
Chapter 3 - The Truth

"King Iviet'... What is your business here. "

[A coldzdead glare stood fixed over Iviet's face as he soon dropped down from his horse and approached Envy and Keily]

"Why is it -- that upon my giving my aid, did I find I was poisoned by an uknown disease soon after my beloved left me. I see... So she was ill afterall. "

"What buissness is that of you. Your kingdom and the Trost forest are in accord with the peace treaty. "

"Hah! You are smart. I hardly come across women as smart as you and my capable as my beloved. Yet, if I had to guess... That is not my beloved you are carrying on your back now... Is it? "

[A cold silence engulfed between the two. Iviet', ever steady and calm. And Envy, roaring for a fight, restless and ready to pounce.]

"Whatever has happened, I have brought a dozens experienced physicians from the six plains in my Kingdom. Your precious, Trost. forest is neutral ground yet, I have limited knowledge yet, knowledge nonetheless over the infighting between the seven Clans scattered in and outside my kingdom. "

"You-... How do you know about the great clans! Outsiders are immediately executed for mentioning any information on any clan! That is an unspoken rule between all our Clan heads! How do you know! Answer! "

[A subtle smile formed on Iviet's face, soon after, he raised his hand and behna sending out his doctors to tend the remaining clan members and villagers]

"We have nothing to give you even if you heal us... And as of now, I take reign over the clan, must word is final on all matters, political or otherwise. "

""Political"?! Huh, seems I have underestimated the women of the Luminous Clan to be well versed in modern policy. "

"Huh, we already know what a pain-in-the-ass you, King Iviet has been these past five years can be. "


[Rising her head slightly and under a stainless steel spear, Envy held her ground despite the price of offending Iviet.]

"Either help us or get out. I have more important matters to attention to. "

[Walking forward, Envy charged past the guards as Iviet ordered his men to stand back. All the while, Envy moved Luna's body along with it's host to a sacred clearing in the Trost forest. King Iviet' and several of his kennel followed behind Envy as she carried Luna's weight without complaint.]

"Stop here... Go any further and you will die. See up there if you think I spout lies. "

[Being the first to turn his gaze upward, Iviet was shocked by the sight of corpses from various creatures and animals that have been caught in an intercate system of spider webs.]

"Why can you continue and we can't? "

"Because, only women from the Luminous can enter after surviving the Twelve deadly poisons test at an early age. Truth be told, King Iviet. I do dare hope. You are foolish enough to enter and test your luck. "

"You wicked wrench! How dare you speak that way to His Highness! "

"Enough! Very well, since we cannot enter -- I shall be waiting in the village. Should you not return what belongs to me, I shall take my physicians and go. You decide, Luminous General. "

[Turning around, Iviet soon left with a saddened yet, calm expression. Envy continued on the dark and flourishing path.]


[Stepping onto a stone platform, Envy placed Luna's body onto the ground and stepped back a few feet. Taking out a hidden dagger from her sleeve, she then cut her hand and calmly pet the blood drip onto the ground. Then, Envy sat down in a meditative position as she closed her eyes and concentrated]

("Goddess Queen Nevira -- I seek your Council")

[Forming in a dark cloud above the Trost Forest, the skies churned as violent winds swept across the forest. Darkness began to reign as limited light remained. Hundreds of thousands of mystical creatures scurried and hid as the leaves on the millions of unique trees became encased in frost.]

"Oh.. What a cutie. "

[Opening her eyes in the form of her spirit, Envy's soul had passed onto an alternate plain as her real body continued to rest behind her. Turning to the touch of an ice-cold set of boney fingers, Envy gulped as her head was raised and her neck exposed.]

"Goddess Nevira... Great Queen Of Frost, I have come seeking Council. "

[Unable to meet Nevira's face, delicate and ever flowing strands of white hair flew elegantly in the air below Envy's gaze]

"Hoh? Who is this -- how peculiar! There is a soul bound... No-... There are two souls that have merged into one. My, my. In all my life of three thousand years, never have I encountered such an extraordinary sight. "

"My Goddess, d-do... You mean, Sister Luna is still in her body? "

"Yes. However... Her soul's energy, is fairly faint. If not for the unknown guest, your Luna's flame of life would have all but been extinguished. Whoever it is, I sense a deep and strong flame eminating from the core as a soul. I suspect it rivals just below where my flame's radiance is. "

"You mean... The soul that has taken Residence in Sister Lina is -- is keeping her alive? "

"Indeed. Whoever the soul belongs to, I forsee a great shift in power these coming years. "

"What do you mean, Goddess? "

"Well, the surge of soul energy from when the moment it took refuge into your sisters body, a powerful, almsot God-like eruption sent the world's flame energy a flutter. Meaning, this world's flame, along with many other worlds in the universe have already felt the boundless flame of that soul. "

"Wait, hold on. "Other worlds? Isn't Yurin the only world in the universe? "

"Oh, my dear. You are but a spec of dust in the scheme of reality. There are thousands upon thousands of worlds beyond your Yurin's skies... For instance, I belong to a world known as Hetha. It is a realm inhabited entirely by celestial cultivators like myself. "

"Amazing... A thousand thanks for Goddess Nevira! "

"Oh, stop it dear. I visit only because I am filled with boredom. In any case, you will need to grow exponentionly stronger. For many will come and try to take such a delicacy of a soul engery for themselves... Here -- I shall gift you a Soul Cultivator's core. It is no small gift, however, I have taken a liking to you mortals. You should be able to cure my boredom, in which case, I can also get a little revenge on my family in the process. This will allow you to grow alongside with the soul inhabiting your sisters body. "

"What-Argh!! "

"Oh, yes. It will be excuriating. I forgot how feeble mortals flesh-and-bone bodies are. However, this is for the best and change you into a first level, immortal. Three of my brothers have already awoken from their thousand of years cultivation. They are levels stronger than me. However, they will grow weak after fighting amongst themselves for the soul. Good luck cute, little Chief. I do hope you survive the merging process. "

[Having dissapeared from the area, Envy w finally allowed to move and dropped to her knees as she was stuck experiencing agonizing pain for the next three days and nights.]
