
Chapter 6 - Perperations

[Glazing, red crimson eyes glare into an eternal abyss of pure flames and black shadows. Rampant, chaotic and without order, Envy finds herself at the apex of this new world as the flames suddenly circle in unison. The soul core, that which has taken root in her soul as it had successfully merged with the Envy's soul, gifted by the Goddess Nevira.]

"Gah -- Agh-... That hurt like a thousand needles pulled along underneath my skin. Whatever, now that I've mastered this thing... I have to get back! "

[Powerful waves of flames surround Envy as she meditates to escape her soul core. Abruptly, Envy awakes in her real body as she spews pitch black blood onto the concrete floor. Wiping her mouth, Envy stands, frnling and still shaken as her body now feels the consciousness of all things around her.]

"Luna -- huh? "

[Staring at a stone trail along the stone platform, Envy follows the bizzare footsteps that seemed to carry worth them a weight more great than the world itself. Along the trail, Envy brushes past a few trees and emerges near a raising cliffside leading into a great divide in the forest.]

"Could that be Luna? Why is she just standing there. "

[Standing, bare and lifeless, Keily was engulfed in the beauty of the world as her consciousness was spread through the world and distant space limited just beyond the world of Yurin.]

"Hm. "

[Cracking a delightful smile, Keily not only felt Envy's peering eyes, but also visioned a vidid picture of Envy's face. Gaping her mouth at the sight of Envy's new black-red crimson colored eyes, Keily twirled innocently as she sponsored faced in Envy's direction.]

"Got'cha. "

[Confused as to what the soul on Luna's body had meant, Envy's eyes soon raced across the vacant space where Keily had just been. Not even in the blink of an eye, Envy stood out and rushed over to the cliff. Looking all around, Envy peered down into the deep, dark abyss as Keily peered right along beside her.]

"Did you find something interesting? "

"Huh!? "

[Caught in surprise, Envy twirled quickly, loosing her balance and falling backwards as the edge of the cliff gave way under her new found strength. Abruptly rushing to grab Envy's hand, Keily underestimated her own intense powers and in a split second, a hairline touch soon resulted in Keily falling backwards, causing great devistatipn to a part of the Trost forest in the blink of an eye.]

"Eh-what is happening!? "

[The thunderous shock qualed throughout the land. Envy soon recovered after being thrown into the air by the violent torrent of wind pressure. Grappling in mud air amid the stone rocks, Envy soon recovered and used a large stone as a foothold as she launched back in Keily's direction.]

"H-h-huh... D-Did I do that?! I did that!? What the heck!? Am I... "

[Sloddong across the untouched grass behind Keily, Envy soon rushed behind Luna's body and instantly mustered a folly of red flames in her hand. Quickly soon, a single precise stroke to the back of the head, caused Keily to loose consciousness as Envy collapsed soon afterwards after exhausting nearly a third of her strength.]


[Much later, Envy awoke to find herself in a familiar tent. Sitting up abruptly, Envy grabbed her stomach as she noticed a row of washed bandages across her waist and back.]

"Big Sister -- "

"Sister Kiff, what happened? How is everyone -- did anyone get hurt during the quake?! "

"Easy, easy, big sister, fortunately, King Iviet's men protected us by covering the village in a protective magic barrier. Had it been any diffrent, we would not need here talking as we are. "

"Ugh... That's a releif... Luna -- Where's the Chief!? "

"Calm yourself... King Iviet had also taken care of Elder Sister Luna. Currently, she is been put to sleep under a Dragon pill than King Iviet had brought with him. "

"What!? That idiot touched her again! "

"Big sister Envy, your hurting me. "

[In her fit of anger, Envy rushed outside and stopped as all her anger was released after seeing the devistation of the surrounding forest. Left as a scorched path on the land, Envy twirled her eyes to the sky and watched the glistening magic barrier shining effortlessly. Turning around, Envy gulped as a single long path of green grass and half torn trees remained behind the barriers shadow.]

"Sister Luna -- did this? "

"So my suspicions were right -- my beloved was the cause for this level of destruction. "

[Turning her gaze, King Iviet stood with a group of five of his men standing firmly behind him. Locking his eyes with the peering sunlight shining across the barren landscape, Envy lifted her head as she had something to say.]

"K-... King Iviet -- Won't you allow a moment of your time... In private. "

[Stunned by Envy's change in attitude, Iviet agreed and the two walked into a tent, away from preying eyes.]

"I see... This -- Goddess, you mention. Did she truly tell you that many will come for her? "

"Aye... I owe my life to Sister Luna. Goddess told me she is still inside her own body, but thather soul energy isuch top weak to wake. "

"And on the other hand -- this, mysterious soul that has inhabitedy beloved's body, can't anything be done to remove her usingagic without harming Luna? "

"NN... Goddess said that the two have, bonded eternally. Forcing a separation ritual will without a doubt, destroy Sister Luna's soul forever. And that, I simply will not let happen. "

"I see... Though I conquered the Eastern, Western, and Souther reigns of Yurin, the Northern Reigon still exists as a lawless place. Purposely by design, I conquered this world motion long after five years... What's to say -- there are more worlds out there that I simply must have at the palm of my hands. This is the best news I have ever revived in all my fourteen years of life. "

[Shocked, Envy was deeply puzzled by how young the Emperor who conquered the world of Yurin actually was. In fact, it turned out that Iviet was younger than Luna by two years.]


[Abruptly transforming before Envy, Iviet met her eye at the same height as the two were in the same age.]

"I learned the Immortal Mirror technique when I reached five years old. Mother and Father were in fact, much older than most believe. Thus, I have hiden my age despite my appearance. All in a slillful tactic to confuse my enemies. "

[Envy stood frozen as the two locked eyes for several seconds in silence. An unspeakable conversation was taking place as two simotanious thuds echoed in place for the other to hear agaosnt their will.]

"Emperor --"

[Quickly breaking away, a loyal guard entered the tent in a panic.]

"What happened!? Is it my beloved?! "

"No, your Majesty! Its-... Please, come see for yourself. "

"Right! "

[Leaving the tent, Iviet and Envy set foot outside to stop and be completely shocked by what they were seeing. Three massive spirit animals hovered all around the village barrier. Roaring, growling, landing and taping each step as if a calamity would be taking place at any moment. Envy could only raise her head in awe at the majestic creatures as she muttered her words subconsciously.]

"What... The... F-"
