
The Introduction

[Luna's POV]


Third and lastly, you're in the Universe 999. I came from Universe 101. So they won't get in touch with you long enough until you stabilize your Power Level, and if you're lucky enough it will double that time. So, you have a very plenty of time. You're a citizen of this Universe 999.

How come I got here? Before my shattered Soul Bead reduced to nothingness, it was already shattered long ago, started from my very first life. I can only compressed it by the cost of some Emotions and Wills. Until now, every person that I encountered knows me was all about acting. The moment you lost the Emotion, and I'm talking about the Real Emotion - like compassion, love, kind, anger, sadness, etc., you can't never have them back. Reincarnation can only be the way but it was like a game. So fucking low in regeneration. I might reincarnate in 200th time but I will get back only at most 10% of the full function of that said Emotion or Will, at most!

Who in the fucking Universe have a gal to be killed thousandth times or more if not? Yeah? Easy? I told you, the moment you step into the Universal Power Levels, it's bound to have enemies and ready to hunt you down the moment you reincarnate. Plus if you have intact Soul Bead, it's really no joke to be watched by them. As if in their eyes you're a mere meat that they cultivated to be delicious for the moment they harvest your life.

Thankfully they don't have a way to enter Soulscape to check the Soul Bead of others. How they knew then? Patterns, don't underestimate the power behind and inside the Universe. For many years they lived, they already studied how to know whose person got a 'Intact Soul Bead'. But they only thought that it will be always 'Intact'. Hahaha! Fucking idiots!

Since they don't know how to check Soul Bead personally. My Soul Bead that supposed to be Intact is already a Shattered One disguising a Intact Soul Bead. Every small pieces are still a part of Soul Bead and it can be used to send some Talent, Potential and Gifts to other person and I only know about it. Why? They taking care of their Soul Beads that they got as precious as their life. So, they don't dare to experiment with it. They're watching me every time I reincarnated as why I'm always stronger than my other successful past lives, that recorded with my failed ones. Fucking stalkers!

Until now, they can't hold on their temptation to kill and get my Soul Bead anymore. So, for not to be doubtful of me that I might be still alive, and make a search move wider than the Universe 101. I don't dare to use those small pieces to reincarnate again. I reached this life of mine for 528th time and with my 264th shattered piece of my Soul Bead. I made my shattered pieces heavier and denser than the recorded Soul Beads to lure them away to another path once they checked it after I 'died'.

All they know that once a Shattered Soul Bead will be useless anymore. They told me once this and all they got that those shattered pieces are good as shattered glass, they experimented those pieces but nothing came out from it. But they didn't know that the Shard got out from the Soulscape before the owner dies is still functional. Ahahaha.

Ohh! Sorry! Sorry! I lost to my story telling. But you now get the gist of it?

Let's get back to the third point. You're in the Universe 999 and it's in a middle bit range area of the Counted Known Universes. The latest Known Universe was Universe 1793.

Why I'm here because of my Last and Latest shattered piece of Soul Bead. This wasn't detected or maybe detected but ignored later because It! Is! A! Shattered Piece! So, that's why you might feel a bit strange why my memories is a Lot! LOT!

And because of this shard why you remembered you're past life as General Luna. It bypass the restrictions of the Universe Barriers and deleted the function of the Soup of Forgetfulness of Aunt Meng Po from the Land of the Dead, the so called After Life, the mirrored World of the Livings and the World between Heaven and Hell.

Normally, Universe Barriers can't be broken even you have the power of those fuckers above, but because of the only one favor I got from Aunt Meng Po that I achieved this. And why you, you might ask? Well, it was a whim of me or maybe because I idolized you and saw you live a short life and with that kind of betrayal?

I'm sorry if you saw me with my selfishness but I'm not sorry for what I did. Since I have a ability to do like this. For all I remember in my very first life, you're the one I admire the most not in a romance way bro! But! As a compatriot of my country, not for the government, but for the country itself. All I can say about you is, Awesome!

And the last point of this third is... In my Memory Orbs, there's two Green Orbs that consists of your Starter Packs. They are the Novels of this World, where you are currently born in and the other World, where you can go as you like and it can help you later until you died, but only after you reached your 16th birth day you can enter there.

Now, I can leave this video for less than 10 minutes before it ends. So, it can give you more time to remember the crucial points to make some mental notes about them. So, this will be my last will if you will. Ahaha. Bye, Sir Antonio Luna...

Oh! By the way, if you decided to help someone that you seems to be trusted, the abilities that I gave can be given to them too. But you can put restrictions to it. Good day and Good bye, Sir!.




