 6'6" tall, and has a tattoo of a wolf on his back. Ivy could have any mate that she wanted, but the moon goddess mated her with Jackson Thorne of the Black Moon Pack. He could have chosen a mate if he wanted, but she his. However, the Blood Moon Pack wants to go to war with the Black Moon Pack and then tragedy strikes. Alpha Thorne must find a way to cure his precious mate. Join Alpha Jackson Thorn and Ivy Rose on their journey to becoming the most powerful Alpha and Luna.

Mara_5559 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Blood Moon Pack

Ivy and her parents finally make their way to the door. They see me and stop in their tracks to say goodnight, but before they do I congratulate them on Ivy's beautiful wolf. For some reason though Blake is going around in my head pacing back and forth. Blake, I say, I'm trying to say goodnight to Ivy's parents. All he keeps saying is that she is one that we need.


I'm the young Alpha Elijah Cane and the heir to the Blood Moon Pack. My mother's name is Elizabeth Lewis and my father's name is Emmanuel Cane. They will both be retiring soon so I can take over the pack, just as soon as I find my mate. What if I don't want to find my mate though I tell them? I know that having a mate makes you stronger as an Alpha. Couldn't I be strong without a destined mate? Nope, my parents say, your mate is the backbone of who you are. She will support you in many directions possible. She'll even call you out when you're acting foolish.

It's no wonder that my father caters to my mother's every whim. She supports him but also doesn't put up with the childish things he does. That is exactly what I want in my mate someone to call me out for acting stupid.

The reason we are called the Blood Moon Pack is we don't take any gruff from anyone, even if it is our pack members. If you betray us, we will come for your blood. Hence, the name The Blood Moon Pack. We have been in many wars with other packs that wanted to take us down. There is one pack nevertheless that never tried to fight us. It makes me think that they are biding their time waiting for us to do something first.

Right now, their focus is to occupy the land that sits between our territories, and we want to occupy that land as well.

The Black Moon Pack has been trying to get this land for a while now. Then we heard about it and now we want it too. They weren't too thrilled when they noticed our men surveying the land. We found out that they wanted this land to expand their territory. What they didn't know is we had the same idea too. This is the reason for meetings once the Black Moon Pack found out what we were doing.

Jackson Sr - You just can't have all the land to yourself, Emmanuel

Emmanuel - Why can't I? Who says you need it? My pack is just as big as yours

Jackson Sr. - Wrong my pack is bigger than yours, therefore, we need the land. We have more pack members that have joined us

Emmanuel - What about us? Don't you think that we don't have more pack members that have joined The Blood Mon pack as well

Everyone, please calm down we just need to find a way to solve this problem. We're not going to solve it by fighting one of the elders said, of The Black Moon Pack. Do we need to go to eat over a piece of land? I'm sure there are other things that we can discuss and worry about who is going to occupy the land later, I said.

All the men in the room looked at me and laughed. You know the young Alpha Cane here has a point. There is no need to get hasty when we have other fish to fry. The men in the room couldn't agree more. Now how do we stop the rogues from coming onto either of our territories?

That is a good question Alpha Thorne said, we have had so many it has been hard to keep up with how many our pack has killed. The same goes for us said, Alpha Emmanuel. We need to find a solution to this rogue problem. What solution is there when there are more of them to come? Maybe we can find somewhere for them to go, instead of just killing them all the time I said. The men in the room thought about it and they agreed that the rogues needed somewhere to go, it was too much bloodshed to nave on their hands by killing them.

Well, until we can figure something out, the meeting is adjourned. We will reconvene in the future about the negotiation of the land between both territories. We all got up and left things the way they were. We went back to our territory while the Black Moon pack went to theirs. We will find a way to get that land s our pack can expand more said my dad. We will not be privy to letting the Black Moon pack have it. Dad, how are you going to do that when they are the ones who went to the council First to take ownership of the land? I'm not called Emmanuel Cane for nothing Elijah. I will have that land no matter the cost. Even if we must go to war with the Black Moon Pack.

I'm curious to know how why they never tried to attack us. That is because they fear us, Elijah. No, I don't think that is it, Dad. Then what do you suppose it is? I think it is because they don't see us as being worth a pack to fight. They have been undefeated in pack wars too, just as we have. Are you saying that we both will lose if it comes to a war over some land? That is exactly what I am saying, I said. You and Alpha Jackson Thorne Senior are both strong and bullheaded. Where did you learn that from, he asks me. I got it from Mom and also from observing you as to how you act as an Alpha.,

We make it back home and my mom asks how the meeting went. Let me put it to you this way, no success the minute we started about the land Dad and Alpha Thorne started going at each other. That topic had to be put on the back burner. However, we did discuss finding a solution for our rogue problem. Did you guys produce one? Fortunately, we did not produce one, so we will reconvene later.

Emmanuel, see I told you that you shouldn't have tried to get involved by taking the land from the Black Moon Pack. If I would have known about what they were going to do, I would have gone to the council First. Yes, I know that said my mom, but they were the ones who got to the council first and now you want to take it away. Well, they aren't the only ones who want to expand their territory Elizabeth.

Yes, I know that Emmanuel, but they went to the elder council first about the land. Now you have to try and take that away from them. Isn't it bad enough that today is the first anniversary of Alpha Jackson Thorne Sr.'s mate's death? You want to go to war over some stupid land that neither pack may get.

It is said from history that land has magical powers. That could be why Black Moon Pack wants it. They knew that it may possess magical powers. We have to get a hold of that land before they do. It is not going to be easy since they have already gone to the council first for that land.

Well then we will just have to convince the council to give it to us instead of them. How do you suppose we do that? Easy we bribe the council members with young women.