
Chapter Six

[P.O.V. Adriana Braxton]

My head is pounding so hard it feels like someone took a hammer to it. Fluttering my eyes open with my eyes looking around. 'This isn't Zyston and my bedroom.'

"It's a guest room that's down from our bedroom," Zyston says in a rough and sleepy voice.

Turning around quickly, lying on my left side. He was lying there right in front of me. I couldn't believe it a few hours ago; he didn't seem real. Now he is laying here with me almost completely naked.

"It wasn't hours; it was more like days." He says. My mouth dropped wide open.

"D, Da.. da.. day's?" I stutter out. Zyston nods his head, yes.

"You had me scared there, Little Light." 'Him scared? This Warrior and Future Alpha King was scared?'

"I'm so sorry.." I say quietly, looking down towards the bottom of the bed. Zyston shifts his body, making the bed move. Using his fingers and placing them under my chin to make me look up at him. 'Damn, I have really missed those beautiful emerald green eyes.'

"Why are you apologizing? It wasn't your fault. There no reason for you to apologize. Stryker, Travis, and I are just glad that You and Raina are alright." Zyston says lovingly.

"Not my fault?... But it was my fault! If Raina and I weren't coming into our powers! We wouldn't of Astro projected to some strange apartment! And would have never ended up cursed to be in our own head.." I start to ramble off Zyston grabs the back of my head and slams his lips to mine. Shutting my mouth up and forgetting what I was saying, my lips join his. Pulling our lips away from one another, leaving us both breathless.

"Your rambling is still super cute." He says with a small smile.

"I wasn't even done speaking.." Feeling a little dazed.

"We have a lot of time to talk about things. For now, you're going to take a shower and get some clean clothes on. Then we have to go get some new furniture for our bedroom."

"What happened to the furniture?" Asking a little confusedly, his small smile disappears. Placing a kiss on my head, he gets off the bed and gets dressed, and leaves the room. 'What happened to our bedroom?'

[P.O.V. Alexander Parr]

After that night, the Dark King caught Zyston Mate sneaking around in the apartment. He placed a curse on her using my spirit inside of her body. I have to admit it was fun torturing her and pretending I was Robert Lang. Also pretending to be the Dark King himself in Adriana wolf, Raina memory.

It took my little brother a week to figure it out. The moment he saw I possessed her body, his face was priceless. It was even more enjoyable when I was able to toss his body around like a rag doll. All because he didn't want to hurt his precious Luna body. It was a pleasant way to get some of my revenge on him. After all, I did promise I would come after his Luna. When I was about to kill her in her own memory, somehow, she defeated me.

Now I think I understand why my Dark King wants her as his Dark Queen. That power she holds is mighty. She might even be stronger than me. If that is the case, then the Dark King and I have a huge problem.

Many years ago, the first day, I went to see Evanora for more powers to help my people before they were slaughter. She introduced me to the Dark King that when we struck a deal. That day is when I became the Dark Prince.

Dark King told me that he was going to make me the most powerful man. To protect my people and to take my revenge. Also, carry out the previous Witch Hunter leader plan to wipe out the supernatural. There was a cost to have this power to serve him and help him get his revenge on the Moon Goddess herself. By getting his revenge, he needs a new flesh and bone body. He could have anybody he wants, but he has chosen the Moon Goddess reborn King's body.

Walking into the old abandon warehouse. Where Evanora and I have been building our dead army, we have given them a little upgrade. They look more rabid, and they don't die as easy. It, not just dead werewolves, we rise. We have been rising witches, warlock's, dwarves, elves, and vampires. The outcast of all the Kingdom's live in this abandoned town, Rock Well. Keeping a low profile until the time for battle. The huge battle will happen once the purple moon rises. By that night, my Dark King will have his new body.

Standing behind Evanora in the distance, watching her make more of our dead army. A dead body rests on an old table while Evanora stuffs it. With ingredients to bring the body back to life.

"How can I help you, my Dark Prince?" She says sweetly. Walking out of the shadows, she turns around. Blood, herbs, and different spices were all over hands to her elbows.

"I have come back from that curse which I was placed in. This future Luna Queen is stronger than what we expected." Telling her seriously.

"Well, that doesn't surprise me. After all, the old stories do say; she got her powers from the Moon Goddess herself." She says playfully. Grabbing her arms forcefully and roughly holding them both in front of me.

"This isn't funny, Witch!" Yelling at her.

"I never said it was funny, my Prince. Was stating some fact that is all." Using her fingers tips to draw soothing circles on the side of my neck, my grip loosens a little. "Tell me, my Dark Prince, do I sense fear? Are you scared of your Brother and his Whore?"

My brother and his Mate are fully mated. Once her powers come in, he will be 10x stronger than he already is. 'Am I scared?' For the first time over a few hundred years. I would have to say "yes." I cannot let anyone see that though, after all, I am the Dark Prince. Everyone fears me! Not me fearing them.

"Of course not! What kind of question is that?" Denying very rudely.

"Then, don't worry about them." Letting go of her arms, she grabs the back of my head. Getting a good grip on my hair and pulls me down to her. Kissing me with our tongues tangling with each other. Pulling our lips away from one another, both of us panting.

"You really are a Little Vixen Witch."

"I know, and damn proud of it." Lustful growl rumbles in my chest.

Picking her up and pushing the dead body off the table, then laying her down on it. Fucking her on the bloody table listening to her scream high pitch screams with my name every one of those screams.

[P.O.V. Tobias Woods]

Looking into the water looking glass watching my Twins. Also, watching my son Alexander become eviler every day. He wouldn't have been on the dark side of this war if only I would have taken him in the day. The day his mother brought him to me. Instead, I was too prideful to accept him.

"What are you thinking about?" Woman's voices ask.

Looking up, the Moon Goddess was standing across from me.

"Thing's I wish I could fix." Telling her honestly.

"I see" She looks down into the water.

"My Lady, what happened with Adriana? Is that what you were planning?" She looks up at me and gives me a small, sad smile.

"No, what have planned involves your younger Son."

"My Son?" Feeling a little confused. "What do you plan on doing with my Son?"

"There is one more lesson I need to teach him before he can become King. While he learns this lesson, my Queen will be learning a few lessons herself."

"I see.., My Lady, may I ask when doing these lessons start?" I couldn't help but feel worried it was a parent's kind of worry. I trust my Moon Goddess completely. It's just some of the lessons she teaches can be harsh.

"Here, very soon." Looking back into the water watching my Son. Mother Moon walks up to me and places her hand on my cheek, motherly like. Turning my face to look at hers. "Don't worry, Tobias, Zyston, a powerful hybrid. He will pass the lesson that needs to be learned."

"I know, it hard not to worry about him sometimes."

"I understand." Removing her hand from cheek, she walks away from the fountain that holds the water looking glass. Taking one good glance at my Son. Before following her into the clouds that surround this godly forest.

*Chapter Six is done! Thank you for reading my book so far! Really appreciate it. Please leave comments and likes. Update Soon!*

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