
Chapter 44: Return to Savalet Peak

“I want to be alone, please,” I whispered. I didn't need to look up from Valen’s hand to know Meredith and Lucas were staring at me. I could feel it.

Heavy with sadness and pity.

Like it was already decided.

Like they’d already given up.

It was starting to piss me off.

“You should get some rest,” came Meredith’s response.

I gritted my teeth against the angry retort brewing on my tongue and nodded silently.

“Come on, Lucas.” I heard Meredith say and there was a pause before Lucas answered.

“I’ll be outside,” he said warningly.

Good. I’d need him close by in any case.

“Meredith?” I called without looking up. “My wound still hurts.”

It wasn’t entirely untrue. I could still feel a throbbing sort of ache, but it wasn’t unbearable.

“Do you want me to take another look at it?” Meredith asked, worry clear in her voice.

I felt no guilt deceiving her. I’d save all that for later. If I had time.

“No. Just some more medicine, if you can,” I answered.