

LILIANA POINT OF VIEW There is something about this day, something I cannot pinpoint my hand on it exactly, but I can smell it in the air. The absurdity of the thought makes me laugh. “Hello, Good morning, welcome, what would you like to get?” I say to the man who walks in. “Some flowers and books for my sister.” He says, and I beam. “How sweet and perfect. What type of novels does she read?” “Those disgusting romance, she has a whole lot of it at home.” “Well, make your choice.” I say, and lead him to where the Romance collections are, the sweet types, and all, while Tems plays in the background. “I should get some extra flowers.” He murmurs to himself, and I smile. He gets ten books, with six flowers, and leaves a huge tip. “Have a beautiful day.” I say, and he smiles, walking away, there was something off about him, like he is not from here. __ I sit in the amongst the crowd, trying to locate my Mother somewhere, but there’s so much people. The Alpha called an emergency meeting, so we are all here, trying to pay attention. “Order.” He commands and the noise dies down, and the chairs are arranged, no longer close to each other. “We have some announcement and new development.” He says, then gestures to Collin. I smile widely at his beautiful face. “Good morning, amazing people of Golden Claw Pack. We have some announcement to ma – .” He stops, chokes, and my eyes widen. What is going on? He grunts, and as though drawn I fall forwards, so does her, until we are standing before each other, breathing the same air. It is happening. “Mate.” I grunt out, and his eyes widen, but he shakes his head making me frown. He pushes back, and shakes his body, making me frown, what is he doing, he doesn’t say the word, instead, he fights the bound. “I, Collins Backwood, rejects you Lilliana Sand – Steel.” Pin drop silence. He doesn’t even know my last name. I finally got mated, to Collins, and he rejected me, in front of everyone, how perfect. I take a step back, the urge to run filling me, but I know that will only make me a coward, so I walk with my head up high. I get into my Car, and I drive, I don’t stop driving, until I have left the Pack, until I see a Bar. I turn off the car, and for a minute, I let myself to cry, because the humiliation, the pain. When you get rejected by your mate, there’s a sharp pain that runs through you, like a thin thread been torn from your soul, like you are being torn into pieces. __ I walk into the bar, and order my first drink in years. “Here.” The bartender places it down and I smile. I glance around the bar, appreciating its décor and the people in here, they are all happy, but I know for a fact that no one is happy all the time, we all get something that bothers us, makes us sad, and as much as I want to say there are using this as a means as distraction, it is not just that. “Hi.” I hear, and turn my gaze to the man beside me. I stare at him, he is dressed in a grey top, and black trousers. “Hi.” I smile, looking at his blue eyes. “I’m Christian.” He says, and I smile. “Lily.” I say, then take a sip of my drink. “Wana get out of here, Lily? I have a hotel room down the street.” He says, and I choke on my drink. Fuck. “Shit, I am sorry, Lily.” He says, rubbing his hands down my back, causing goosebumps. “You’re direct.” I say, and he grins, so beautiful. “Is that a Yes?” He says, and I look at him, biting my lips. I have waiting years for a Mate, only to get one that rejects me, he seems to be in pain at the thought of us been together. For one night, my action has no consequences, I can do what I like. “Only if I know what you taste like.” I say, and his eyes widen, filling me with delight. He grips my chin, and runs his tongue over my bottom lips, then kisses me so sweetly, when he pulls away, I whimper in need. “Come on.” He says, dropping the money for my drink. The Hotel room is grand, fancy, but I am not here to admire it, maybe in the morning. “You can change your mind, the door is right there, Lily.” He says, and I smile. “Don’t give me that beautiful smile, Pretty Girl, tell me what you want.” I beam “I was hoping you could tell me.” He locks the door, sits on the bed, and I am grateful for that, I don’t want someone barging in on us. “Come, sit.” He taps his thigh, and I oblige. “Good girl.” I shiver in anticipation, as he helps me straddle him, he grips my ass, and tugs me forward, grinding me on him. Oh fuck. Suddenly, we are throwing our heads backwards, as a surge goes through us that partially has to do with our bodies, but more with our mate bond. I have always heard of a second chance mate; I just didn’t think I’ll have one. “Fuck.” He groans, biting my lower lips, making me whimper. He kisses me thoroughly, while shifting me over his length, making me a trembling mess. He pulls away, and practically tears my shirt off me, before feasting over my breast, his other hand tugging my skirt off me, my pant follows quickly, until I am standing naked before him. I don’t like that, so I even the odds, and pull his shirt off him, then run my hand over his belt buckle, before I pull it away, making sure my finger grazes his length. “Lily.” He grunts in warning, but I am lost in heat. He is tall, and I am short. He towers over me, I bite my lips and wait.