He saw Sherwin stand up from his seat and salutes and walked away to face his death, alone. He saw some of his last emotions in his eyes with his last bitter and wryly smile.

He, General Antonio Luna, salutes mentally too. 'There's no 'Bye', only 'See you soon' brother, with this kind of powers in every corner of the Universe. There might be a way to meet you or maybe revive you. The real you, that facing his back on this recorder, not one of your time bodies.'

'Don't worry, I might be angry in the first place for why I reincarnated but now... That I think about it, there's really no way to remember my past life with out your interference. So I'm thankful for giving me this chance to remember my past life, or maybe as Antonio Luna to reincarnate and live again into the future.'

Before the video ends. He got the important information from Sherwin and made a mental notes. Being once a General, and a bit successful in a field of Arts and Science this is a piece of cake for him.

'I guess... I choose to activate the System but to make my life only a easier a bit. Damn! Portable Warehouse!? If I got this one when I was in the war, those Americans can't make a single step in our land before they became corpse first! Haaayst! Tsk! Well, whatever. I'm not there anymore, so... Next! Sherwin said I need to see the Memory Orbs... But why the fuck they are in the Soulscape!? Dammit! This is making me cry! I don't know about meditation and shits to enter Mindscape, less the Soulscape! How am I supposed to do that!? All I know are Arts, Chemistry and things about Wars! And first of all! I was so fucking busy that there's no such shit it my dictionaries! Do you expect me to meditate in the middle of the fucking war!? Then what's the use of my title as Fiery General if I can meditate!? You teasing me! And Fuck you brother!'

He cursed and complained angrily in his thoughts while some tears of helplessness dripping.

"Waaaah! Waaah! Wah! WAAAAAHHH!!!" And cried to his hearts content.


In the middle of the night, inside of Luxurious House of Ling.

The cries of the baby woke up every one and shook the ones who're awake.

Lan Loufeng woke up so suddenly while hugging her precious daughter, Ling Lan, in her sleep.

Without further ado, she scoop up Ling Lan from the bed and ran down towards the room of her one and only son.

"Oh! Please God no! Please, don't tell me there's something wrong with Ling Fei. Lan Lan's Sleep is shorter than Fei Fei, but she almost starve to death that time. So, please gave mercy on him!" Lan Loufeng mumbles while crying and running downstairs.

Ling Lan that has been wake up from the sudden move of her mom and heard her mumbles. She was worried too as she remembered what happened in the Assessment Day of her and her twin brother.


She almost exposed her secret if Little Four didn't covered for her that time. But she was shocked when Little Four told her that her twin brother got much more stronger soul than her! And there's nothing to cover up Ling Fei's.

Assessment Data:

Physical Fitness: [SSS] Rank! - bzzt, bzzt - [XX] Rank!

Spiritual Power: Tier - 7! - bzzt, bzzt - Tier - 9!

Potential: [X] Rank - bzzt, bzzt - [XXX] Rank!

Assessment Overview: Over bearing! Not enough data to be recommend - bzzt, bzzt - Over Power! Fuck this shit, I'm out!


Every people inside of the room took a great shock, the moment the elliptical equipment touch the skin of Ling Fei it went whistle a warning for all corners of the room.

And as if the God is not yet done with his prank. They saw the assessment results changed drastically too much for their horror and the elliptical equipment went explode.

This little explosion wake up Lan Loufeng and check out Ling Fei for injuries. But for the third prank, there's nothing visible to see even if it's a very little wound, there's nothing but a fair pale skin of her son's wrist perfectly like what it used to be, that the only thing lack is the reflection to see yourself from Ling Fei's wirst.


Ling Lan's Soul's Strength tortured and killed her in her past live. That means her twin brother will face that painful thing and much more stronger too.

'No!!! Why this thing is always haunting me!? This time I got Little Four to stop and prevent it, but what about my brother!? Shit! If it's stronger than me, then he will... much more earlier...' She thought and stopped at sudden realization. 'Can you do something about him!? I don't want to see some people that close to me to die at the same reason of my death in my past life! And add for the fact that baby boy on that bed for one month is My! Twin! Brother!!!' She hysterically shouted in her mind to Little Four and subconsciously hug the neck of Lan Loufeng tightly with her tears dripping to her cheeks onto the shoulder of Lan Loufeng.

That has been felt by her mother. "Shh, don't worry, sweetheart." She said while caressing the back of Ling Lan to comfort her. As for her, trying not to show her worries to her daughter as they reached the door of Ling Fei's room.


[AN: For checking.]